came home from high school (I'm a junior) early and heard them arguing in her room. Then I heard a thud, so I went running into her room. She was on the floor and I helped her up. This guy took a swing at me, but I pushed him away and chased him out the house. My sister told me not to tell our parents, and that she would work things out on her own. Later, she said that she was going to break up with him, so don't even think about telling mom and dad. Well, they're still going out and to top it all off this guy called me on my cell (my sister must have gave it to him) and threatened me not to say anything. I want to blow the whistle on the whole thing, cause I don't want my sister to get hurt. What should I do.
16 answers
asked by
David F
Family & Relationships
➔ Other - Family & Relationships
Actually what you witnesses is a CRIME. It is called assault. Not only should you tell your parents, but you and your sister should go file a police report and go get a restraining order against him. If he has called to threaten you over your cell, you need to put that in the police report and have them investigate that as well.
Violence is not something to be kept secret. If later, your sister dies at his hands (a possiblity because a man like this is dangerous) and you had opportunities to step in and help her (even if she says not to) then you will regret it for the rest of your life.
2006-09-25 05:43:33
answer #1
answered by godsgirl 4
TELL YOUR FOLKS. I was an abused girl friend -- twice. Your sister will be mad at you in the short run; but it is in her best interests. She is an adult though and has the right to make her own decisions -- even if they are dangerous to her. As to the threat, report that and any subsequent ones to the police. Get your folks to stand with you. Tell her you love her no matter what and that you'll always be there for her. She'll need that when things come tumbling down as they most assuredly will at some point. Be careful. I worry. :)
2006-09-25 05:46:47
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Tell your parents, and if it comes down to it, call the cops. Physical abuse is not acceptable in any form. It's unfortunate that your sister is in the position that she still likes him, but he definitively crossed the line when he called and threatened you. You need to get help immediately.
2006-09-25 05:47:13
answer #3
answered by stalker_42 2
This a very serious problem! Tell your sister to make the break up NOW! If she does not ,tell Mom and Dad they have a right to know.Your sister may be scared to break up with this guy!(and for good reason)She may be angry with you for alittle while,but she will thank you later!! This situation will only get worse!You and your family will have to be there for your sister! Good luck to you and yours! do the right thing!!!
2006-09-25 05:46:37
answer #4
answered by hillbilly wife 3
you know what you are an enabler( if u know someone is being abused and do nothing about it, its like u are accepting what he's doing to her) if she gets upset at u or not tell your parents because i can gurantee this is not the first time and it won't be the last. Look at it this way u see it everyday on the news jilter lover,everyone thought they were the perfect couple until somethin tragic happens..I know u are sceared for her but sometimes people need help to get out of situations like that and are afraid to ask(speakin from expierence) 12 yrs until i got tired of gettin my butt whipped everyday& my family thought but didn't know for sure.......take my advice help her out she thinks she can change him because i'm sure he said i'm sorry it won't happen again.........bull
2006-09-25 05:45:19
answer #5
answered by mojajazmo 3
Next time you have reason to believe he's hit or hurt her, call the police. Don't listen to her, don't listen to anybody, just call them, explain what you've observed and they'll take it from there. She needs protection and you're in position to give it to her. For whatever reason, her mind isn't working right regarding this turkey. Help her out.
2006-09-25 05:45:43
answer #6
answered by DelK 7
Ask your sister what she would do if this was happening to you. Tell her that he threatened you. Tell her you are scared. Take this seriously. If he is allowed to continue, it will get worse. Your sister will get over you ratting her out, but you will never get over it if your sister ended up dead because you didn't speak up!!!
2006-09-25 05:42:39
answer #7
answered by batgirl 2
If you really love your sister and want for her only the best - then go ahead! Tell your parents right now about the accident! :) Good Luck and don't be scared of that jerk!!! =)
2006-09-25 05:42:37
answer #8
answered by ChillyღAngel 3
tell someone, anyone, who will intervene. you've told the whole world here, but none of us can do anything to correct the situation. would you rather rethink this question at your sisters funeral.
2006-09-25 05:53:38
answer #9
answered by eddy 3
I kno shes ur sister but this is serious. she could die because of something like that. You should tell somebody. start with your parents.
2006-09-25 05:44:33
answer #10
answered by cocalot6 2