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well how was everyones weeekend? I went to an art gallerie.Well also to go see a foreign movie titled queens or reinas. It was great so tell if anything out of the ordinaty happened ! well if u want ok

2006-09-25 04:04:30 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Friends

11 answers

I WAS going to the movies but nothing good playing.THEN INSTEAD i went out to dinner with a friend. WHEN they served the plate there was a dead fly on the plate. I CALLEd her over and told the waitress. SHe picked the fly off the plate and told me it should be ok now. THEn i called the owner over told him, my dinner was free after that . He gave me a new one.

2006-09-25 04:10:06 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This pastime is gonna very last plenty longer than the a million day on your wedding ceremony. it will be so a lot extra important a pair months after the marriage that employment is solid than that a million day. I were married somewhat over a three hundred and sixty 5 days, and nevertheless have not gotten to flow on our honeymoon....lengthy tale, yet issues kinda fell aside presently when we were given married as a results of my hubby being laid off, and we had to forgoe a honeymoon so shall we actually devour and pay expenditures....you keep in mind that type of element! We planned to take it this summer season, yet i'm returning to college and we determined it will be suitable to placed that money in the route of school so as that shall we've sufficient money to stay, plus my hubby starts a clean pastime next monday (an answer to extremely some prayers!) and we do not favor to be taking a visit interior a month of him starting up, lol! I completely comprehend the position you're coming from! We did take a weekend visit to an outstanding motel and on-line casino element some hours away perfect after, yet nevertheless no genuine honeymoon! So...who's usual with at the same time as i receives one, yet i'm no longer that stresed, I have determined that somewhat than be bummed that it would nicely be yet another 3 hundred and sixty 5 days or 2 earlier i'm getting one, I must feel free with each and each of the sturdy issues that are initiating to p.c.. up in our lives, and be happy than me and hubby realized plenty contained in the previous 3 hundred and sixty 5 days and that our marriage is even better for it! 2 months is lower than no circumstances undesirable, take that pastime no matter if it really is for sale and be pleased about it! sturdy success to you!

2016-11-23 20:39:11 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

My weekend was alright. Did nothing on saturday, I was in bed ALL day, it was great. And yesterday I got my hair done and walked around the city with my hommie.

It was good. No drama just the way I like it.

2006-09-25 04:08:05 · answer #3 · answered by Melia 4 · 0 0

I had one hell of a nightmare weekend....I ended up getting caught half naked laying next to my best friends dude. I normally sleep nude when I drink but there was no exceptions this time....It looked very bad and now I lost my best friend. For some reason my ex has been comforting me and even asking me to marry him knowing something possibly happened....What a wicked weekend....I messed up big time.

2006-09-25 05:14:43 · answer #4 · answered by Mary 3 · 0 0

Only good drama. 5-6 guys want to go out on a date with me.

2006-09-25 08:03:34 · answer #5 · answered by brookie1977m 3 · 0 0

Great to hear you had a good weekend. Nothing but drama in this household.

2006-09-25 04:08:06 · answer #6 · answered by Val 6 · 0 0

the weekend was fine - not too much drama for a change!!! All of my drama waited till this morning!! Typical Monday!!

2006-09-25 04:07:42 · answer #7 · answered by pumpkin 6 · 0 0

We had tornado warnings Saturday - lots of rain & wind
-some had power outages, trees in the road.

2006-09-25 04:08:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

my weekend was great. i went to san franciso with my boyfriend and friends. of coursing being there i met with my cousin ex girlfriend and her new boyfriend and her group of friends. she has a lot of friends. she's like the leader of the group.

2006-09-25 04:52:08 · answer #9 · answered by mommie2be 3 · 0 0

Good for you. I got hollared on by the wife all weekend over her stupid father

2006-09-25 04:06:17 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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