I think it's disgusting. And whoever did it is definitely mentally disturbed.'
2006-09-25 14:12:01
answer #1
answered by Bluealt 7
Well, let me say I live in St. Louis (where these two stories centered around).
The (white) kidnapped baby (in Union, MO) got the same amount of local coverage as the (black) 3 children, not 4, the unborn fetus and mother (East St. Louis, IL). Both stories had local press conferences, Amber Alerts, and around the clock investigating by their respecting local athorities. After checking the national news sites (CNN, FoxNews), both had equal coverage.
When the cases were solved, both had lengthy news coverage and interviews. And now both stories continue to get their even coverage, even after the fact.
So, where on earth do you get the (white) kidnapped child had more news coverage?!?!?
I can't stand it when people turn every little freakin thing into a race issue. Sometimes things aren't always black and white. Do some research before making such outlandish accusations.
2006-09-25 21:22:02
answer #2
answered by ? 5
First of all, get your facts straight. She had three children and the one that she was carrying was her fourth. And secondly I live in Pennsylvania and I saw it on the news. My in-laws live in NC and they saw it. So it appears to me that maybe more of the people that you know should watch the news because it has been broadcasted nationwide and besides race should not even be a factor because no matter what the race what happened to both women is a shame. And no one deserved that. Besides the woman who had her throat cut was very fortunate that she didn't die. So to your ignorant comment I say. Regardless of the race or amount of children a person has NO ONE (and I repeat) NO ONE deserved to die the way she did and no mother should have to go through what the woman who had her baby kidnapped went through. I say thank GOD that they found the baby and her sister in law is a great woman for turning her in and to the woman who killed the young lady and her FOUR children may GOD help her.
2006-09-25 21:41:46
answer #3
answered by juicie813 5
I don't think it has anything to do with race. The story has gained national attention, and this heinous crime and its innocent victims will be branded in everyone's minds forever. The woman who was murdered had three birthed children that were also murdered and then her unborn child was cut from her womb and murdered. No one care what race they were-everyobne cares that the suspect is obviously sick and demented to try to pull off such a stunt and then brag about it to her boyfriend at the baby's funeral. Yahoo! news featured the story and it has been all over the news where I am. I am unsure why you feel that race enters in to this. No one cares that she was black...I am sure that all they can think about is the terror the children must have experienced before this demented female drowned them and the thought that the innocent mother bled out because the suspect cut her while she was unconcious. Maybe there's a handful of racists out there that don't care...but believe me, the rest of us can only pray that justice is served on behalf of the children and their mother and her unborn baby.
2006-09-25 21:18:31
answer #4
answered by Motochic 3
I think its digsuting what happened.
But this woman will probally get the death sentence or a long time in jail.. Or she will most likely be killed in jail.
Press coverage can't bring back a life. I find it kind of pathetic that you are saying that white women get more press coverage.
White and Black womens children are killed everyday and we don't hear about it.
As i said before, Press coverage can't bring that family back.
2006-09-25 21:14:23
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Talk to many people outside of your state, have you? EVERYONE knows about it, dumbass.
The reason it hasn't gotten non-stop coverage, you race-baiting, dolt, is because the crime is solved. They only run stories to death if the perp is still at large, or they are unsure about the main suspect.
The story will run again when the woman goes to trial, but because she is obviously insane, it won't get much coverage then either. Unless there are torrid details to repeat ad nauseum.
Somebody has got you convinced that blacks are always victims of unequal treatment, so you see it everywhere. I'll bet that the reason you didn't win the lottery is because you're black, too, isn't it?
2006-09-25 21:18:07
answer #6
answered by normobrian 6
I live in Michigan and it has been major news.
She had 3 other children that were killed and it has been on national news, including MSNBC. A lot of people don't read the news, some only read the sports, some only political stuff, some only read the comics.
I do agree, though, that it depends on who you are, or how rich you are, and race - but all to a certain degree. This crime was pretty unbelievable. Sick sick, sick.
2006-09-25 21:14:26
answer #7
answered by Road Warrior 4
ermmm im in england and i heard about this. so no its not just people in your state. its an awful thing that happened and the killers race has nothing to do with if it makes national or worldwide news. anyways loads of things have happened in my town recently which havent made worldwide,doesnt really matter does it! murders happen all the time but depending on the seriousness and the shock matter of it depends if it makes news all over the world.
2006-09-25 21:11:53
answer #8
answered by alrightyyy_then 3
Now matter what race you are a serous crime happen and what she done she needs the death penalty. And that why i approve of the use of the death penalty but we should be like the ones over seas as soon as your trail is over and you are found guilt of the crime taken out back and shot and here she will set on death row for 15 years and all of us will being paying for here stay there.
2006-09-26 00:13:33
answer #9
answered by ? 3
so, this is the question you asked huh.i think the woman who claimed the child as her own is a child thief and a murderer. Things like this happen all the time in reality and that's what makes the this life seems like hell.
2006-09-26 10:31:23
answer #10
answered by themysterious 3
Now that is horrible. Who would do such a thing? I think the murdered woman should be remembered and the woman that murdered her and took the baby, shoud go to an assylum or jail.
2006-09-25 21:10:47
answer #11
answered by Jadie-Babie 2