Hate to burst the romantic bubble but you are born alone and you die alone.
go for the career
2006-09-23 15:20:17
answer #1
answered by ? 6
Choose a simple life with whom you love; but be sure he also loves you and he is the one who also believes in simple life. That is, try to see how much genuine lover of you and how far you can continue with him with love. If this is OK, choose to live with him. You can develop your career at one time in the future. He could also be your # 1 supporter for your success. But if you forgone your true lover, there may not be a chance to get another opportunity.
2006-09-23 22:50:19
answer #2
answered by Mesfin Y 1
My answer might suck a little, but I'd go with the career. If things don't work out on the other side, you're really in a bind. Take care of yourself first, all else will follow. People can be unpredictable and leave at any time. Why doesn't your true love support your career?
2006-09-23 22:21:31
answer #3
answered by Nc Jay 5
I would definatley go for a future with a career you enjoy because you may resent your partner for making you live a simple kind of life you never really wanted to live in the first place. You have plenty of time to find another love, but life is about making sacrifices. It hurts to break it off with someone you love, but this is YOUR LIFE...take advantage of the oppurtunities to be a success. Goodluck!
2006-09-23 22:26:08
answer #4
answered by Ashley R 1
I would choose the career. Once you get settled down, then you can start looking for a guy. I don't want to sound pessimistic, but if you do get married, and if you get divorced, then all your days in school and college will basically be flushed down the toilet.
Overall, just stick with your career. THEN you can find someone you're happy with. =D Trust me, my uncle chose the simple life, got divorced, and he had many struggles trying to get over the whole "money" obstacle.
2006-09-23 22:22:48
answer #5
answered by love&&life 3
If you really, truly love this person then you should definitely choose love over career. There are many careers out there, maybe this one isn't for you.
Whatever you choose go with what you heart tells you.
2006-09-23 22:38:49
answer #6
answered by Michael H 2
The real question is,which one more important to you Your career is your financial future,That other person can either help make that career flourish or rip it apart with no help from you to do it.You must think of your future,you must decide whether they fit in or will they be a hindrance to your goals and dreams.
2006-09-23 22:43:19
answer #7
answered by Willnotlietoyou 5
By all means and for sure...choose the simple life with the one you love! Money is cold comfort when you're lonely for that special someone who knows you sooo well. You can both work to make ends meet and even like my b/f and I work together, and share so much love, save up for trips together, share housework, make wild passionate love in unusual places, share hilarious secrets... I mean there's nothing more important than having someone to share your life with!
2006-09-23 22:44:09
answer #8
answered by Paul 3
.....Why ,WHY do you have to choose..?Sure Love Means everything,, Love makes the World go around, and all that,,But what if you and this love don't work out, also Later when you are older you might look back and be very ,very SAD that you gave up a chance at doing things for your self.....Or what if your ''Love'' gets into a terrible accident, or dies and you are stuck with kids to support..But you don't have a collage degree or anything to fall back on...SCHOOL is the Way to Go...I do not know why you would have to choose....Don't be foolish..
2006-09-23 22:38:45
answer #9
answered by *Glowing* *Wings* 6
Believe me, take the simple route....I've been both directions and the less simple your life, the less stress. Don't look back one day and realize the huge mistake you made and then it could be too late to turn back. Love lasts a lifetime and your career could just disappear overnight....
2006-09-23 22:20:20
answer #10
answered by jenny 3
A career is much more important. It's something you can depend on! The simple life won't feed you or pay yer bills. People need goals & dreams. Without them yer life goes no where!
2006-09-23 23:14:07
answer #11
answered by cherryfrank@sbcglobal.net 3