Please help, any of you psychiatrists out there, real or amateur, I've got a problem with my mum. This problem started in 2004 she seems to have developed an obsession/paranoia about this teenage boy in our street. She is convinced that this boy is going to damage our house in some way, and she is scared stiff. The boy hasn't really done anything to suggest that this is possible, he's done some puerile things like throw eggs at the windows and sit on our garden wall to defy us and little things like that, but nothing threatning. As a result, my mum now refuses to sit in the Living room because the very sight of this boy walking past is enough to cause her a real problem, even although he seems to have matured a little and doesn't cause us a problem any more. She refuses point blank to discuss the matter, and I just feel like beating the living sh1t out of this boy for what he has done to my mum, I'm nearing the end of my ability to stay quiet about it, I'm ready to explode, HELP!
6 answers
asked by
Alf Garnet
Family & Relationships
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