not nearly. A book can not teach explain the things you learn in class about posture. reaction, energy channels. You have to learn this hands on through the help of a teacher. Many things you see on tv seem relatively easy. But if you really want to excercise the techniques right you need to understand all the underlying factors that are involved and no book can teach you that.
To all the ignoramusses saying you can learn tai chi from a book. Tai chi quan is not as simple as it seems. Visit a Tai chi class and try to feel how the teacher channels his energy. you'll gladly agree you can't learn something like that from a book.
2006-09-27 09:00:08
answer #1
answered by peter gunn 7
No it is a waste of time and money. There is no way that you can learn without a workout partner, and instructor to correct what you are doing. There has never been a single person that self trained themselves that was good. If there had been everyone would have heard about it. There are many video/ home study programs out there. Unfortunately they are all just a way to rip you off. I've been involved in the martial arts since 1967. Never heard of anyone self taught that was any good. If you want to learn you really need to join a good class.
2016-03-27 13:50:33
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Use a pell. You can then learn a lot of moves with a sword and get the full weight of a strike. Eventually, you'll need a training partner. This is because the pell is purely offensive. There are good sword manuals, if I may mention Tobler 'Fighting with the german longsword' and Wagner & Hand Medieval Sword and Shield to MS 1.33 Royal Armouries. Amazon has them. The longsword is easiest to learn with but 8 primary slashes, 4 thrusts and about four defences. RA1.33 is sword and buckler, and is elaborate and very very deadly. But the basics can be done alone and if some mugger with a bat attacks you and you have a brolley or walking stick, you can wipe them out. :-D
2006-09-27 08:51:02
answer #3
answered by Thx 4 All The Fish 2
Yes! Tai Chi. My husband and I (we both have martial arts experience in different styles) practice Tai Chi together at home. It is great because it is easy on the joints and it strengthens your balance and your muscles. I suggest "Tai Chi: The Natural Way to Strength and Health" by Master Lam Kam Chuen as a good step-by-step book with easy to understand diagrams. There are partner excersizes and solo excersizes in the book. Good luck and have fun!
2006-09-27 08:44:02
answer #4
answered by AKA 3
The reason for this question is because it cost so much to
train and honestly in my opinion you cannot learn on your own
because a book cannot tell you if your stance is incorrect
or your punch is too high or your kicking with the wrong part of your foot
so if you really want to train I am sure you can find a place that might trade training you for maybe cleaning the floors or something like that
just ask no harm in asking
2006-09-27 08:48:03
answer #5
answered by summer_lebowski 3
Tai chi,can be practice at home learning from a book or video tape,it would not be the same as having an instructor,but it's efective.As someone once said describing the practice of Tai Chi,500 million chinese can't be wrong
2006-09-27 08:46:59
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I go to classes but practise the movements slowly at home, so far I kicked the coffe table several times, knocked a painting off the wall and fell through a door which was a jar - who knows what I would be like if I was actually sparring some one. My humble advice go to classes and practise in the garden if you you can
2006-09-27 22:22:14
answer #7
answered by northcarrlight 6
No. To learn any martial art effectively you need a sparring partner.
2006-09-27 08:37:37
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Martial art should be taught by a qualified instructor who can show you a correct way.
By looking a dvd or pictures you can only learn the surface of what is going on.. there is much more going on that a qualified instructor will show you.
2006-09-27 08:56:48
answer #9
answered by Two Tenths Of My Two Cents 3
Bruce lee has a martial arts dvd, my husband bought the dvd, but we never even watched it, but i keep wanting to study it one day when i have time, so i can kick my husbands a** one day. I think we got it from wal-mart.
2006-09-27 08:38:40
answer #10
answered by Girlish 3