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My daughter is 5yo and constantly has her thumb in her mouth since she was 3 yo. Her dentist has begged me to make her stop. She has screwed her teeth up so badly already!
I have tried bandaids on the thumbs, duct tape on the thumbs, hot sauce on her thumbs, the stuff called "THUM" that you put on the nail that tastes bad, smacking her hand out of her mouth...I even went so far to tell the poor child that kids who suck their thumbs too much grow up to be UGLY!!! SHE'S STILL SUCKING HER THUMB ALL DAY LONG!!!
I don't want to have to pay the orthodontist to put the appliance in her mouth that pokes her thumb if she sticks it in there, but I'm getting to my wit's end here!
I can't ignore it any longer.

Any tried and true suggestions out there?

2006-09-26 14:20:36 · 18 answers · asked by eyerishiz 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Grade-Schooler

18 answers

I have the same problem with two of my kids. It is very frustrating. I have tried everything you did and to no help. I finally broke down and had the devise put in my 5 year olds mouth. She still tries to suck her thumb but it's so much better. The problem is now she has lost a tooth and her other one is growing in a different spot. I don't know if this is from sucking her thumb but my dentist said don't worry about it.

As far as the cost, check with your insurance if you have any. My insurance paid for half so I only had to come up with $200 instead of $400. I know that is still a lot of money though.

Good luck to you.

Hey, I just looked this up for you. It's a question to a doctor on a web site. Hope it helps. Ignore the stupid people who say you are a bad mom. You want what's best for your child. That doesn't make you a bad mom.

How old is too old?

According to the American Dental Association, thumb sucking does not cause permanent problems with the teeth or jaw line unless it is continued beyond 4 to 5 years of age. As it turns out, somewhere between 85% and 99% of children have finished thumb sucking spontaneously before this period.

Which children keep sucking their thumbs?

Many parents are concerned that thumb sucking at a late age is a sign of emotional immaturity or lack of self-confidence. When investigators have looked at late thumb suckers for common traits, they found only one thing in common that distinguished them from other children -- a prolonged history of a strong battle with thumb sucking at an earlier age. It is striking that many well-meaning parents have actually encouraged thumb sucking by trying to forcibly take the thumb out of their children's mouths.

When do children suck their thumbs?

As you have observed with your daughter, the most common time for sucking is when children are tired, bored, or in need of comfort. Often these children fall asleep more easily, are able to put themselves back to sleep at night more easily, and sleep through the night much earlier than their peers who do not suck their thumbs.

2006-09-26 14:40:57 · answer #1 · answered by super_mom 2 · 0 0

My best suggestion, and this comes from personal experience, is to let it go...let it go...let it go! In good time your daughter will stop sucking her thumb. I have to say that my middle daughter was actually born with her thumb in her mouth, just sucking away as she emerged into this world. She was the most content baby, toddler, and growing child I knew. At first, like you, I worried about the teeth issue, and even tried some of the techniques and products out there for this very thing. But the more I bugged her about it the more it seemed she would suck her thumb. I will admit that braces were needed and now she is 19 years old and has a stunning smile. In retrospect, I am soooo glad that I let the issue go. By letting the issue go, I took the focus off of the negative, her thumbsucking, and was able to focus on the positive, my lack of stress over the whole thing. Believe me, paying for the braces later on was well worth it! She actually stopped around age 10. She didn't do it at school because she felt funny about it. But once she came home she ran from the bus in search of her favorite stuffed animal and the comfort of her thumb. I am happy to say that today, she is quite well adjusted to life in general and when we talk about the thumbsucking days, we look back with a sense of comfort.

2006-09-26 17:25:22 · answer #2 · answered by jkskeet@sbcglobal.net 2 · 0 0

I have a seven year old thumb sucker. I, too, tried everything. Nothing worked till he got the Chicken Pox. He had them on his thumb and for two weeks never put that thing in his mouth. He was so afraid he would get the Pox in his mouth. That was short lived once the Pox were gone, though. The next step was when he lost his first tooth. I gave him a description of "dry socket", like the one the oral surgeon tells you when you get your wisdom teeth pulled. Finally, that worked. It helps that he loses a tooth every once in a while now so its always fresh in his mind. I catch him sucking his thumb once in a while in his sleep but it sure beats seeing it all the time. Sure makes you wish you'd used a pacifier, huh? lol

2006-09-26 14:54:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My baby boy is a thumb sucker, he is only 9mths old. So I dont see an end in sight with him.
I would say to just ignore it for now, know matter how much it bugs you. NO matter what you say its not going to make her quit, thats obvious. Hopefully she will out grow it and if not, Im sure some ridicule from her peers might do the trick at some point?

My older son is a nail biter , he has done it since he was 2 yrs old. Ive also tried all the nasty tasting things to put on his fingers. None helped and none of my mommy wisdom has helped either. So Ive taken to my own advice. I see him chewing on them less and less now (he is 5yrs old) I hope he will just out grow it.

2006-09-26 14:42:32 · answer #4 · answered by Kim 1 · 0 0

Be careful - the consequences you described can be considered abusive. You don't want to harm your child trying to make her quit. Children suck their thumbs for security reasons. Treating her badly because she sucks her thumb (and duct tape and hot sauces are mistreatment) will make her want to suck her thumb even more for security. It comforts her. She needs to develop her self-esteem - to feel good about herself. You need to praise her for the good things she does well and simply remind her that sucking her thumb is no longer appropriate. Tell her that other 5 year olds don't suck their thumbs any more. Be honest and kind to her. That will help her feel more secure and she will soon stop on her own.

2006-09-26 14:28:57 · answer #5 · answered by TJMiler 6 · 0 0

all what they are saying could work but it is up to your child to stop. I am not 19yrs old and i sometimes suck my thumb it is only because it is a comfort zone and a bad habit. but you have to allow them to stop on their own. I stopped when i was 12 but i still do it occassionally when i am nervous or stressed. it is a time process may she will and may she wont and there really isnt much a parent can do. mY parents tried to stop me, they had the dentist put in a retainer, braces and other things but it didnt stop me i just found a way to get around it but give her some time.

2006-09-26 14:30:46 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

She's only 5 yrs old...and starting school?! She's using her thumb as a safe haven! She'll stop on her own..I sucked my thumb until I was about 12 yrs old...Tell her she can suck her thumb...BUT only at bed time..in her own bed...when she's out of bed..or around others..the thumb needs to be out..maybe make her feel like she's still your BABY! My son just gave up his NUK about a week before school started (he's 5 too!) But he was only allowed to use it at bed time...in his bed...and we told him BIG boys went to school..BIg boys who don't use nuks...try that with your daughter..about the thumb..but give her time...she's using it for a reason...(oh..I have an almost 3 yr old who is a thumb sucker too..but he only uses his thumb when he's OVER tired...HE never took the nuk!)

2006-09-26 16:00:26 · answer #7 · answered by just me 4 · 0 0

growing up, my sister, who is 4 yrs older than I, had a g/f who sucked hers and as far as I know did all her life, at least until the age of 18 or so... that is when I last saw her.... many moons ago.... but, we found out a few things about her home life, not real bad stuff, just tuff stuff that can effect a child and cause insecurities..... there may be an underlying problem with your child...... maybe something happened at 3 yrs that cause this to become a security issue..... and some kids are just high strung.... talk to her doctor about this.. he can help you more than anyone about how to take care of this and or where to go to get help....... wish i could help you more...... God bless

2006-09-26 18:42:27 · answer #8 · answered by Annie 7 · 0 0

I have two children that suck their fingers. My 8 year old quit when she was 6 and my 3 year old is still at it. My dentist also mentioned the teeth. I would try to lessen the nagging. The more you do it, the more the child is going to want to do it. Maybe your daughter is sucking her fingers as a way to comfort herself and your making such a huge deal out of it is stressing her out.

2006-09-26 16:26:59 · answer #9 · answered by haikuhi2002 4 · 0 0

first. if you put hot sauce on a childs thumb, it makes you a BAD parent. To hell with the dentist,he fixes teeth. What is wrong with her, is YOU. She sucks her thumb to cope with her surroundings. It is a mental thing, NOT a physical one.I sucked my thumb,and i have perfectly str8 teeth. I never had braces,and I am 38 yrs. old. Take her to a counsellor,and let them take it from there. It sounds like the child has a problem,and i am willing to bet,it is you. She needs help,and if you initiate other kids to say hurtful things,you will hurt her more. She will not grow up to be ugly, but her MOTHER has. You are inflicting EMOTIONAL ABUSE AND MENTAL ABUSE to an innocent child. You should be ashamed of yourself!!!!! ignore it,and you both will be happier. maybe I was wrong.... you BOTH need help. her to help cope with an ignorant,unfit motherm,and YOU for being so twisted,and sick!

2006-09-26 14:34:34 · answer #10 · answered by Dragonflygirl 7 · 0 2

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