Sad...but the US is already in decline. Out of control spending, federal debt, loss of moral high ground in the world, trade deficit and a consumer economy that simply doesn't PRODUCE anything of value anymore. We just use our overextended credit to buy useless widgets from Asia. And most people think everything is alright.
Most troubling is what big money is doing. Warren Buffett is bolting like the wind because of the weakening US dollar.
And on top of all that, Bush is president.
2006-09-25 14:46:25
answer #1
answered by The ~Muffin~ Man 6
Check out the unemployment rate. The real one not GOP jacked up lie.
Where are our Jobs? In Foreign countries.
Check out GM Corp and Ford layoffs.
Textiles? Asia/South America.
American outlook: service jobs- Fast foods and retail stores. Who import their goods from where? Asia and South America.
Why? Cause GOP stands for Greedy Old Party.
Nafta? Reagan and Bush sr dropped it on Clinton who had Both House and Senate GOP Majority.
Next President will be a democrat and GOP will blame all of G W>rong BUSH's screw ball incompetency on Democrats.
The old scapegoat logic.
GOP fouls up and Bucks the blame on Democrats.
A divided nation has to tumble.
Divided by war and economics.
Euro dollar-Yen-and soon China's YUAN will wack the dollar value.
2006-09-25 14:47:39
answer #2
answered by cork 7
US will decline if the Democrats and Republicans will be fighting each other by pointing misconceptions of policies making a disunited America leading to chaos with other countries picking up the pieces.
2006-09-25 14:39:16
answer #3
answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7
America is already in a decline. From not having people take responsibilty for their actions. To, Giving people who don't want to work. Everything that they want. If the Liberals would wake up and see what is going on. Then take the time to help the Republicans fix the problems. Instead of just spending more money on it. As for one US person. I don't have any more money to give. I work. I have my own small business. I don't get free health ins. I need back surgery and can't get if. The health ins. that I have won't cover it. I can't get help because I'm a white male.
2006-09-25 14:45:33
answer #4
answered by Dave P 1
every country some how decline by something. no matter how powerful the country is, the period or time it take by something will decline .just read the world history read the ancient civilization like Rome, Egypt, China, Mongolian they once been the world powerful nation.
2006-09-25 14:57:40
answer #5
answered by water yu 3
as long as we try to imitate Europeans countries that are already in economic and moral decline is a chance...but then again the "real Americans" will avoid this situation
by making sure they elect the right kind of people
2006-10-03 06:12:05
answer #6
answered by lm050254 5
We are in it. Bush may go down in history as the President who brought the “Grand Experiment” of our Founding Fathers to an end. That would also, of course, mean that Bill Clinton will go down in history as the last President to lead America to greatness, since when he left office America was the most respected, admired and trusted nation on earth, as well as being the most economically and militarily powerful.
I hope all of you talk-the-talk, but too chicken-hearted to walk-the-walk, weenie conservative pukes got what you wanted. Cretins.
2006-09-25 14:45:17
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
We as a nation have been facing moral decline beginning with the legalization of abortion in 1963.
Since then, prayer has been removed from our schools. This was the beginning of the decline of our public school system.
The removal of the Ten Commandments on government sights, which are the principles that this nation was founded on.
Numerous attacks on The Pledge Of Allegence by mentioning the name of God. We have lowered ourselves to where it is unlawful to mention the name of our creator..
Numerous attacks on the institution of marriage. An attempt to rewrite the definition of marriage. God performed the first marriage, He created it and defined it.
If we continue to separate ourselves from God by rewriting his laws and telling Him to leave us alone.....He will. That will be our fall. Our children are on drugs. They don't want to work. They have no guidance at home because Mom and Dad are too busy with their own selfish lives or are on drugs too. We are losing the war on drugs because people don't have any hope. Our hope is in God through Jesus Christ. He came not as a teacher but as our Saviour. He bled and died in agony and rose from the grave by defeating death to give us life.
Liberalism is separatiing our nation from God. Liberalism is worship of self .
2006-09-25 15:37:28
answer #8
answered by babe 2
Already in serious decline. Actually, Bush and the Republicans, abetted by religious nutcases, are driving it over a cliff at top speed, pedal to the metal.
2006-09-25 14:38:24
answer #9
answered by marianddoc 4
If there is to be a decline it will be economic, which is our strength in the world, we are the 800# guerilla and they will have to deal with us.
If there is economic problems it will be the direct result of the socialists in congress.
2006-10-03 09:50:16
answer #10
answered by rmagedon 6