My best friend, (who lives 1300 miles away from me, thinks she's gay, and is a little obsessed with me, and has Adult ADD) will not leave me and my fiance alone! I moved to a different city, with my fiance almost a year ago, and just recently found out we were pregnant. I know that my friend is just trying to be friendly, and keep in touch, and check in, but over the weekend, she called 22 times! Half of the time she calls it's for no reason, just to "talk", but we both (me and my fiance) like to relax on the weekends, and it's difficult when the phone rings off the hook. I don't want to hurt her feelings, but this has got to stop! She's very sensitive, and gets defensive when she asks why I don't answer the phone when she calls, and I just tell her we are very busy, getting ready for the baby, and trying to use the weekend to relax. I have no idea what to do to remedy this. Any ideas?
14 answers
asked by
Tami G
Family & Relationships
➔ Friends