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Illegal immigration is a hot issue. The vast majority of Americans want them deported yet our politicians are doing little to nothing about it. They are supposed to represent the majority.

Realistically speaking, what do you thing will be the final outcome of this entire issue? Please do not tell me what you want to happen but what you think will actually happen.
Deportation? Amnesty? Partial deportation? Path to citizenship? What do you think?

2006-09-24 05:08:50 · 12 answers · asked by the_wall 2 in Politics & Government Immigration

If you cannot give an intelligent answer, please do not answer.

2006-09-24 05:12:29 · update #1

12 answers

Here's what I think, the deportations that are going on right now seem to be focusing on the "undesirables", seems to be our elected (so called) "leaders" think this might be enough to make Americans happy.

I know the majority of Americans want deportations (myself included), but most likely it will just be partial deportation with a path to citizenship for the rest. Do I agree with that NO, do I want that to happen NO. Would I like to see Mass Deportations start Today?? HECK YES!! The only way the American people can get what they want, is to keep being heard. Right now it is starting to look good for those of us that want this problem taken care of. BUT we can not become complacent, we have to keep our voices heard.
If all services were to dry up for illegals, then eventually they would leave on their own accord. Can we say ENFORCEMENT of our laws?? No more state aide, NO more anchor babies, No more renting to illegals, NO more employing illegals. How long would an illegal stay if they could not receive any of these things?? And it would definitely save us money on deportations. (bonus) More money for enforcing our borders!!

2006-09-24 05:34:13 · answer #1 · answered by Hold em Rox 6 · 6 0

I believe they will do more to protect the border-or they will let others take more action without so much interference (takes the pressure off of them). And will do as little as they have too.
I believe they will let States take more action and will do as little as they have too (for the same reason)
I believe they will give only a partial way to Amnesty to appease both sides. How that will come about I am not sure. Who will be in that number and who will not be included is hard to say.
I believe they will open more ways to a guest pass to please their corporate friends.
I believe eventually they will do something about State Programs--they have too. The drain can not continue forever and the people will not allow a continual tax burden. This will be their biggest challenge. And the most hated. And the one they will put off as long as they can.

I do believe they will not use the best ways to answer these problems. As Greed and Corruption will play their part.

I am not sure of the American''s reaction. This is the scariest part. Groups are forming today at a great daily growing rate. Some I like-some I don't. This might throw a curve in many of plans made.

I would prefer a different way--but I don't see that happening.

2006-09-24 11:45:14 · answer #2 · answered by *** The Earth has Hadenough*** 7 · 2 0

I don't believe our government truly can do anything about it. They could throw millions or even billions of dollars erecting physical barriers, highering more border control and INS agents, but the truth is, they will still find a way around all of it. To me, the only answer is to make them citizens. If they want the rights and privileges of living in America, then they need to take on the responsibilities also, i.e. paying taxes, carrying insurance on their vehicles, paying the same outrageous costs for health insurance, and voting. And yes, I feel voting is neither a right nor a privilege of all Americans, but a RESPONSIBILITY!! Next time you hear someone complain about the state of this great nation, simply ask them when they last voted in a local, state or national election. If you don't vote, you have no right to complain.

Besides, if by some chance we were able to deport all of the immigrants, America would be faced with a serious work force shortage. I was watching a show the other night that stated that young (teen and early 20's) workers were complaining that immigrants were dominating the unskilled labor work force. I firmly believe this is nothing but an excuse. We have raised, for the most part, a lazy generation that has no work ethic. And again I say, for the most part, as this in no way represents ALL of our younger generation. I do know some VERY hard-working young kids, my son included. He has worked his fair share of hard, physical labor jobs, without complaint and I'm very proud to say he is now in the Marine Corps (far from an easy job!). I tried to raise him to have a strong work ethic, that when you agree to do a certain job for a set pay, you do that job to the very best of your ability. Unfortunately, most of the younger, unskilled work force today feel that it is their right to be employed and they should get paid for doing nothing. They use the immigrant situation as an excuse. And for those that think I don't know what I'm talking about - I have seen this first hand. So until we raise a generation that truly understands the meaning of hard work, we'd better let the immigrants stay - legalize them, of course - but hell... Roll out the Welcome Mat!!! We need them!

2006-09-24 06:28:26 · answer #3 · answered by raiden 2 · 0 1

I'm not quite sure who the first responder is talking to, but pretty much anyone I have come in contact with, including myself, find these people who enter our county illegally very disrespectful just for the fact that they entered illegal.

But what I think should happen and what will happen are two very different things. I think, for the most part, the politicians are going to 'pet' us, so to speak, so that we remain calm for the most part on this issue. They are going to allow the illegals to stay here, working jobs that Americans will do (just not for the chump change that the illegals are doing it for), allow them to continue collecting welfare and medicaid (which is why the illegals are able to work for the small amount of money they receive), let the wall be built to slow down the amount of illegals coming here and wait for them to die and their children be born legal.

I think that unless they can prove some sort of legal status they should not be allowed medical insurance or welfare of any kind. I have serious issues with my tax dollars going to support people who come here illegally along with those who are not adding anything constructive to society.

2006-09-24 05:30:50 · answer #4 · answered by FaerieWhings 7 · 5 0

I think that the government will not do anything yet about the ones that are already here, but that as soon as that wall is built, they will start to crack down more on the businesses that are hiring illegals, THEN will start deporting large numbers of illegals. This is definitely one issue that crosses political party lines, as I am a democrat, but I have come to see that many republicans are surprised to hear that when they hear me talk about this issue, since we agree so much.

2006-09-24 05:41:22 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

As with everything in the USA there will be a sort of insiped solution that entails a little bit of everything and that satisfies no one. Welcome to the new, corrupted form of Democracy.

Yes, there will be deportations/imprisonment ...mostly criminal types and the obvious ones you wouldn't want living next to you.
The hard working illegals will probubly hold their jobs, live unfettered lives and raise their 10 kids per couple and induct themselves into our communities that way. Most of these folks will not be a burden on our tax dollars except by virtue of their children and speaking Spanish. WE MUST INSIST ON ENGLISH IN OUR SOCIETY IF WE DO NOT WANT TO BE BROKE within the next 5 years. I believe this will slowly start to happen ...that is there will be a return to English mostly. Slowly but surely. It is already too late on this, the money has been lost and the wrong direction has been taken. This MUST change or the end is nigh near.

I think one of the things that may come down the pike is NO MORE ANCHOR babies. The message from America is clear. We have too many illeglas in America (mostly Mexican) at the moment. It is both unpalatable (mass deportations will cause civil unrest and violence) as well as costly and impracticle to remove them all in mass deportations so, we will end anchor babies for illegals (that takes care of the families that are here now and puts the squeeze on them to get clean and legal if they want to have kids here.) I suspect there may be less Mexicans allowed into the country legally too as this will help mitigate the undue masses of illegals from that country. Note: decent, law abiding hispanics lose to their criminal counterparts. Kinda sounds like the Mexican way of life down in old Mexico, doesn't it?

The WALL will be built and enforcement will continue to increase. Employer sancitons will increase and by the time we have the problem at hand undercontrol, we won't need the wall and employers will be obeying the law and the Feds will be enforcing the laws on immigration. The illegals will not have any motivation to be here anymore. It will have been a massive waste of our American tax dollars by the time all is said and done. The American wealthy Industiralists/merchants will have had their way and made millions off the backs of tax paying Americans and poverty stricken illegals.
The corrupt political system we live within will simply move on to another way to fleece the average American citizens. Only one thing will change and that will be that we will have somewhere between 10 and 20 million people living in a state of limbo (not knowing if they shoud go or stay), all Hispanic and wondering what to do next. Guessing at what the messed up American Gov. is going to do next (just like the rest of America). Many will leave under the pressure, some will seek legal entry with expert legal help (and will get it; to Hell with the what the law says) and the rest will fill our jails, live lives of crime wherein they kill each other off in their gang wars and some of us will be shot up in the fray as well.
The social programs will be tightened up, making it harder for the illegal to gain access but also, American citizens in need will go without too. Sadly just one more way the illegal nature of this concern will degrade our society and it's effectiveness.

We have to send a strong message to our government. We will not tolerate our laws being broken by corporations or foreign intersts nor will we tolerate corruption in the seat of our governments. If we do not sit on these government cheats, the end is/will be upon us. Don't kid yourself a bit on this. Government/politics in the USA currently is too powerful, too big and way too corrupt. Look at it as a necessarry evil that you need to learn to live with but can't look away from for a minute or it will go beserk and bite us in our arses.
Kinda like dermititis that itches like hell and looks way bad if you don't rub cream into it three times a day. As long as you are vigilant and attend to it, you can live with it.
That's my view on this degrading, wasteful, outrageous nitghtmare called illegal immigration and fomented by a corrupt American government and their chisling couterparts in the private sector.

2006-09-24 06:33:50 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Only because they keep coming back and are destroying our economy, am I in favor of some type of guest worker program.

I would also like to see some sanctions against Mexico. Remember the multi-million bailout a few years ago? They come here because of their horrible poverty.

Realistically, what will happen? Lots of political grand-standing with a very slim effect on the ordinary American.

2006-09-24 05:31:05 · answer #7 · answered by ? 7 · 4 0

WE WILL BUILD A WALL and DEPORT THEM ALL coming soon to a Senator near you
The Americans will rejoice when Illegals are gone and a giant wall keeps he illegal alien invaders out forever

2006-09-24 05:39:37 · answer #8 · answered by buzzy360comecme 3 · 4 0

I think our economy is going to fall (not because of immigrants, but because India and China are kicking our butts technology wise) I think we are no longer going to be a superpower in a few decades and the illegal immigrants are just going to be the straw that breaks the camels back.

2006-09-24 06:54:26 · answer #9 · answered by sandy 2 · 1 0

If Bunt would care to post the links to the "latest research" that shows Americans want illegals to stay in this country, I'd be most grateful ...

2006-09-24 05:36:28 · answer #10 · answered by Sashie 6 · 6 2

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