Sweetie,Well first don't panic.It could be a number of things and just because u where sick and had diarrhea doesn't mean much that happens to everyone/And most of the time doesn't
interfere with the pill.If u took something like a antibiotic or something they can some times interfere.But if u took the hpt and it was neg and u had some what of a period normal or not then u are most likely OK.Now but u need to if it really is a problem for u got to the health dept and have them do there own pregnancy test and check u out any way in case u have some other female thing going on that changed your period that does happen and has nothing to do with sex or pregnancy or anything it is just another fun thing that happens to all females at one time or a another.And since u are just really getting the pill into your system it can change your period at times and cause u to have alot of different systoms sometimes they can make u sick,headache,bloated and alot of other mess even if u have been on It awhile or even if u change to a different one they all have different side effects so call your doc and check into it before u get to worried.
2006-09-25 09:34:19
answer #1
answered by motherof319662000 2
It may be too early for a HPT to pick up significant traces of HcG in your blood. You should see your GYN to get a blood test done to know for sure ifyou are.
Sounds to me though that there are greater chances that your carrying a little one. Sometimes what we think is a period is just implantation bleeding, when the egg is burrowing in the lining of your uterus, which may produce bleeding ( or what we think an unusual period) and some cramping.
If you show classic signs of pregnancy ( sore boobs, nausea/vomiting, fatigue, headaches, backaches) you should get that blood test done asap. If you are pregnant, your lifestyle habits may be detrimental to the life of your baby and you would wat to know this sooner rather than later. Your GYN can also inform you of your options if this is so happens to be an unwanted or unexpected pregnancy.
Either way... good luck to you
2006-09-25 09:26:01
answer #2
answered by MWD 1
If you take the low dose of Ortho Tri Cylcin then I was told by my doctor that you should take it at the same time everyday because it's a lower dose then the normal ones. You need to stop taking them until you find out for sure because the birth control can effect your baby.
2006-09-25 09:24:23
answer #3
answered by Marie 3
LOL Hunny I am sitting here 8 months pregnant. I was taking ortho tri cyclen-lo when i conceived. I missed two days and doubled up (like the leaflet told me to do). Well lets just say it didn't work. I'm having a BABY girl Nov 14th!!
You need to go and get a blood test!
2006-09-25 09:23:31
answer #4
answered by CMA 4
its possible but the chances are low take another test in two weeks if it doesnt show your pregnant then its probably the birthcontrol making you sick and need a different one so if your not pregnant make an appointment with your gyn to change your birth control
2006-09-25 09:25:15
answer #5
answered by jennifertrinitysky 4
You should just make an appointment with your PCP or GYN to get a pregnancy test. Not to mean or rude. You should also get an STD test since you had sex unpretected. JUST TO BE ON THE SAFE SIDE. -i hope all goes well-
2006-09-25 09:31:46
answer #6
answered by MsLilac30 1
This has to be the 30,000th time this question has been asked. The answer is always the same: See your doctor!
2006-09-25 09:23:16
answer #7
answered by ...mr2fister... 7
Take another test. If you're still not sure, then maybe you should see a doctor.
2006-09-25 09:22:34
answer #8
answered by Zebra4 5
I doubt that you are, I think you are just stressing yourself out which could be the reason you are having strange symptoms
2006-09-25 09:23:28
answer #9
answered by ann.natalie 4
Take another test or visit your doctor!
2006-09-25 09:23:03
answer #10
answered by AzOasis8 6