It's wonderful, it is the best time to learn another language. Also learning many languages as a child is supposed to help develop new pathways in the brain so the child will grow up better able to learn math, music and of course languages.
2006-09-26 05:45:17
answer #1
answered by Lisa P 4
Now is the best time in the world. i am learning french at the moment and started at the same time as some kids (obviously in different class - lol). Their class has far outstripped us as its much easier to learn a language when you're young. It won't even be a problem.
2006-09-26 05:19:19
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Children learn language at this age much, much more easily than they do later in life, and it also enhances other areas of their brain development. It is a very, very good idea.
2006-09-26 09:47:28
answer #3
answered by smurfette 4
Where does he live? Is he in France, Canada or some other country where lots of people speak French? I really don't think it can hurt him now that he speaks English.
2006-09-26 05:24:29
answer #4
answered by Wiser1 6
Learning additional languages is always good. The earlier you start, the easier it is to learn.
2006-09-26 05:43:58
answer #5
answered by Zorki 2
That's the best time to go...younger children learn the languages faster thatn when they are older.
2006-09-26 05:25:17
answer #6
answered by mommy_2_liam 7