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who in the uk can give it a nice tune and get it shooting its best under 12ft pounds (new reg)

2006-09-26 23:52:21 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Outdoor Recreation Hunting

1 answers

Beeman does super tune jobs(& factory authorized repairs) on high quality air rifles in the US...I was a bit curious about your BSA Super 10, I'm impressed...I had heard of BSA of course, but mainly through their air rifle scopes and bore sighter...I have a FWB 124D and a Webley Hurricane, so I'm somewhat familiar with precision air guns..

On the BSA web site it says to go to your local dealer for technical assistance...If it's like Beeman USA, they have five star dealers who can take care of tune ups...If one of the local BSA dealers can't help you out...You might check with http://www.beeman.com - phone 1-800-227-2744 - That's the best I can do for you..Good luck

2006-09-27 12:34:49 · answer #1 · answered by jack 7 · 0 0

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