You better watch yourself! dissing someones art when you know nothing about it is idiotic and stupid and shows your accomplishments as a retarded jerk who couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag if he needed to!
Were you kidding when you asked that question?
I would love to see you fight a Ju-jitsu practitioner who knows what she is doing!
2006-09-30 03:58:51
answer #1
answered by Kikn4JC 5
I know you're trolling, but seriously... "more important than boxing"?
Most pro-boxers end up brain damaged or broke, often both. So why would someone take up, as a hobby, getting punched in the head?
Jiu Jitsu is a great sport. Wonderful exercise, constantly evolving and improving. While you can be injured doing this, at least the chances of being brain damaged (like with boxing) are minimal.
2006-09-28 12:11:41
answer #2
answered by xinxz 2
Japanese Jiu Jitsu was used by the Samurai of japan for centruies and they could not be considered "little'guys" or "sweet". Having fought both alongside and against practitioners of that style, as well as having studied under a modern day samurai who lives by the ancient codes, I can attest to the effectiveness of the art.
As for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu I haven't really ahd much experience with it to say one way or the other, although it does seem to focus more on ground fighting than anythng else.
Try going full contact against a proponent of the style and see how effective it really is.
2006-09-27 21:11:59
answer #3
answered by kveldulfgondlir 5
I agree, good flame bait.
Anyway, If you avail yourself of the stats re: street fighting you'll find that most fights end up in the grappling range. If they don't it's because a weapon is involved and choking out/strangling your opponent isn't necessary.
Jiu-jitsu is a powerful system that takes guts plus very quick thinking and reactions. Notice how I didn't say strength. I've seen a 100 lb. sixteen year old girl flip a 200 lb. guy in a "real world" testing situation.
2006-09-28 02:00:26
answer #4
answered by crazyninjadudeguy 2
“important sports like boxing" ??? Who are you...Don flipping King? I am not sure where you are getting this info. Last time I checked The Ultimate Fighter had higher ratings than The Contender. Last time I checked UFC pay per view was purchased more than a boxing event.
I am sorry but boxing is a sport from yester-year when a round of fisticuffs in a ballroom was the major entertainment in town.UFC will slaughter boxing in ratings more each year. The last time boxing was popular was when Mike Tyson was good. Now he is a has-been who is scared to step into the octagon.
Boxing as an important sport...HA...ask some MLB, NFL, NBA fans how important boxing is. What does a boxer make compared to those athletes?
As far as a martial art being for second graders and special little guys, I find your level of ignorance staggering. Have you ever heard of a small country called Japan; it is a little older than America? They have a thing there that pre-dates Christ called martial arts.
I encourage you to pick up a book. Please read a little history. Learn how martial arts helped shape our world. The only thing boxing helped shape was Holyfield's ear and Don King's hair (and wallet). I encourage you to get a little education on this subject that is more up to date than 1980 something. First of all, do it for yourself because you sound foolish, secondly you are going to say this to wrong practitioner one day (not me, but there are those out there who are less humble than myself).
I am sorry if I sound disrespectful but your assumptions are as rude as they are incorrect.
2006-09-27 09:40:44
answer #5
answered by spidertiger440 6
Wow, nice flame bait on that one. It could have been a little bit better, but was still pretty good. I give it like an 8 out of 10.
You will get a lot of flameage for this one, almost as much as making fun of Aikido, or TKD. I don't know maybe more.
Obviously the best troll job of the week, kudos.
Oh wait... let me answer this like I am taking it seriously...
Olympic Judo players study BJJ, So do wrestlers, and now MMA guys who are some of the best athletes in the world. Not to mention try to do it yourself (I am thinking you already do) without gassing.
I have friends who turned down major scholarships for football to pursue it. (Well Olympic Judo that is, but still). Every single fighter now lists it as something they should learn to round out their game.
There is that whole list of "special little guys" that you could check out, Fedor Emelienko, Rhadi Ferguson, Jeff Monson, hell pretty much any MMA fighter that is.
Though there is does help out a smaller person in dealing with a larger person, but pretty much all Martial Arts claim that.
Ok, so yeah that was good flamebait/trolling. Pretty impressive actually, I wonder how many answers you will get on this one lol...
2006-09-27 08:57:45
answer #6
answered by judomofo 7
Boxing guarantees brain damage. There have been a few deaths and such (not that many). Boxing has a reputation problem.
If you are referring to UFC. Everyone there needs to learn about bit about grappling or just be overwhelmed. Even the Martial Artists of old studied more than one style including some grappling.
And the little guy comment...weird... just weird.
Have you competed?
2006-09-27 09:32:44
answer #7
answered by calmman7 2
ABSOLUTELY NOT. Jiu-jitsu was originated by the samauri to KILL their opponets. There is nothing second rate about it. Judo(an olympic sport) was derived from Jiu-Jitsu and they usually kick butt! And yes your arrgance and ignorance is astounding and staggering!
2006-09-27 10:40:49
answer #8
answered by phoenix1442004 1
The boxers (you might as well throw in kickboxers, kung fu, karate) who have been crushed by Jiu-jitsu fighters in the old UFCs would beg to differ. Every single one of them was wiped out, every single time - steady.
2006-09-27 08:44:12
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I suggest you ask someone you know to be honest, a good friend or close family member. Ask them what they think about this. After all, we can only make comments based on what you say and you might leave out something important without realizing it. However, you might be right that the reason why is you intimidate men with your skills as well as your money. I recommend you do not tell them or hint to them that you might make more money then they do.
2016-03-18 02:00:59
answer #10
answered by Anonymous