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There is evidence that US spends millions to support Chavez opposition groups, and that it funnels funds through the USAID.

2006-09-25 05:25:46 · 10 answers · asked by ? 5 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

Ruth - thanks my link didn't work. Here's a link to a National Catholic Reporter article from April 2004, that's good for a start. There are more recent AP articles, but I can't check for them now.

2006-09-25 06:10:28 · update #1

10 answers

If it is true, this approach has been tried over and over again with very little positive result. We have been trying to get rid of Castro for over 40 years by funding opposition groups, and in the past funding attempted assassinations. We have tried this in other South American countries. I think the money would be better spent promoting democracy by showing the good it can do, such as intervention in the Sudan or help with AIDS in Africa. We need to realize that much of the world hates this country for a reason, and no amount of money can change that.

The fact is that the vast majority of Venezuela supports Chavez, and our money means nothing to them. He was applauded for 60 seconds at the UN after making his "Devil" remarks. By contrast, Bush received only 15 seconds of applause the day before. I think that is an indication that not everyone loves this country, and like the song goes "money can't buy me love"

2006-09-25 05:39:06 · answer #1 · answered by Samuel Crow 3 · 1 0

Banks ought to no longer get taxpayer money. shall we are saying a extra ideal monetary company comes alongside and is about to placed the "taxpayers" monetary company out of company. Will the authorities go away the added ideal monetary company on my own or spoil it to guard it really is monetary company it has loaned money to. So if Ford , GM, Crystler receives the money. forget a funky electric powered motor vehicle company arising because they are gov. owned.

2016-11-23 20:46:09 · answer #2 · answered by garbarino 4 · 0 0

Its a waste of cash. Better to be indifferent and when it all goes wrong the lights go out, there are no jobs and the rubbish starts piling up then they can vote for someone else. At the moment USA hatred helps him to stay in office which is what he wants.

2006-09-25 05:32:33 · answer #3 · answered by bobobob 4 · 2 0

This must be stopped and would be a good issue for the upcoming elections.

Another issue I would like to see confronted is pork barrel spending. If it's pork we don't need and cannot afford it. It is frivolously spending everyone's taxes for one's own pet project and too few citizens benefit from it.

2006-09-25 05:36:58 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I tried your link, but it says the URL is bad.

Would like to know more about these opposition groups.

I think I agree with bobobo.

2006-09-25 05:39:29 · answer #5 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

And we do this even though he doesn't like us. It reminds me of the Sandinistas who didn't like us but took our money to fight their dirty little war. This is a total waste of our money. But as was once said, governement money is easy to spend because it doesn't appear to belong to anybody.

2006-09-25 05:30:14 · answer #6 · answered by dougp3102000 2 · 1 0

good use

that f_ckface chavez, i made a 9 billion dollar debt, and this idiot has the nerve to sell cheap oil to hurricane stricken americans


2006-09-25 05:28:36 · answer #7 · answered by ionut*999 3 · 0 1

anytime we invest in someone else's political business its evil, the governement has NO right to spend our hard earned taax dollars in this manner

2006-09-25 06:02:30 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


2006-09-25 05:28:31 · answer #9 · answered by region50 6 · 1 0

I'd rather see your country waste such tax money, then mine.

So I'd say yes please go ahead - well spent!!! lol

2006-09-25 05:28:40 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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