I'm of mixed feelings on this one.
On one hand, it is a government hand out, at our personal expense, to the booster seat makers. It will have a nominal effect and may be going too far in the name of safety.
On the other hand, if it does save a large number of lives, enough so that it balances out the added silliness, then sure. But I haven't seen any studies on the effect this will have.
2006-09-25 07:26:41
answer #1
answered by John J 6
I think that the kid should have to weigh atleast 40 -50 pounds that way it don't hurt them that bad if the car does get hit because some kids today are so tiny they probably would be killed in a car accident. My cousins daughter is 3 years old and weighs about 35 pounds to 45 pounds and she is in a booster seat because of her being so tiny. But the age of 8 is ridiculous and it should be like that. I know maryland has something like that but not as strict.
2006-09-25 07:27:41
answer #2
answered by mandi 2
wow that is hefty! My daughter is petite (12 years) and only weighs 77 pounds, and son is 10 and weighs 70 pounds, so under that law according to their weight they would have to be in a booster seat?!
I thought my 4 year old was hard to get in the car seat, just think how hard it would be to get a 10 and 12 year old in a booster seat!!
In all seriousness, I think that is a little much. Sure the old law may have needed to be tweaked like strictly enforcing the law, and enforcing seat belts, but 8 seems a little old to me too not just the weight issue!
2006-09-25 07:22:20
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I don't know, I guess if it would save your eight year olds life, it would be worth it. But four years old is kind of young to be sitting without one. I wonder what the car seat law is in California? My three year old is in a car seat, and my five year old is not. I was gonna get him a booster seat so he could see the trucks but I wonder is it is safer to have a full car seat?
2006-09-25 07:22:10
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
that's the same law here in indiana .i heard it on the radio yesterday.for someone to be 4'9'' tall and in a booster seat..that's a big kid,,,,so that kid is 7,,weighs 78 but is at 4'9'' tall...geez its almost like a grown person!! i've seen adults that size or smaller.but it is for the safety of the kids so that comes first. what are your thoughts on it?
2006-09-25 07:22:24
answer #5
answered by ggmsixer 5
Size matters more for safety standards. Age should not be so much of an issue as common sense should tell us how to protect our children and auto manufacturers from law suits.
2006-09-25 07:31:44
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I say perhaps nonetheless shop them interior the backseat. yet no longer a booster seat. yet what number all human beings is going to stay with that regulation, and the previous regulation to. I say keeping interior the back seat for secure practices nonetheless.
2016-10-17 23:02:50
answer #7
answered by itani 4
I'd like to see them FIT my 8 y/o into a booster seat. That's just stupid.
2006-09-25 08:24:51
answer #8
answered by Jessie P 6
I think CA law is 6yrs, 60 lbs.....but,
any research to address new laws for driving are always in the best interest and safety for everyone.
2006-09-25 07:23:25
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
How would you feel if your child died in a car crash that a booster seat would have saved them? It's not a lot to do for a whole lot of safety.
2006-09-25 07:21:14
answer #10
answered by ? 6