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and why are his kids white, its impossible for both his kids to be white if hes the father maybe theres a slight chance one would be white but both no way.
who thinks hes molesting his kids?

2006-09-25 09:05:26 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

15 answers

First of all those are not his biological children being an African American I know that no black man can ever have a child with blond stringy hair, pale skin, and blue eyes. Those kids are test tube babies he just chose the mother and had some random white sperm donor. And yes I do think he is molesting his kids.

2006-09-25 09:08:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

It is not impossible for both of his kids to be light skinned (he has 3 kids by the way) ! I have 2 half black children and they are very light skinned!! He would never molest ANY child cause he would never hurt ANY child in ANY way, especially his own children!!

♥♥We Love You Michael!!!!♥♥

2006-09-25 13:05:00 · answer #2 · answered by ♥Stranger In Maine™♥ (Thriller) 7 · 0 0

I honestly believe that micheal has pigmentation I have a few family members with that disease which is called carelago or something like that and one aunt turned completely albino and the other one has more brown and white spots. And she is always covering her hands in the winter she always tries to where gloves to cover the spots on her hands thats why i believe micheal and as for the molestation i hope not but it is hard to tell because of him being so famous people are always after a free buck

2006-09-25 09:11:56 · answer #3 · answered by proudgrandma41 1 · 2 1

I think MJ is a sick man. He doesn't know what color he wants to be. He is confused and I really don't see the problem with him changing his skin color. It's his skin. But yes I feel that he did do something to those children. I can't believe that the jury said not guilty 10 times in a row. I came home from work and my family was in the living room and I almost fell on the floor listening to the verdicts. Stevie Wonder could see that MJ was guilty!

2006-09-25 09:10:10 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

I don't believe that Michael is molesting kids.
His children are white because he had a relationship with a white woman.

2006-09-25 09:07:42 · answer #5 · answered by LJRobbie 5 · 3 2

Does Micheal Jackson want to be white? Duh
He also has chilren with white women so that they won't come out black.

2006-09-25 09:17:15 · answer #6 · answered by RACQUEL 7 · 1 1

He started out as a black boy now he's a white woman.

2006-09-25 10:50:43 · answer #7 · answered by suicide_ballroom 3 · 2 1

I don't believe Michael Jackson ever did anything wrong. He doesn't live in reality like us, he's just naive and that's all there is to it. As he once sang, just leave him alone.

2006-09-25 09:08:47 · answer #8 · answered by Joker 3 · 2 1

What do you mean wants to be?
I thought he was .
Science is something isn't it.
Yes and his kids are white also.
Molesting children, is he doing that again.
I thought he promised to stop.

2006-09-25 09:08:53 · answer #9 · answered by zurioluchi 7 · 0 1

he is white cause he had a skin disease....I forgot the name of the disease it starts with v..
he loves his kids....how would you think of such things...

2006-09-25 09:08:59 · answer #10 · answered by P.Y.T. 3 · 1 0

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