He is FIVE years old. He is just learning these things. Give him some time. Practice with him. When you are driving, point out signs and ask him to spell them for you. When at the grocery store, have him tell you how much everything is. make flash cards with letters and numbers on them. My daughter is five, and she can't write her name in order. she'll put an H at the bottom, A at the top, etc. etc. we just keep practicing. We kept her out of kindergarden because we knew she wasn't ready. I don't regret it one bit. She's starting in with the "how do you spell this" or "what letter is that?" if you put too much pressure on him, he'll give up. Good luck
2006-09-23 17:35:31
answer #1
answered by Lissa 3
Ma'am I have been a teacher for twenty years and I can tell you that all children are special needs children and all adults are special needs adults. We all have emotional impairments, behavioral inaccuracies, physical impairments, learning weaknesses/strengths. We get labeled throughout our lives.
It's not what we are called.........but, what we answer to that matters.
From what you have listed as symptoms, your child could easily strengthen those weaknesses with help from the school. However, we can't treat the problem until we know what it is.
Once you have a child study team from the school evaluate the weakness, they will give you options as to how to help your child.
YOU and you alone decide on the options that they give you. You hold the success of your child in your own hands. Have the child tested by your doctor or school, and then decide from the options given what will best suit your child.
Some have suggested ADD, it could be that, it could be a sensory deficiency, or a myriad of things.Until you know exactly what is causing it.............you can't help. Start there and then move on.
2006-09-24 02:20:33
answer #2
answered by heartwhisperer2000 5
Breathe, it gets better. My son was the exact same. Exact ! Your baby has a different learning style. It's a little early to say if he needs a TSS or to label him ADD or ADHD (like mine) but take your time with him, be patient and understand that he just may not "get it" the same way everyone else does or in the same amount of steps that would be logical to you.
Never doubt his ability and be sure to be his advocate. Do not let him be labled, it'll only happen if you let it and if you allow his temporary road blocks to cause him to quit on his own or to act out because he doesn't get it or because he's being forced to learn in a way that is not condusive to his learning style.
The school can test him, they have to if you request it. Your pediatrician can also be very helpful in pointing you in the right direction. Be sure to communicate constantly with his teachers so that you can work together to keep him on task and not allow him to fall behind or get pushed through.
You will get frustrated, you will wonder what the heck is wrong with this child. You will cry and you will get discouraged but you CANNOT give up. He needs you.
2006-09-23 13:41:38
answer #3
answered by Janell W 1
I think that you should look out what is best for him, if that be a special needs class then so be it. Special needs teachers go through a variety of extra traingint hat other teachers don't have. It could be nothing more then a recognition or learning problem. The statistics of special needs children lacking in learning as opposed to other children is low, most schools have special needs children mainstreamed into regular classes and they get additional attention a couple times a week or so. Your concern shoul dnot be what your child is called but what is best for your childs learning. Many special needs children are intelligent but for one reason or another have a problem accomplishing cerain tasks, for example most of Autistic children are savants.
2006-09-23 21:24:10
answer #4
answered by poohgrl79 2
Please don't get discouraged. He is only 5. My daughter was somewhat the same way last year when she went into Kindergarten. I was so worried because I would work with her and work with her just to learn an A. Then I would quiz her on it and she was call it a B or just look at me. I just figured she wasn't quite ready. So, she went into Kindergarten a few months later and wow, she took off. Your son might just be getting confused.
On the other hand, if you have concerns, it wouldn't hurt to talk to a doctor about them. My mom is dyslexic and for the most part she sees things correctly but every once in awhile she will mix her numbers up.
Good luck.
2006-09-23 13:40:24
answer #5
answered by super_mom 2
Why do you want to keep your child from possibly receiving therapies that he made need in order to help him progress and remain main streamed within his school??? I am the mom and advocate of my autistic son. I have never been ashamed of his disability, I have just begun my fight on making more people aware of what they need to do to help their children succeed, and to make the schools wake up and realize what they can do to help teach our children.
You need to allow your child to be tested for any possible disability or therapy needs. That is why these people go to school to learn these therapies, and disabilities. They will help you to work with your child as well. My son is now 13 yrs old, and is an HONOR ROLL student, he has recieved therapies since he was 15 months old! I am VERY proud that he is NOT in special ed, BUT he does recieve any services deemed neccessary. MOST states have a number to call also if they feel a child is behind due to a possible disability, PLUS with the NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND laws, which are federal, your child is required to be tested and any services or special needs he may have MUST be addressed and dealt with by law.
I hope you want to see your son succeed as an individual over possibly struggling because you are afraid of a label that will possibly help him reach his goals. We as parents cannot do it all ourselves, which is why there are therapists available.
Having a disability does not mean that your child is not intelligent...Van Gough, Mozart, and Einstein, are all believed to be examples of Autism/Aspergers Syndrome....I do not believe they were un-intelligent.
2006-09-24 03:42:51
answer #6
answered by thedothanbelle 4
My dh was like this with my daughter. He said he didn't want her "labeled". But you know if he needs the help, you aren't going to deny it, right?
My daughter is diagnosed as learning disabled. Personally I hate this diagnosis because it is so general. Her memory is incredible and her IQ is high average. However she has some kind of difficulty "Processing information". She had the same problem with recognizing numbers, letters, and reading.
She is in the resource room for an hour each day and is doing great.
2006-09-23 13:53:45
answer #7
answered by Marge Simpson 6
Talk to his teacher. I know that those kinds of things are rather normal. Even up to 1st grade thus far. My daughter is in 1st and always will put the number/letter backwords. In Kindergarden she would always for some odd reason skip the # 16,26,36 and so on, but would not skip 6.. she had some sort of issue with it... she's fine with that part now.. I spoke with her teacher recently about the backwards thing and she told me that it was extreamly common during this age & that usually by second their fine. Just talk with the teacher. Weather personality's clash or not, their a teacher first.
2006-09-23 19:52:03
answer #8
answered by SunRise 2
I'd get his vision evaluated by a ophthalomogist (not optometrist) as well as a pediatric occupational therapist. He appears to have considerable visual perceptual issues and perhaps glasses and activities by the OT will help.
Go to his pediatrician, explain the symptoms and ask for the referrals... and then seek the best known respected help you can find.
Good sign that he does well on the computer... he knows what he wants to do (computer is easier for some with vision problems as it's based on touch/position and not eye-hand utensil control.)
Also... the label of "special needs"... is worth it, if he gets the help to have confidence in school.
2006-09-23 08:56:40
answer #9
answered by B L 3
why are you so concerned with him being labeled special needs?
My son is four and attends a public special needs school because of his speech and some development delays. he cant write yet but knows his ABC's and can count to 15. i am extremely proud of him and encourage him everyday. just be consistent and continue to work with him but dont force him. if he is ready to stop then stop and pick it up later. you might also want to look at a school supply store for tools to use. there is an awesome book that has counting activities using cheerios, m&ms and stuff like that. knowing that he gets to eat them when he is done could be a good motivation. good luck and dont focus so much on a label if he knows you believe in him and have confidence in him it will boost his self esteem and encourage him to try harder and succeed
2006-09-23 09:03:39
answer #10
answered by dawn 5