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I know a couple of guys, they are very obese, one is short and one is sort of tall, have kids, married but they tend to stare at this one guy. They seem to get jealous if this guy is talking with a female or talking with friends and not paying them enough attention.

2006-09-27 05:24:20 · 9 answers · asked by jackeyodom 1 in Family & Relationships Family

9 answers

Interesting question. Well, unfortunately, there is still pressure in some social circles for men to marry women, even if the men secretly know they are gay.

So they marry a woman, they have a child, and think this will all somehow suppress the urges. Unfortunately, it doesn't. People are born gay, it cannot be changed. The more they try to bury it, the more things intensify.

Also, human nature is curious to begin with. Some men are curious about sex with another man, but might not necessarily be gay. I actually read an interesting report on Netscape.com recently that showed at least 10% of "heterosexual" men admitted to having sex with a guy in the past 12 months. It's actually much more common than people realize.

2006-09-27 05:39:33 · answer #1 · answered by Kevin 3 · 0 0

I don't know about all that but I think that when the married sex life gets boring people tend to fantasize about all sorts of things they never thought they would. I wouldn't say they want a homosexual relationship so much but possibly an adventure.
Many likely think about it but would never do it.
For me, now I just fantasize about big girls!

2006-09-27 05:28:24 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am not judging anybody, and yes it is incest regardless because they are either your blood cousin or your cousin by marriage, I (in my own personal opinion) think it is, well I don't want to say wrong but I can't find a word that matches what I am thinking, in other words I do not agree with it. However seeing as genetics tells us who we like it can't be their fault 100% of the way, they can choose to have sex yes, and that part would be their fault, but the genetics in which they can not change saying they like the person is however not their fault. Seeing as though genetics makes everybody the way they are I have no rights to judge anybody as much as they have no rights to judge me for being bisexual, life, complicated as it may be, can be simplified by simple rules of nature. We view it as complicated because we break things down.

2016-03-27 13:39:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Some people like to try different things and sometimes it seems they have to go to the extreme for it. Anyways some men get up set when one of there buddies are going to score and they can't. I don't understand it but I know it's true.

2006-09-27 05:29:08 · answer #4 · answered by heidischu2002 2 · 0 0

Maybe they are just jealous of them.

2006-09-27 05:38:59 · answer #5 · answered by Rachel Bitchface 5 · 0 0

some people experiment and they like it and stick with it.

2006-09-27 05:26:20 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Because they're ****** in the head.

2006-09-27 05:26:44 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

What About Gays Needs to Change? It may not be what you think!

Copyrighted, Cross Ministry.
Author: Tim Wilkins

I am aware the question in this article’s title presupposes a change of some sort is necessary. My presupposition is grounded in the authority of God’s Word. Secondary to that – I am a Christian and a former homosexual.

Having now used that inadequate and puzzling term former homosexual, let me try to decipher the lingo and properly answer the question.
Moving the Fridge

A story will help. A man glances out his home window and sees his neighbor. The neighbor has his pick-up truck backed to his side door, both the storm and main doors are propped open and a refrigerator blocks the doorway. Obviously the fridge is being moved and help is needed, so the friendly onlooker rushes to help his red-faced neighbor.

“Need a hand with that refrigerator, Fred?” asks Steven as he throws himself into the task. “Sure do! This thing weighs more than I thought!”

Fred and Steven throw their muscular arms around the appliance. With sweat rolling down their faces, they grunt and strain as the fridge moves a quarter of an inch then stops. They reposition their arms. The fridge barely sways even though both men are winded. After wrestling with the stubborn refrigerator for a full ten minutes, Steven gasps “Fred, I don’t believe we’re ever going to get this thing in the house.” “In the house!” exclaims Fred, “I trying to get it in the truck!”

The point is apparent–without a clear and focused understating of what direction the homosexual needs to go, he will progress no further than the refrigerator.
What Needs to Change?

An illustration will help. Imagine a very thin lady seated at a dinner table. She fidgets with her food, spoons it from one side of her plate to the other, eats little if anything, then excuses herself from the table.

“How can a visibly gaunt woman eat so little or not at all?” we ask. Our observation could lead us to two premises–either she dislikes food or she is not hungry. If we accept the first premise–that she dislikes food--our sympathetic approach might include a variety of recommendations.

We inquire about the type of food she does like--maybe fast food, Mexican or Chinese. If not perhaps the immaculate look of a seven-course meal appeals to her appetite. Perchance she prefers her food prepared a certain way–broiled versus fried, rare versus well done. If none of these recommendations help, she could have sitophobia–a fear of food.

Let’s now assume the second premise — that she is not hungry. If this suspicion is true she may be suffering from a malfunctioning metabolism. We make a doctor’s appointment for her. The physician suspects a thyroid condition and orders blood work. And it’s possible she has hypogeusia–a diminished sense of taste.

But as persistent as we’ve been, all approaches make little difference in this lady’s eating habits, or lack thereof. She eats very little and infrequently! Our methods have been genuine, compassionate, and justifiable. We have devoted considerable time in our quest to correct the dilemma, but to no avail.
The Puzzle Comes Together

However, if we learn this woman is anorexic, our approach changes dramatically and immediately. We realize our initial assumptions and strategies are ludicrous and laughable because they do not bear on the primary issue--a distorted self image.
When this self-starved lady looks in the mirror she sees an obese lady looking back and no amount of persuasion will convince her otherwise.

When this primary issue is addressed, her food intake as well as the frequency of her eating increases. But take note–her increased eating is a byproduct of confronting the main issue–a distorted self-image. And I use the term image not only from a clinical perspective but a biblical one. Genesis 1:26-27 reads,

“And God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness’...So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” (Emphasis added)

Now the Analogy

How does this illustration apply to the homosexual condition? Just as it is absurd for the anorexic’s family and friends to focus on trying to make her eat, so it is absurd for churches to try and make the homosexual heterosexual.

Society in general and churches in particular mistakenly believe freedom from homosexuality is marrying, having 2.3 children and a dog in the back yard. A 2001 secular study on the possibility of change shows the depth of this ingrained ‘doctrine’. Dr Robert Spitzer, a Columbia University professor interviewed men and women who said they used to be homosexual; I was one of many he questioned. As beneficial as his study was and as much as I appreciate the visibility it gave to change, his study measured heterosexual function of the former homosexual--again missing the real issue.

“But” you ask, “don’t homosexuals need to become heterosexuals?” No! Scripture never states nor implies all people must be heterosexual; it does say explicitly, however, that we are to avoid all forms of sexual immorality, which includes homosexuality. With that in mind have we not at times given the impression that homosexuals must “convert” to heterosexuality? Jesus did not say “Go and make [heterosexuals]”; He said “go and make disciples.”

“But” you ask, “isn’t heterosexuality the opposite of homosexuality?” No! The opposite of homosexuality is holiness!

As I wrote earlier, the term former homosexual is inadequate if not inappropriate. We mistakenly think a person who has found freedom from same-sex attractions is now heterosexual. The former homosexual man or woman may now experience heterosexual feelings, but heterosexuality should never be his nor the churches’ goal. Heterosexuality is in many cases, but not all, a byproduct of the homosexual’s dealing with the primary issues–a distorted self-image and faulty thinking–both of which Satan uses to “gain control.”

The church will do well to remember that singleness is not a sin, immorality is.

What all this means is that most of churches’ advice to the homosexual misses the mark entirely!
Advice Well-Meant, but Wrong

Telling an adult gay son “you just need to date more; you haven’t met the right girl” is senseless. Suggesting your lesbian friend “marry, settle down and everything will work out” is imprudent. Many gay men and women have married, thinking marriage will “heal” them and in most cases the consequences have been disastrous.

Some, hopefully not Christians, suggest a gay man “find a woman who can make you a man.” While I ‘ve never heard a Christian give such advice, I did have a twenty-seven year old gay man share the following with me. He said he was fifteen when his “Christian” father learned of his homosexual struggle. To ‘help’ his son the father bought him a subscription to Playboy magazine. That’s equivalent to serving roast duck to the anorexic.

God does not heal one form of immorality with another form of immorality! How effective is a machine gun against a tidal wave?

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Eph. 6:12).

One married struggler told me his well-meaning pastor recommended he have more sex with his wife. Although the Bible does command conjugal rights (I Cor. 7:3-4), the pastor’s advice bypassed the real issue.

Another pastor prayed with an unusually handsome and struggling man, then told him “I’ve got a really nice girl in the church I want you to meet.”

A Christian friend who knows my testimony, met my wife Lisa and said “I can see why you left homosexuality; your wife is beautiful.” While he is correct that Lisa is beautiful his statement, like so many, represents a global ignorance on the subject. If attractive women were the remedy for male homosexuality, there would be no gay men.

Many gay men ask me how to cultivate a romantic/sexual attraction to women. I tell them that is not the issue; the issue is a distorted/broken image. (I have often thought how devious our adversary is. He not only confuses men and women regarding their sexual identity, he also confuses them and the church as to what healing really is, thus compounding the problem.)

By dealing with the primary issue, gay men begin to see themselves as masculine and lesbians begin to see themselves as feminine; the same-sex attractions diminish and in many cases opposite-sex attractions occur.
Not a Means to an End

During my own journey out of homosexuality I made a significant discovery--Jesus Christ is not a means to an end. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. I did not go to Christ to get something else, namely heterosexuality. I went to Christ to get HIM!

When we learn this truth, we will witness prison doors falling off their hinges and chains disintegrating.

Author: Tim Wilkins, Cross Ministry. Wilkins is a former homosexual and now directs Cross, a speaking ministry headquartered in Wake Forest, NC. www.CrossMinistry.org

Copyright © 2003, Cross Ministry, All Rights Reserved - except as noted on attached "Usage and Copyright" page that grants ChristianAnswers.Net users generous rights for putting this page to work in their homes, personal witnessing, churches and schools.

2006-09-29 17:00:00 · answer #8 · answered by Hyzakyt 4 · 0 1

there cock suckers.

2006-09-27 05:30:31 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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