GOOD LUCK. Go and see your doctor, and maybe he should be the one to tell her. You have a problem, and now it has become your mothers problem. As if she hasnt been through enough. As one person said. Contact Dr Phil, you are going to need him.
2006-09-27 03:56:01
answer #1
answered by Vonnie S 4
why did you gloat about having sex with him in your mother's bed? do you have issues with you mother? seems as if you were on some revenge kick. have an abortion.. why bring a child into this world under those conditions. do you realize how much you will need and want your mom while you are pregnant. she will probably be there for you. however, that will cause to much pain for her. don't put her through it
do you think that loser is going to do right by you. he just saw you as a piece of azz. you think what you did is cute,...dude is a big loser, chalk up up as a mistake and move on. why destroy your mother. tell ole dude that if he does not leave, you will turn him into the police, I assume you are under age, correct? if so, he will get out fast. the last thing he wants to do is go to jail. little girl, you really need to grow up. you might like drama, but what you are doing is so Jerry springer.
2006-09-27 04:20:32
answer #2
answered by Niecy 2
I do not believe this post is real. However, on the off chance that it is, I would advise you to consider adoption. In no way are you equipped to raise a child.
As for your mom, the only reason you have to tell her is because she has to know what kind of man she married. Don't expect a relationship with your mom after this. Do you live with her? Then I would suggest you pack your things and prepare to move before you tell her.
You continue to sleep with her husband? Ugh. Please give that baby up for adoption.
2006-09-27 04:05:03
answer #3
answered by amdstreit 2
Does he know? The both of you need to tell her, not just you. I feel so bad for your mom, two people that mean most in her life are about to tear down everything she holds dear. Stay away from the drugs, you have a baby to worry about.
2006-09-27 03:50:43
answer #4
answered by Suthern R 5
You are going to give birth to her step-child and her grandchild at the same time!! WOOOHOOO! SHe is never going to speak to you again...that was NOT very smart of you. And drugs call you? Like on the phone? Sounds like you have some mental probs and you need to seek serious help. Check yourself into a clinic for mental evaluation
2006-09-27 04:52:28
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
you gotta tell the truth!your mother obviously shouldnt trust him,and you can count on him to cover his own addiction is a vry dangerous addiction that can cost you life just as slowly and painfully as drugs.the only person who can complete you is have to look inside your self for what you need.all this other stuff is just baggage that will hang with you for the rest of your have to tell her .shes gonna find out anyway
2006-09-27 04:09:23
answer #6
answered by stonedhilbily 2
you have seriously SCREWED up and cannot expect her to immediately accept or understand the situation but you have to tell her and I would also recommednt getting a 3rd party involved, counselor, Dr Phil was a good idea, Maury, but I would tell her in a public place and be read yfor your life to turn upside down. You need to address your ISSUES before you child is born you need to love yourself befor you can properly love that baby.
2006-09-27 03:56:07
answer #7
answered by Jep 3
You are sick and low, your mother maybe bothered that your dad died too so to steal her new husband is low. How could you even let that happen. All you can do is tell her, she will be hurt, and you have to hope she don't write you and this child out of her life!
2006-09-27 03:55:15
answer #8
answered by Blondie 3
thats probably the most disgusting thing I have heard since I watch Jerry Springer last week... You belong on that show, your low, your gross and I wish I knew you so I could tell everyone about you. Your mom gave birth to you and you have the nerve to do something like that to her? smh....
2006-09-27 03:51:04
answer #9
answered by swingorstrikeout 3
That's a real nice story - not !
I hope this is not true, but if it is, than you need to tell your Mom as soon as possible. I would also suggest getting some professional help to sort out your issue' s.
2006-09-27 04:57:40
answer #10
answered by jarhed 5