The problem in container gardening is adequate drainage. You don't want the roots sitting in puddles of water - they need to be able to breathe.
You've got a few good suggestions here... if you can mix in some small gravel stones to keep the soil from packing down, that'll help. Or if you have access to sand, use a very generous mix (a 1-to-1 ration would be fine ... 1 unit of sand to 1 unit of soil).
But if your pocketbook can handle one more purchase, go back to the store and buy something called VERMICULITE. It's a kind of cork-like material that is incredibly lightweight, but serves the purpose of aerating the soil. A small bag will go a long way, and it should be relatively inexpensive. But you may want to call ahead to be sure they carry it. A garden center is your best bet but Wal-mart etc should certainly have it as well.
Good luck, and welcome to the world of gardening!
2006-09-25 05:19:00
answer #1
answered by princessmeltdown 7
I'll assume these are outdoor containers? The garden soil will be just fine tho the containers will be heavy for moving around and the soil will pack down after awhile.
I'd go ahead and use it seeing as you have it, if nothing else you will get a season out of it. BTW I would also plant some crocus under the Mums and if the pot is bigger than 2 feet across, I'd also plant some daffodils in the middle and you'll have a lovely spring show.
2006-09-25 05:46:38
answer #2
answered by Barbados Chick 4
I don't recommend it. When you put the plants in the containers, the most important thing is the drainage. Garden soil is heavier than the regular potting soil, so it makes the water drain slower from the pot. If you must use them, mix with vermiculite or perlite to make soil loosen up a bit. If the pots are large, you can also put packing peanuts on the bottom. Ask at your local nursery about mixing soil for potting.
2006-09-28 21:03:56
answer #3
answered by Cosmos 4
I've never seen a bag of soil that says its not okay for containers, but if I did I would do what it says. Good Luck!
2006-09-28 11:25:13
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I wouldn't recommend it, it's probably too heavy and full of clay. You need a special potting soil for pots.
2006-09-25 07:54:45
answer #5
answered by Geri H 3
no its hard to belive but thats why there is potting mix, I'm not trying to be smart.
2006-09-25 05:13:57
answer #6
answered by The King 2
2006-09-25 05:45:58
answer #7
answered by mssteph800 2
Use little rocks
2006-09-25 05:13:04
answer #8
answered by pirateron 5
yes you can but you will need to give it miracle grow
2006-09-25 05:12:51
answer #9
answered by boogsters2u 2