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Everyone can understand that there is only one God - it is clear from the signs- He gives us water- look at the creation of the camel on harunyahya.com God must have created it. - We have been given the ability to smell that must have been given by God - so it is easy to believe in One God - BUT where do you go from there - read all the scriptures - like most people will have the time - go to the religious leaders

2006-09-27 02:33:01 · 22 answers · asked by ozymandela 3 in Education & Reference Other - Education

22 answers


2006-09-27 02:45:20 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I disagree that there is only one God. There is no reason that there cannot be Gods (plural). Give me a reason that there cannot be more than one.
As for which religion? Well, I disagree with them all! Religion was created to help humanity deal with existence after they die. It's like a bed time story from when you were 8. Be good, and you'll have eternal bliss. Wow! *sarcasm*

And just a heads up here, eternal bliss is like a hell unto it's own. I mean how many days could you go just basking in all that glory before it just made you sick!! (if you don't believe me, then I suggest you try and have as much sex/masturbation in one day as is possible. Don't stop, just keep going and going. And if you pass out, keep going when you wake up again... How quickly does all that pleasure bore you? And that's just one or two days!! Just think of what eternity will be like.) (If your offended by this idea, just eat a whole lot of delicious cake. Lots, never stop, just gorge yourself. All that good, delicious, it ain't so good after a while is it?)

And that's my point, pretty much every religion has that ideal in it, that you do XXXX and you'll be rewarded with eternal bliss or whatnot.
Except for the religion that deals with karma and reincarnation. But even then, it's bad. Do too much evil, and that's torment cause you come back as a beast of burden, or do too much good and you come back as a higher power, until you ascend and be Enlightened.
And then how many days would it take you to go mad under all that??

2006-09-27 02:50:59 · answer #2 · answered by alchemicalstann 2 · 1 1

Both Islam and Christianity are quite dogmatic about their religion.At the slightest drop of a hat, Islamist raise their shrill voice and adopt violent methods to establish their credibility. Today the entire world is suffering from Islamic terrorism.

Prosylitation is the key word for Christianity more particularly for Catholics. By hook or crook they want to convert the entire human population as Christians. This is also a religion of violence. One should recall the great Spanish inquisition of Pope Augustus. Then the burning alive of the Protestants by the Catholic

Hinduism and Judaism are the oldest religions in the worl. Both of them do not inloved in conversion of other religionists. Both these religions allow their followers to adopt liberal views.

2006-09-27 03:32:27 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think you went wrong in the first approach. Why do you think it is obvious there is only one god? In my religion there are many, so many gods, you can't know them all. You choose those who are close to you, just like you choose your friends from so many millions of people. You have the free choice to worship whoever you wish. And you also have the choice to worship no god at all.

I think it is a dangerous fact that all these abrahamics (jews, christians, muslims) think only Yahweh (Jachweh, Jehova) is the real god and nobody else. They even got rid of his name, they only call him "God". To them it makes sense, when there is only one god, why would he need his name any longer? But he once had a name, and he even had a wife.

The old knowledge was passed on through many generations, and eventually it became all changed. Look at what the monotheists teach today, it has nothing to do anymore with the original religions from thousands of years ago.

I found out that I live better (and more protected) by envoking deities directly, one for each aspect, not just one for all. And I absolutely stay away from Jachweh.

I realized I am protected by Hekate, Frau Holle and others. Maybe they are all the same in the end, but I have the impression I am dealing with various deities at various times.

2006-09-27 03:29:02 · answer #4 · answered by albgardis T 3 · 0 1

None... They is no proof that God does or does not exist.

Each religion made rules based on the time they were created. All organized religions now ares far from the original version... based on money, power and control.

Organized religion is for the weak minded!

If ppl feel so strongly about God and religion, why do they commit crimes in the name of the religion? No religion teaches hate, to kill, commit violence. The world is full of ppl committing crimes on a daily basis even though they may consider themselves religious. Most people use religion as an excuse to do or follow certain things..

2006-09-27 02:45:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

They're all correct.

Religion is just a belief with no proven scientific basis for any of the things you think were created by God. The scriptures are just stories handed down by the generations and eventually written on paper. Originally they were passed from generation to generation verbally so who knows what slight changes in interpretation or modifications may have been made when told by different people. Don't take them as verbatim, that doesn't make any sense at all.

2006-09-27 02:44:37 · answer #6 · answered by Roger K 3 · 1 1

None is correct, however some are clearly much worse than others (for someone who would need such support).

Avoid any religion that claims:
- that religious law is above any human law
- that religion must not be discussed or criticized
- that apostasy is criminal and should be punished by death
- that killing other people for the sake of religion is virtuous
- etc.

I don't know, but my guess, from the way you ask the question, is that you precisely are a believer of such religion.

2006-09-27 02:54:12 · answer #7 · answered by bloo435 4 · 1 0

All are correct because they confess one God in different sides of the world.They just need to know how to live with one another and to work for the good of the whole human race. One problem migth be that both are from different cultural background and different eras and none will want ot be ruled by the other, each looks for supremacy.

2006-09-27 02:47:32 · answer #8 · answered by Jerry 2 · 0 0

NONE! Religion is just a way of life!
There is not one God. Presently there are about 7 billion people on this planet and as such there are 7 billion gods because the spirit of God is omnipresent in every person!

2006-09-27 02:46:32 · answer #9 · answered by Sami V 7 · 1 0

I belief that every religion is correct in its own way. One thing is for sure. Every religion teachers the right path.....like being kind to fellow beings and so on. It's the individual that does wrong things and creates a wrong image of anothers' religion.

2006-09-27 02:49:20 · answer #10 · answered by Riq 1 · 0 0

Those who believe in God, should give a real thaught with open mind. God the creator of world should be most powerfull.
Islam is the religion that stresses on one and only one God.

2006-09-27 02:47:23 · answer #11 · answered by ilyas q 1 · 0 1

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