I think your plan is quite appealing in many ways. It strives to achieve a win-win balance between the interests of employers & those who would want to come here to work. At the same time, it works to deter them from staying, thus preserving our quality of life here. Additionally, it does not contain any nonsense about amnesty for criminals who have already broken the law by coming here illegally in the first place.
However, it could go farther in some areas. For example, the borders still need to be reinforced, and deportation should be a top priority. Verifying eligibility needs to be thoroughly investigated prior to allowing any aliens working here. Fines & penalties need to be increased for employers who break the law as well as for anyone who assists in the smuggling & harboring of aliens on this side of the border.
Free education, medical care, housing, & other benefits to illegal aliens need to be discontinued altogether immediately. The other area that has not been addressed yet, is holding landlords accountable for housing illegal aliens. There should be a form similar to the I-9 that employers fill out to determine work eligibility that landlords could fill out & keep on file to prove they are not renting to illegal aliens. Fines should be assessed for lawbreakers.
If Americans can deter illegal aliens from having a place to work & live here, & if the illegal aliens cannot soak the social services here, that would decrease the demand somewhat. Create less opportunities here with fewer benefits & greater consequences for non compliance. Of course, enforcement would be extremely important in order for the plan to work. For those who say it would cost too much, point out what the alternatives would be & costs associated if serious action is not taken.
Keep up the good work
2006-09-24 18:07:40
answer #1
answered by julie j 6
Well in my honest opinion, it is simple, and it makes sense (especially the provisions on counties with greater than 7.5% unemployment and the details on citizenship.). This sounds more just both to the USA's real citizens and the wannabe workers.
Enforcement is another thing altogether... but if people are serious in implementing laws and ideas like this then the Illegal Immigrant flow could be cut down significantly.
2006-09-25 00:40:56
answer #2
answered by betterdeadthansorry 5
It's obviously a well thought out plan however I would propose that whatever is done that Americas Welfare receipients are placed into many of these jobs.
During the Depression Americans were all too eager to do those meneal jobs. Political Correctness has changed that today, instead we fascilitate bad behaviour.
2006-09-26 01:00:04
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I have a question. I want to live and work in the USA just as much as everyone else, but everyone here in the USA seems to give preferentail treatment to Mexicans. Such as some senators wanting to give greencards to all illegal Mexicans in the USA. I think this is very unfair for all the other people trying to come into the country legally.
2006-09-25 00:35:12
answer #4
answered by Jumpy 2
Back during the great depression, President Herbert Hoover ordered the deportation of all illegal aliens in order to make the jobs available to American citizens that desperately needed work. And then again in 1954, President Dwight Eisenhower deported 1.3 million Mexican nationals (called operation "We tback") in order that returning American WWII and Korean veterans had a better chance at jobs. It took 2 years, but they deported them. If they could deport the illegals back then, they can sure do it today!! If you have doubts about the veracity of this information, just type Operation We tback into your favorite search engine and confirm it for yourself.
Deportation of all illegal aliens and their children will work the best.... no amnesty, no birthright citizenship for children of illegal aliens....
5 years in prison with no parole and a $250,000 fine for azzholes who employ illegal aliens.... first offense.... second offense: 20 years, no parole, loss of all possessions.... Harsh but effective.... and, it is the right thing to do.
2006-09-25 00:40:42
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I think the wall is good.
Instead of illegals coming in why not establish factories in Mexico and keep them out?
2006-09-25 01:07:17
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
make them pay to be legal. no amnesty. my ancestors payed to come here. it would not be right if they was given amnesty, and the other immigrants went threw the system to be here. if they are given amnesty there will be alot of Americans peed. i would understand under different circumstances. if there country was at war with each other. but that is not going on. read there contstatution of mexico. not fair to us when they can come here and have free reighn of are country,
2006-09-25 01:54:37
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Guest workers lower the middle class`s wage scale and widens the gap between the rich and poor.
2006-09-25 00:38:43
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Americans love a challenge
I vote for the rounding up and deporting of illegals!
Oh, and the wall, too!
2006-09-25 00:51:53
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Sounds like the work visa plan we already have in place. The fact is that the problem lies in NON-ENFORCEMENT of EXISTING LAWS.
2006-09-25 00:36:54
answer #10
answered by jerofjungle 5