Because in a life full of uncertainty we are sure of getting two points for answering a question.
2006-09-25 09:17:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I do it if I think I might want clarification because I think I might have an answer to give, or at least an opinion if I *think* I understand what's being asked.
Sometimes, it's a way for some to keep track of the question too so that if additional details are added by the questioner, they might then be able to formulate a better response.
2006-09-25 09:20:15
answer #2
answered by Shadow 7
The obvious answer is to get the two points. Another obvious answer is that some people are kids and they act like kids. And sometimes people are baited into answering because the question is loaded. (e.g., "Why are all Americans violent and stupid?" Really... how can you expect that question to be answered?)
Finally, someone may think s/he understands the question but not actually understand it. Sometimes the questions are written so confusingly and garbled that it's hard to exactly determine what is being asked.
2006-09-25 09:18:18
answer #3
answered by porschemaint 2
Its cus people on here want the points and could careless if they now the answers to the questions most people post. Not me tho I try to stick to topics I like or that I knowwhat I'm talking about. Most people on here are gaming for points, and or answers questions stupidly just be funny and annoying. sometimes its funny most times they act like they're retarded.
2006-09-25 09:19:56
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
A better question on this board might be:
"If you don't understand a question, why ask it?"
Political terms like liberal, conservative, democracy, communism, socialism, etc. are miss-used more often than not.
The answer either way is: entertainment. For ourselves and others.
2006-09-25 09:16:44
answer #5
answered by imnogeniusbutt 4
some questions are loaded and the responses given are not answers any more than the questions were genuine requests for opinions/solutions. i notice many of your questions fit this description.
the answers you are complaining about apply most specifically to the politics section where some genuine questions are met with abuse and ridicule. again, are you blameless?
i think not;_ylt=Au3FzeFJDsWhRqpmPaxRzCvsy6IX?qid=20060829074840AAHMjE3
2006-09-25 09:09:42
answer #6
answered by Boring 5
You could still try to answer it. But, mostly, it's for the points I guess. I don't normally answer if I have absolutely no idea.
2006-09-25 09:11:56
answer #7
answered by First Lady 7
2006-09-25 09:28:17
answer #8
answered by marty d 2
We do it for the points. Like this answer.
2006-09-25 09:10:32
answer #9
answered by Arnold M 4
Because they think they know what they are talking about but their ignorance turns out to make other people angry.
2006-09-25 09:11:14
answer #10
answered by Anonymous