i have the same problem.
This helps me out.
Keep some gum in your mouth so that it doesn't dry up and you have cotton mouth and take deep breathes and you can pause while you talk. Don't make your breathing pattern too obvious though because then people might think you are having a seizure.
2006-09-27 03:48:37
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Is this sudden or has it been there for a long time? Are you worse in crowds of strangers? Is it just with freinds?
When i was 21, I was unable to ride a bus, or eat in a restaurant alone. I had thoughts of paranoia, and turned out I had a social anxiety disorder. A lite medication helped to the point where I was able to do the above and much more. I would have stayed in my shell forever. Be advised that some medications can be addicting/habit forming, but definately speak to a doctor if it is inhibiting your life. Shyness is not an illness tho. Good luck to you!
2006-09-27 11:00:18
answer #2
answered by debbieepp 2
Start by talking to people who initiate conversation with you, especially if they seem kind. They will make you feel more comfortable and put you at ease. Soon talking to them will not be a challenge.
Maybe it will be hard to say much at first, so learn how to ask questions and be an active listener. Keep eye contact, nod your head, paraphrase what they are saying. Use common topics, the weather, TV shows, that sort of thing.
Remember that other people may be just as afraid to talk as you are. Indicate to them that you are safe. Say hello. Use your smile and gestures to give them security. Laugh at their jokes even if you don't get them.
I know it isn't easy. Growing up I had real difficulty meeting new people and making conversations. I hated being the new kid, wondering what preconceived notion they had of me and having to prove myself. I feared rejection and sometimes did stupid things just to get approval. It's taken me many years to understand, if people reject me it doesn't make me less of a person. What I am is what I am.
I wish the best of luck. You are going to do great.
2006-09-27 11:15:05
answer #3
answered by adieu 6
three reasons : u r not good in communication skills or presentation, two is that u had been suppressed not to talk when u were young. three is that u are conscience of ur looks. so u developed inferiority complex. get out of that with auto suggestion. Positive thinking.
U will be able to achieve ur business only when u talk to someone. first let ur close people parents talk to u freely. U should talk to some to get ur lost social security number.
2006-09-27 11:42:17
answer #4
answered by ketav 2
That's Social Anxiety. It's based on a fear of being evaluated, and found lacking. To outgrow it you need to convince yourself that you're as good as anyone else, and that their opinion of you is nowhere near as important as your opinion of yourself. Until that sinks in, when you're in a stressful situation take a deed breath and force yourself to relax.
2006-09-27 10:49:17
answer #5
answered by kreevich 5
you may have to consult your doctor so you can get a little light medication for that. I can't think of anything you can do to help this matter by yourself or you probably would have already done so.
My mom suffers from anxiety
2006-09-27 10:48:31
answer #6
answered by sha scrilla 3
you need to relax.i use to be this way..feeling out of place almost everywhere...over time though it will get better.I use to think everyone was looking at me and judging me.It was weird...but now...screw everyone else!..I think another thing that helped was ..eventually i got to a point where i stopped staring at the floor when i walked and started looking people in the eyes and smiling...makes a huge dfferance...good luck hun...
2006-09-27 10:51:36
answer #7
answered by gooterscooby 3
I had this problem once all you have to do is chill and be relaxed when you talk to other people once you get out there and start talking it will be easy to talk to any one
2006-09-27 10:55:55
answer #8
answered by cascade_boss_dogg 1
i think you should go to a Dr. for this. he probably can give u some medication to relax
2006-09-27 10:48:37
answer #9
answered by amc3480 2
drink. or see a dr. and get anxiety medication.
2006-09-27 10:48:01
answer #10
answered by anonymous 6