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18 answers

Oh, well, she'll get over it. If it works for you and him, just ignore it. You didn't do anything wrong.

2006-09-27 02:56:56 · answer #1 · answered by Just Ducky 5 · 0 0

I kind of have a same situation only a little more twisted I suppose - I went out with a guy for about 3 months then we broke up deciding we were better off as friends than in a relationship - we remained close friends then he moved in with me (share accomodation - seperate bedrooms) and he started seeing my sister - they were together for about a year while he was living in the same house as me then we went our seperate ways as I got a job interstate and he moved in with my sister - then when I got back I moved in with them for another year or so then I moved out again as I had met my (now husband) I am still very close friends with this guy - we have more of a brother/sister relationship - we joke around that we will end up living in the same retirement villiage when we are old LOL

Im not sure what your entire question is you say on your 2nd date she made a mov?? Im sorry Im not sure what that means..... You probably should have spoken to your sister about how you feel etc before you started seeing him my sister and I are very close and our situation was not an issue and to this day is not an issue she ended up leaving this guy and he has now married someone else and has 2 beautiful kids - my sister no longer likes to see him but she has no issues with my friendship with him.

2006-09-27 03:02:06 · answer #2 · answered by ♥Kazz♥ 6 · 0 0

What... that is wrong of you on so many different levels... If I was your sister I would kick your a*s! There are certain lines you don't cross with family members or your girl friends the #1 cardinal rule is you DON"T DATE THEIR EX"S.....
You just said a lot about the kind of person, friend and sister you are.
I would dump the guy and make amends with my sister. After all she is the longest relationship you will ever have in your LIFE!

2006-09-27 02:56:18 · answer #3 · answered by shughes2000_2000 5 · 1 1

I wouldn't date anyone that my sister had dated only because it's just not a good idea. My ex husband married his brothers ex fiancee and now he doesn't even speak to his brother. It is a blur of family lines and it makes for a lot of confusion. Your sister is either mad at you because she still cares for him OR she realizes she lost a good thing. I'd avoid the situation and move on. Men will come and go, family is forever even if we don't like them.

2006-09-27 02:57:24 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

that is your sister and why would you go out with her ex-boyfriend. Blood is thicker than water. Boys will go and come so never let them get in your way with your sister. I know cause my sister let a guy get in her wayand now we no longer talk anymore. So dont let that happen to you!! Also if your sister dumped him then he must be no good!!!

2006-09-27 03:43:43 · answer #5 · answered by Oh Boy!! 2 · 0 0

Blood is thicker than water. Respect your sisters feelings and dump this guy! He is probably bragging to his friends about dating sisters. Find another guy and move on.

2006-09-27 02:59:14 · answer #6 · answered by marcus p 3 · 0 0

Your sister probablly feels that she can't trust you around her next man.. What if him and your sister get back together.. how would you feel.. Would you think she did you wrong? If the answer is yes.. then you know that you did her wrong.. Some things are just not morally proper and dating your sisters man is one of them.

2006-09-27 02:59:29 · answer #7 · answered by Justice 2 · 0 0

You wrong girl if your sister had him and dumped him you don't want him.He is off limits to you don't violate the code LOVE and SUPPORT for your sister if you didn't know.

2006-09-27 03:02:48 · answer #8 · answered by Nai Nai 2 · 0 0

He is using both of you better leave him because your sister still has the feeling for him .

2006-09-27 03:15:22 · answer #9 · answered by creed 1 3 · 0 0

Maybe she figures that If he was not good for her he is not good for you. Honestly it should not matter. Unless she had a sexual relationship with him then I could see her problem cause at one point she had feelings for him to an extent.

2006-09-27 02:58:09 · answer #10 · answered by omvg1 5 · 0 0

never let any man come between you and your sister...he's a loser using both of you like that...dump him and apologize to your sister for making her feel bad and i'll bet she will apologize for making you feel bad then you can go shopping and both feel much better !

2006-09-27 02:57:09 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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