It feels like i'm in Israel with all these pro-israel comments...
2006-09-25 17:11:24
answer #1
answered by Arts 6
First, stop asking questions like this because they make you look stupid. You are trying to show that the negative qualities which exist in Iran, which most Americans view negatively, also exist in Israel, which many Americans view positively. This makes you look stupid because it shows only a simple understanding of Iran and almost no understanding of Israel. The Israeli Knesset is made up of several different political parties, both religous and secular. Far from a regime, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is extremly sensitive to political pressure from the many different groups. If you want to say bad things about Israell you could at least overcome your laziness and go to Al or many of the other pages that defame Israel first.
2006-09-25 04:59:30
answer #2
answered by seantherunner 3
Israel is a freely elected government by the people.
Iran however has a goverment not elected by the people, but dismissed and put in place by the Shah (sic?) of Iran.
Try to practice any different religion in either country:
Israel will allow you to practice any religion without government interferrence while the Iranian government will restrict your freedoms and movements.
There is a huge difference between the two.
2006-09-25 04:42:35
answer #3
answered by dchipp2003 1
Iran is not very Religiously Fundamental as the Governments of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan its Liberal like Turkey and Lebanon in certain ways.
2006-09-25 04:40:28
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
That you do not have a clue to what is going on in the world! Study your history and civic classes a great deal more and you might be able to tell the difference between the two! However I doubt that very much seeing as that they are teaching revisioned history in school now!
2006-09-25 04:59:24
answer #5
answered by fatboysdaddy 7
that is notably difficult to call Iran a democracy. i do no longer see any. do no longer think of there is. i become on an identical time as listening to Blair on Iraq and Saddam thinking how lots the midget reminds me of Saddam and how lots the army's look very comparable. i be attentive to they have a deep mistrust of one yet another and nonetheless that's the comparable element. If the guy might placed on a uniform and swing a sword around he might seem the comparable. The crap he spits out is the comparable. loss of life to the west.
2016-10-17 22:53:24
answer #6
answered by mchellon 4
I think you don't know much about that. In Israel the religion and government are 2 different things - just like in U.S. In Iran, on the other hand, they are one and the same.
2006-09-25 04:39:45
answer #7
answered by Michael R 4
they drive cars in israel,iran they ride camels ,have towels on there heads,and carry ak 47s,no similarity
2006-09-25 04:54:46
answer #8
answered by john doe 5
both want to do their own things..
but one with and the other is against some countries..
to be honest, i think its a big game by the name of religions..
victims are the fooled nations..
just dont beleive any one..
2006-09-25 04:42:56
answer #9
answered by passion_harbour 1
Israel is a democracy and does not want to kill everyone who isn't Jewish. Is that concept so hard to understand?
2006-09-25 04:48:12
answer #10
answered by me 4