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It's interesting to read people attributing the rampant crime in what used to be South Africa to poverty, unemployment, apartheid - the usual suspects.
The real reason is the corrupt, uncaring ANC government, and by extension, the equally corrupt, inept so-called police force.

Take a look at this -




South Africa





Get the picture?

2006-09-24 23:16:12 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Africa & Middle East South Africa

pixie 121 - go ahead and report me. It won't make the reality of your inept police force disappear.
What exactly are you proud of?

2006-09-25 00:25:37 · update #1

tiisetsemo - baby I'm only 42, does that make me a geyser? Damn!
Sweetie, 15 years ago, South Africa was not a developing country, but a very modern one. The ANC changed all that and sent you guys back into the Dark Ages. You don't know that, because you were born into the squallor you live in, and don't know the difference.

2006-09-25 06:21:19 · update #2

rabbit - that's only part of your problem, but thanks for showing some common sense.
All these other people will make any excuse for the backward, violent nature of the ANC government.
Completely shutting themselves off to reality.

2006-09-25 06:24:33 · update #3

robsnor - with all the AIDS, murder, corruption, rape etc... can you think of something positive to say?

2006-09-25 06:26:40 · update #4

What's stunning to me is how badly the ANC has f***ed what used to be South Africa up, and because the majority of the people cursing me out don't know what South Africa used to be like economically, they have no idea how bad things are around them.
South Africa USED to have a very effective police force and military - comparable to any first world country's. In some respects, better.
Now, the so-called police and military over there is as corrupt and useless as the so-called government.

What stuns me even more is how everyone keeps bleating "I'm a proud South African!", just like they've been conditioned to, and completely ignores the chaos going on around them.

What exactly are you people proud of?

2006-09-25 08:53:17 · update #5

andy - young fellow, I'm only 42.

2006-09-25 09:06:07 · update #6

Diesel - if I recall correctly, you're the Proud South African currently living in London. How's the diplomatic work going?
Or are you just a garden variety hypocrite?

Let's put those links of yours in context, shall we...?



Next time think things through before you open your mouth.

2006-09-25 09:34:24 · update #7

Diesel - are you a certifiable moron, or have you been watching too many Quentin Tarantino movies, with that tough guy, bad a** approach of yours?

You argue like an imbecile - crime is unacceptable in any place, but no place has no crime, so let me try to explain this to you like a three year old - IF YOU HAVE A LOT MORE CRIME PER CAPITA - THAT IS, A LOT LESS PEOPLE, BUT A LOT MORE BAD S**T GOING ON - got that? - you have a problem. And in what used to be South africa's case, according to the numbers, a significant one.

One of the reasons for the comparitively insignificant crime statistics here in America, is the subject of the question, which you completely ignored.

Thanks to the New York City Police Dept., the headlines of today's New York Daily News read -'Subway Crime Lowest In 37 Years'
What crime statistics are falling in The Proud South Africa?

And what are you up to in the UK? Some sort of spy mission, or something?

2006-09-25 14:59:15 · update #8

Kim - easy there, baby. I'm not miserable in the USA. Quite the opposite, actually.
Which is the correct spelling of 'actually'.

2006-09-25 20:31:27 · update #9

Alf - wish I knew your real name - all that happened at Cresta? I used to live near there.
What is happening to the Proud South Africans is pretty much what Orwell outlined in two books -'Animal Farm' and '1984'.
It's easy for me to see this from afar - I mean, you have no idea how comical and imbecilic the present South African so-called government looks over here - so I don't get upset with the still idealistic, deluded Proud South Africans.

What the ANC has in store for them is exactly what Mugabe is doing in Zimbabwe. No amount of pride will change that.
However -
As I said to you on another question, the X Factor in this tragicomedy is AIDS. South Africa is running out of people, with no end in sight.

2006-09-25 20:47:00 · update #10

tiisetsomo - hey baby, calm down. Can't recall stating her age on another question. Maybe you can find it for me.

For the record - I was born in 1964. She was born in 1986. Her little sister was born in 1987.

2006-09-25 20:53:23 · update #11

Joyce F - your stupidity insults itself . Because you crossed the line and went after my kids.

The incident I described in 'A South African' story did indeed occur with my daughter and myself. I never ripped it off from anyone.
If that story is - as you say, plagiarised - pray why don't you post the original here for all to see.
I'd like to see it to.

Damn right I call Arabs disgusting names - they're doing some pretty disgusting things in the World right now.
And, I hate to break it to you in the touchy feely, politically correct little fantasy world that you live in, but if you know anything about the early history of the indigenous American tribes, their behavior was very backward and very savage.
Oh wait, I forgot, they were peaceful tree dwellers.

If you're going to open your big mouth, get your facts straight first. No one said South Africa had the highest crime rate in the world - but one of the highest. I'm perfectly aware of what's going on in Brazil.

2006-09-26 07:14:28 · update #12

I'm sure those crime stats you posted for Brazil are a great comfort to the people being robbed, raped, murdured, tortured and carjacked on a daily basis in what used to be South Africa.

And if you know of anything in my early history that is indicative of a hatred for blacks, please, by all means share it with the rest of us - me especially - I'd like to know it as well.

2006-09-26 07:19:19 · update #13

Was that a good enough rant?

2006-09-26 07:21:48 · update #14


2006-09-26 10:07:40 · update #15

Diesel - can't go after me on the facts, so now you go after me personally. As any coward would do.

My life in America has been very successful - contrary to what you might hope, and I am still actively involved in the entertainment. world.
Successfully enough that I can afford to waste time indulging idiots like you.

My interest in boxing has always been from a fan based and training perspective - I'm a very successful trainer here in NYC.
I actually had a pretty successful kickboxing career in South Africa in the late eighties. And if you would like to see how good I am at boxing, try talking this s**t to me face to face.
I'm glad I'm important enough to you that you feel you have to reaearch my past. I'm not going to violate you - I want everyone else to see my bio as well.
Thanks for posting it.

2006-09-26 10:22:14 · update #16

So how's the spy mission going in the UK?

2006-09-26 11:52:17 · update #17

Diesel - UK won't accept asylum seeking hypocrites like yourself - proves my point how bad the has ANC has f****d up South Africa - everyone wants to escape. They won't even accept cowards like you.
Goes back to my original crime stats, which you've very slickly dodged.

Never said I was a professional boxer - pro kickboxer - pay attention to what you read, idiot. I mean bru.

Hell, I must have made an impression on you - you went to all the trouble to investigate my rather interesting life, if I say so myself - even to the point of telling everyone else about it. Bru.
All we know about you, bru, is that you're hiding out in the UK telling everyone what a Proud South African you are.

Seeing you're so interested in my life - want me to tell you some more?

2006-09-26 13:27:53 · update #18

Everybody has been so busy insulting me - the more ignorant ones actually trying to get personal with the insults - that no one has really taken a good look at those law enforcement and population stats.
Kim asked me on another question what I hope to achieve by posing my very unpopular questions.
You know - I don't know.
Anything I say here is not going to have any effect on the matters I post about. None of your lives will change.

I hope you'll all be safe tomorrow.
Best I can hope for.

2006-09-26 17:49:15 · update #19

16 answers

Yes Brad crime is bad and any fool knows that. I myself have been attacked twice and that was after the apartheid years. I still will not leave this country. We all know of people that have left South Africa and even some of them have returned. I will not leave. If my children want to leave I will miss them but this is the country I was born in 44 years ago. My husband (a non south african that went to the army for 2 years although he did not have to.) has traveled with his work all over the world and still loves coming back "home". Its strange Brad but some of us love South Africa and yes my heart does bleed for this beautiful country of ours.

2006-09-27 09:27:06 · answer #1 · answered by chersgaz 4 · 4 0

Isn't it amusing that the two least educated people here, i.e. Brad and Alf (also known as BALDY, Mantu, etc) have the most to say about the other people here. Let's look at the people they love to run into the ground:
Porgie: has a degree, well educated teacher
Diesel: a medical professional with several degrees
Confused: a professor (I know she got Alf too and squeezed his balls firmly as well)
Wagbietjie: medical professional

These people are all EMPLOYED and well-educated. Brad we all know that the reason you are on this site 24 hours a day is becaused you got FIRED for SEXUAL abuse of a female (perhaps because as you said yourself your sex life is non-existent). Successful in your career: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha HA HA HA HA!!!!!!! Arnold Vosloo is successful and many more South Africans who are actually known. You are a nothing man.

Alf etc: not even a South African, NEVER been there by his own admission, uneducated for sure.

jealousy makes you nasty, nastiness makes your balls ache ....

2006-09-28 02:27:58 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

This is not actually a question...so u can get reported...well actually u know what i am a real proud South African so i WILL report u...

I am proud of the fact that i come from a country where God built his castle and decided to pay special attention to the details...the country where people respect each other the most...and even if we have a bad crime rate, i am proud to call South Africa my home because you cant get any better than that!

2006-09-25 00:17:56 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 8 3

A simple truth, when the law is not enforced, a large portion of the population will break it. The ANC does not back up the law with a solid police force, decent law system or even harsh laws for offenders. People see that it is easy to make money from crime and even easier to get away with it. If the goverment of SA really wanted to get rid of crime they must just make it that crime does not pay. A murderer the other day got R3000 bail. So often bail is so low and gets paid, then the accused is never heard from again!!!

2006-09-25 05:31:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 6 4

You must really be a very sick, bored individual. I recall you said that you have family in South Africa that you support financially. Why don.t you use that money to get them out of this country and break all bonds with South Africa. Maybe then you can spend your time trying to do / say positive things. That is if you can.

2006-09-25 01:53:11 · answer #5 · answered by robsnor 3 · 8 2

If you dont like where you are then you are free to leave

Crime ends with education 70% of our population have none but we are changeing that with schooling no matter how low it is we still teaching them some moral values .

Some of the storys on the links are terrible no bosy should have go trough what they have but crime is part of your life if you live in sa .if we look at alot of crimes they are not done by south aficans they done some one out of deepest darkest africa where civil war is normal life . We need to close our borders to these thugs .

If you think constantly about crime it will happen to you so stop thinking about it

2006-09-24 23:27:31 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 8 2

The stupidity of your question and your insane "debate" here shows your ignorance, your hatred for black people or anyone who is not white. You called native americans in one of your answers a backward culture - charming. You have called arabs the most disgusting names. You are nothing but a racist. And posting a "question" about 'South African story' (which is indeed a poem about race relations in the UK, so you are also a plagiarist to boot) is so very sick, because you use it as bait. Get some help.

This is a forum for asking questions, not for debating your racist and hate-filled delusions. Please post this type of "question" on the forum section of Yahoo. It would be the more appropriate forum for your rantings.

It is actually not true that SA has the highest crime rate in the world - it is relatively low compared to Russia and Brazil. Overnight from Brazil:
BRASILIA, Brazil (Reuters) - More than 150 Brazilians were murdered each day last year on average, putting Brazil on a par with some war zones in terms of its homicide rate, the Justice Ministry said on Monday. Some 55,000 Brazilians died of homicide in 2005 -- a few thousand more civilians than in three years of war in Iraq, according to leading estimates.
Brazil, a continent-sized nation of 185 million people starkly divided into rich and poor, has had notoriously high crime rates for years.

And don't bother insulting me, you won't bait me. I have been following your rantings now for a few weeks, it is PATHETIC. And I also know who you are in real life - good for you for using your real name, we do know you are an "actor", perhaps a stunt man is more appropriate. And your early life history perhaps helps to explain your hatred for South Africa, especially the black people. Glad you got your kids back in your life, but most probably was an excellent move by your ex to flee with them and not expose them to you during their very formative years. It was their savings grace.

Again, please rather post your rantings in the Yahoo Forum. It is the appropriate place for it.

2006-09-26 01:56:31 · answer #7 · answered by Joyce F 2 · 6 3

Ja jou neut! I guess you still wet your bed, because only a sad pathetic little man like you, of course, could think out such nonsense. And by the way, for such a busy successful man like you, you've got lots and lots and lots of time spending time on Yahoo. And I must say, you must obviously do great in the entertainment world, seen as you act like such a dumb pathetic clown. I guess you have no friends, no looks, no personality (but that we know), no sexlife, nothing, and I guess that you are a fat obese pig!!! And you are a slimy dumb a*ss worm!!!!

2006-09-26 22:03:22 · answer #8 · answered by poepies 4 · 5 2

Im so glad we had a public holiday yesterday,,,otherwise i would of read another question of yours with the same useless information on a Monday morning!!!!!

You suck and so does your country. You should go to another planet,,, you bring bad where ever you go.

You go about posting these questions about South Africa as if you have nothing better to do. That seems to be your life and i feel sorry for you. Um....acutally i dont!

Well you enjoy living your miserable life in the USA and i'll enjoy living my life as good as it is right here in South Africa. Johannesburg to be exact! :)


2006-09-25 19:33:59 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 6 3

Hey old geyser!SA is a developing country -economically and can't be compared to USA.Thought might have noticed this but clearly the grey matter isn't as sharp as it were before! Ha! Ha! Get a life.



2006-09-25 01:09:06 · answer #10 · answered by T.I 5 · 8 3

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