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ok, on september 12 me and my bf got intimate. and i am on birth contol..but i went out of town the day after and on that friday i skipped a pill and took it on saturday. Now on september 17 i was supposed to start my perod that week, but didnt..and i dont know what to do...cuz i know that if you take an at home test it could be inaccurate cuz it could be too early to take it.

what should i do??
am i pregnant?

2006-09-25 09:38:41 · 14 answers · asked by inked_06 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

ok assholes, if you think i am stupid or something if i dont go to a doctor its because i am only 16 years old

2006-09-25 09:47:27 · update #1

14 answers

If you were supposed to start your period on the 17th and you didn't, it is not too early to take a test. You need to take one. Home tests are accurate. Skipping one pill usually won't result in a pregnancy, especially if all the others were taken at the same time of day.

Take a test & call your Dr.

2006-09-25 09:42:02 · answer #1 · answered by Simply_Renee 6 · 1 0

If you're that ill-informed about getting pregnant you and your BF should avoid sex at all costs. Sixteen year olds have no business having sex. They aren't ready for the consequences of their sexual behavior.

Wait a month and take a pregnancy test. Have you taken any antibiotics this month? They can really mess up birth control pills too. You might be stressed and that will put off a period too.
It's too soon for you to be worrying about being pregnant. Pills or no pills you should make sure you use a condom each time. Pills won't protect you from diseases.

2006-09-25 09:49:47 · answer #2 · answered by Lola 6 · 0 0

The best thing you can do is pull out your big phone book and look under abortion or clinic. Find a clinic by calling 1888-not-2-late. Then go there and they will give you a pregnancy test that is like 10000% accurate. Don't worry untill after the test. I got pregnet last December and misscarried, but it wasn't that huge of a ordeal. Oh, and they are confidential so your mom will never know.

2006-09-25 10:01:12 · answer #3 · answered by WHITE*GIRL 2 · 0 0

You could be pregnant, but also you could not be. A variety of factors can cause your period to be late: irregularity due to your youth, stressed out, and gaining weight or losing weight. Wait for about three more weeks and if "Auntie Flo" doesn't come for a visit, get a home pregnancy test and if it comes back positive, schedule an appointment with an Ob/Gyn Doctor. Good Luck and I hope your situation turns out the way you want it to. # )

2006-09-25 09:52:52 · answer #4 · answered by geewhizbaby2008 3 · 1 0

Hey there inked_06
I can understand that you are worried, i have been in your shoes before.The best thing for you to do is vist your doctor or your sexual health clinic. and if you want to take a home pregnancy test, most are accurate if you take them when your period is due, but i would recommend to get a clear blue one, one that is more expensive than the cheap ones you can get, trust me from experiences.
and if that comes up pregnant i would double check with the doctors, or take a couple of test.
If you need to talk and need more support
i would be more than happy to help
feel free to email me x
from Claire x

2006-09-25 09:45:26 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

LoL....I would first take a HPT if i missed my period. Then you can find a clinic ....like a pregnancy center. They do not need parents if your under age. I went there before. You would have to look in your phone book for the nearest one. They also help you and give you another pregnancy test.

good luck

2006-09-25 10:13:58 · answer #6 · answered by CMA 4 · 0 0

you're probably just going to have to wait. i know it's hard. go to the dr and request some blood work. but even then, you'll have to wait a little while longer. good luck to you.

if you cant go to the dr cuz you're only sixteen years old, why have unprotected, unsafe sex at sixteen years old? the pill does NOT protect against diseases and or AIDS. and if you're SIXTEEN YEARS OLD, watch your mouth!!! you dont curse at adults.

2006-09-25 09:41:49 · answer #7 · answered by Ms. Meli 4 · 1 0

Buy a home pregnancy test. They are 99.8 % accurate. The doctor's tests are also that accurate. They work as of the date your period was due.

2006-09-25 09:41:49 · answer #8 · answered by DMBthatsme 5 · 1 0

get one of those test where you can test early. oh and you can go to planned parenthood the tests are free there for anyone under 19yrs. old. they can get you better bc's the pill so outdated and like you said you forgot.

2006-09-25 09:59:46 · answer #9 · answered by Love United 6 · 0 0

just take the test, if it comes back negative and you still think you are then go to the doctor.

2006-09-25 09:43:16 · answer #10 · answered by its_me 3 · 1 0

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