I like your spunk, Becky. Clear thinking people can voice their opinions without swearing or name calling, but the liberals who "hate" that "creep" Bush are truly at a loss for logic. They'll tell they support the troops but hate the war. Even that is illogical. I wish you good luck if you join the military. You sound like a sensitive patriot. Your type of person is in short supply.
2006-09-24 15:53:49
answer #1
answered by Apex 2
My husband is serving in the Army. I didn't vote for George Bush, he's not MY president, and I believe I am entitled to say/think/feel whatever the heck I want about him. On the other hand, I am not an arrogant jerk that runs around arguing, spewing my harsh opinions in other people's faces, and calling people stupid for what they feel. To each their own. I really don't care!!!
But joining the service is a pretty big deal. And it is always wrong to deceive your parents, whether you think it is for a good cause or not. Your mother may be very hurt to be the last to find out. And your father should not keep it from her either. Have you thought about having children? How will you have them if you are dead? You could lose a limb. You could have shrapnel blown into your skull and be retarded or end up comatose.
Depending on how old you are now, things might change by the time you turn 18. You might feel differently about some things. But since you are so young, why are you already thinking about marriage??
When I was 18 I was working on being a tattoo artist. Now I am married to my husband who is in Oklahoma training right now, and we have a 7 month old daughter. I'm a stay at home mom at the moment and have abandoned all desires of being a tattoo artist. Now I sew baby clothes and cloth diapers for my daughter. Your life can change. Your priorities can change. Think long and hard about your decision, because it affects the people that care about you as well.
2006-09-24 17:56:51
answer #2
answered by .*AnNa*. 3
You are pretty young for such a complex question, but here goes: There has never been a President in the history of this country that did not have a certain percentage of the population against him, no matter what they said or did. It is simply not possible to be all things to all people. Then there are people who MUST have SOMEONE to blame for what they percieve to be unjust, or immoral actions, thought, or deeds. Many of these types have a warped sense of self importance, deluding themselve that THEY have more insight into what a President of the free world really is responsible for, and further, they have none of the INSIDE info that goes into every decision the President must make, popular or not.
The President does not sit all alone and make these decisions without consulting the top brass of: the chief of staff, the secretary of defense, the pentagon, the CIA, the NSA, the Army, the Navy, The Air Force,The Marine Corp, private civilian "Think Tanks", the Congress, the House of Representatives, real time sattellite imagery, Special Operations, Tactical Support Intelligence, Foriegn Allies and THIER network of the above organizations, Top Secret communications, and many many more sources of up to the minute world wide situations. And no, President Bush did not cause Hurricane Katrina. So you see, Being Leader of the Free World, and Commander and Chief of all branches of the military is by no means an easy thing to do. Some of these detractors ought to spend just ONE day as President to have a whole new outlook on what it REALLY takes to make the kinds of decisions the President must make every day he holds the office. Liberals vs. Conservatives is an academic exersise at best, a dividing of the American People at worst. My advice is to gather as much information you can on any given issue in order to make an INFORMED opinion, even if you don't have the vast resources available to our government. Good question. God Bless.
2006-09-24 16:10:24
answer #3
answered by The Oldest Man In The World 6
You ask why people say bad things about President Bush. Some just disagree with his way of fixing problems - they forget it is his decision to make. Most are uninformed, they read or hear a news story & make their decision from a liberal media or ignorant celebrities instead of studying they real facts. They blame the president for decisions made from bad intelligence information. The President does not control the Intelligence Divisions but he does use their information to make decisions.
Good luck with Military career - my son is an Officier & Army Ranger. He finished college first to go straight into Officiers school. You may want to consider it - he becomes a Captain in a couple of months. p.s. I understood your great grandfather did not come back.
2006-09-24 16:01:48
answer #4
answered by Wolfpacker 6
Its not because of one thing. It is because he is riding a team of issues and approaches that together appear..not nice.
We do need to stick up for our rights as country. Military action was probably required. I don't see any clever way around that.
Overall GW's big problem is that he comes across like a spoiled child who wants to be world kingmaker. It is the way he says things not necessarily the point he is trying to make.
Also GW has problem recognizing where American law ends. Like Osma Bin Laden he has too much faith that he is right in determining matters outside his homeland -- and fairly clearly for religious reasons. How do you think that plays in non-Christian areas? Why should it play better?
GW makes too many demands that we cannot enforce, at least not simulataneously, and which he has every reason will be resist to the point of war. Thus internationally he is considered an ill-mannered buffoon. Basically GW is seen as like TV pro-wrestling antics come to real life interntaional affairs. If GW was smart he would keep his outrage invisible on such matters until he could do something and merely say "it is regrettable...". Unfortunately lots of Americans were raised on and love their pro-wrestling.
The real long term international problem is that they see all Americans as buffoons because we left GW in power.
P.S. GW does control the intelligence agencies. Worse he should know exactly how they work. May be it is the National Guard all over again -- on the books but not on the job.
American technical intelligence is unfortunately very good - but the cultural intelligence is both occasionally very good and also very bad with mediocrity the rule. You'd laugh if you had seen some of the sources I saw quoted. Schoolkids get F's for such audacity once they get past 5th grade. But catastrophically US intelligence is 95% US politics once it leaves the intelligence trenches with the good stuff as easily discarded as the bad. That is they bend the data reported to support whatever politically agenda is in power. Making this worse is that they tend to guess what the politicians want to hear.
So if GW was making a decision he should have made a few surprise visits to the working areas analysts so he would know when to throw BS flags on the rest of the reports. But every evidence says GW is less in touch with reality than Osma -- "I have FAITH and I am going to share it at gunpoint and then you will believe too Mr Iraq citizen and Mr. Moslem." At least Osma expect that he and most his followers will die someday for their tactics and beliefs.
2006-09-24 16:56:27
answer #5
answered by mortree 2
I don't know if this is actually a question but im going to respond to it anyway. I'm in the army myself and also joined after i turned 18. It can be both a blessing and a curse. I am mentally, physcially and above all else more mature than people my age now(23). But on the flip side it is very hard to connect with people your own age as they don't have the same life experience as you and will not until they are much much older.
But as to your headline, its natureal for people to say bad things about the president. There is a natural thing for people to say bad things, no matter who is the leader. Same with police and other figure of authority and especially amongst other people your age.
And along with that a large percentage of people your age are democract. Without further dulving into politics, they don't like bush based on party afiliations.
2006-09-24 15:44:53
answer #6
answered by Guillermo 2
People say criticizing thigns because it is the American way. Being able to speak freely and uncover flaws will eventually exterminate them. Some like you, are of the respectable opinion that the war is legit. Others like myself, feel that although the President is not at fault, we can learn from the mistakes of the past in our intelligence to make sure that we don't do it again. Still others feel that the President manipulated intelligence to try and promote his neoconservative agenda. All of the opinions are respectable and all should be considered carefully. We as a nation and democracy should not be afraid to openly discuss these things.
As for your family history and aspirations to become a soldier, good for you.
2006-09-24 15:51:21
answer #7
answered by sax7515 2
I deeply fear what George W. Bush has done to the world that I live in, regardless of whether I'm American or not (incidentally, I'm Canadian). He blatantly undermined the authority of the United Nations and lied to the world (and most importantly the people of the country that you want to fight for) about his reasons for going there. Saddam Hussein was an evil man, but he was in no way connected to al-Qaeda; nor did he have the WMDs Bush & Co. said he had. People say bad things about him because he is a liar. Remember what people said about Clinton, too; he lied under oath and was ripped to shreds for it. I guess lying about whom you have sex with is worse than lying about sending your country to an impossible war that has claimed more lives than the attack that spawned it, and is doing more to foster anti-American and terrorist ideologies than anything before it. If you do join the army, good luck; I support your decision to go, and I hope you come back alive.
Plus, Bush is inept -- just look at the way his administration handled Hurricane Katrina, and how they have completely trumped your freedoms and liberties by tapping your phones? Is that a man who should be lauded as a great man and thinker? I sincerely hope not!!!
I deeply resent the comments on here about "Leftists", too. I don't attack "Right-wing" ideology because attacking someone on the basis of their ideas in a forum such as this is nothing short of cowardly. We march in the streets because we can; right-wingers march in the streets too, you know, and both sides of the spectrum can credit the sixties for our ability to speak freely (to the person who says we're stuck in 1969). We lobby our governments and sign petitions and speak to our representatives about changes that we would like to see made and are perfectly able to discuss things "rationally" like everyone else does, because it is our right to do so in a democracy. We are not desperate to gain control because we haven't lost any of it; we still have our voices and that's all the power we need. And there are not more of you than there are of us -- the world looks at America and instead of feeling awestruck at your might, we feel pity. Bush is running America into the ground, and the whole world will have to pay for his mistakes. That means not just us, but our children and grandchildren too. Thanks a lot, Mr. President.
2006-09-24 16:15:41
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
most of them are jealous politicians that don't or won't stand up and take charge so all they do is talk trash. There is nothing wrong joining the military, theres also nothing wrong with going to college and getting an education---do the best thing, join the military and while in the military, get you a college degree. It will help you get promotions later on if you stay in the military and they pay a large part of it. If you do join the military, get a job that relates to something in the civilian world--it'll help you immensely.
2006-09-24 15:48:50
answer #9
answered by mr_fixit_11 3
first this is free country everybody has to have their opinion. Two we were not in Iraq to remove Saddam. We went to Iraq for Oil. If removing a dictator and freeing people was the goal we wouldn't be friends with Saudi Arabia and other middle eastern country that are run by tyrants. if democracy was so important to us we would have send help to Liberia when they needed it. We were the one to put Saddam in power we were the one who supported him against Iran and when he took over Kuwait (an oil rich country) we went against him. So if you think USA is all goody goody and trying to save the world. " GROW UP. all we are doing either it is middle east or south America is to protecting our interest and of course to keep our SUV's running. So hopefully someday the gas will get cheaper no matter how much Iraqi blood it takes.
here are the facts
WMD - bull
Saddams ties to Al qaeda - lie
yellow cake uranium - another lie
Saving Iraqi people - ha ha
Social security - we may never see
Surplus - gone
9/11 - Alqaeda did it and administration failed to stop.
Katrina - too little too late
gas price - finally going down
unemployment - blame it on 9/11
no bid contract to halliburton
inflated charges by halliburton
have fun in Iraq
btw if i have to go to Iraq i'll go as a halliburton employee. atleast i'll make some money.
one more thing osama is still alive.
2006-09-24 16:13:37
answer #10
answered by thebestbotintexas 2
Don't be a dumbass! First, it doesn't matter who is president or what he does as president, people are going to say bad things about him. If you have the opportunity to go to college first, do it. You can serve your country afterwards. You'll make more money and be more influential in the service, because you'll be an officer. Think about how proud your family would be of that! You're making lifelong decisions based on how you feel about your boyfriend. The Army or any other service isn't a game, they're for real and they won't think twice about making you miserable to suit their needs. They don't care about your feelings for your boyfriend and they're not going to make special arrangements to keep you together, I don't care what any recruiter tells you. Unless something is spelled out in writing, initialed signed and dated by 3 different people in triplicate, a recruiter's promises are meaningless. He has no power to guarantee you anything. I retired from the military a couple years ago and although I don't regret my career, I wish there were some things I did differently. I am a woman and I was enlisted, and I spent 20 years in.
2006-09-24 15:52:02
answer #11
answered by Anonymous