Since I live here I have to be ethnocentric. Of course America is great, I love it here. We have freedom, believe it or not, we do. Police and others are enforcers of LAWS that we needs to live freely. The laws are there are to prevent other people from harming one another in some way or another.
What I really appreciate about America is the ability for me, as an American woman, to do whatever the hell I want! Go to college, walk outside without my husband, use birth control, get a job, drive a sports car, tell someone how I really feel, get my lip pierced, by a home and OWN it without it having to be under a man's name. ETC. the list could go on and on. Other countries are great too, it's just that I am glad I have had all of these opportunities.
2006-09-25 18:24:00
answer #1
answered by Lynette R 2
"Devin" I have never lied to you before right? Sadly, my son, you are delusional. In a survey done a couple of months ago, The Danes were rated in 1st place, Canadians in 10th, and the US in 23rd. This survey covered the basics such as happyness with their living conditions, including such things as personal safety, education, medical care and some others.Most normal people do not envy the artificial glitz, gambling , promiscuity, and general devaluing of family standards. I don't mean accepting "Gay Marriage" and that sort of thing as in most free countries they are merely facts of life.I do mean the disrespect in non-gay marriages, the divorce rate , the treatment of single parents requiring assistance. No Devon, clean off your own doorstep first, then you can help others.
2006-09-26 00:24:04
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Don't you American's have anything better to do than sitting around trying to 'fish for compliments' about yourselves!! what I think is wrong with America is the innate inability of American's to understand that you are not all important,your arrogance and lack of modesty are as annoying as your whiny accents!!
2006-09-25 22:32:43
answer #3
answered by that b puss 3
Thats the thing. America is not so great. Don't you realize? People just like living there cuz you get to buy everything with your credit cards and never pay the bills. Easy.
2006-09-25 22:25:50
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
That's a hard question.It sure isn't my pay,or the darn taxes I have to pay.For example: I pay taxes on my house,and car when i buy it but still have to pay the taxes on it every year.So I really don't know what makes America great.
2006-09-25 22:28:10
answer #5
answered by silly_girl 3
America is a "city apon a hill" to the rest of the world. A star of democracy and freedom.
2006-09-25 22:26:43
answer #6
answered by Devin 2
The same thing that makes it so bad;endless freedom
2006-09-26 14:26:13
answer #7
answered by Direktor 5
Ignorance. We believe that we live in the best of all places on Earth because somebody said so.
2006-09-25 22:29:48
answer #8
answered by Ivan 5
Freedom to be taxed to death and for some people Welfare that I pay for so they can sit at home on their butts and not work.
2006-09-25 22:26:09
answer #9
answered by unicornfarie1 6
Uh.. This question assumes America is great.
2006-09-25 22:25:26
answer #10
answered by Phil S 5