Oh no! Not you too! I like to call it fashionably late ;) Chronically late sounds so problemish and I of course have zero flaws *wink* I'm never late for work type things, but often when I'm meeting people. Aw crap, yes it's rude! Dammit I feel awful now! *hangs head in shame* I promise not to be late for our Hawaii meeting. I will set my clock an hour early and will prepare a week in advance to make sure of it!
2006-09-23 09:59:27
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If it is chronic, to me it is disrespect. I am sleep deprived most of the time, and it does not keep me from showing up on time to work, or taking care of my responsibilities in a timely fashion. Those who do this have no regard for the schedule of others. They then in turn cause them to be late for the rest of their day. Some of the very same people who are late for doctor's appointments are the biggest complainers about waiting. This situation would not exist were people to show up on time for the appointments. Any time you inconvenience anyone else because of a lack of planning is rude.
2006-09-23 11:03:50
answer #2
answered by alone1with3 4
some signs and warning signs of sleep deprivations are: * Falling asleep once your head hits the pillow * oftentimes wanting an alarm clock to awaken * Feeling the will for regularly occurring naps in the course of the day * difficulty waking up interior the morning * undesirable performance in college, on the pastime, or in events * higher clumsiness * difficulty making judgements * Falling asleep throughout artwork or type * Feeling fantastically moody or annoyed persistent sleep deprivation could have a approach of consequences on the metabolism and time-honored well being, and in no way dropping weight even with workout recurring and eating a classic weightloss plan, is an illustration of sleep deprivation. i am hoping that on your case, one nighttime's sleep remedies each little thing. attempt to save rigidity below administration. that's a huge one! imagine, stay, breathe satisfied, healthy ideas. = ) (yeah, a lot less demanding stated than achieved, proper?) ; P
2016-11-23 17:35:38
answer #3
answered by ? 4
I would say it's rude and disrespectful. If the person is sleep deprived they should find a solution for that, but there's no excuse for CHRONIC lateness. Punctuality is one of the best attributes a person can have.
2006-09-23 08:42:23
answer #4
answered by ms pokeylope 4
In some cultures, the amount of allowable lateness is connected to a person's status. A person of high status is allowed to be late, but a person of low status isn't. For example, if you have an appointment with the Prime Minister of England, the PM is allowed to be late, but you aren't, because of your differences in status.
Therefore, if you're late, it's as if you're claiming higher status than you are. That's why people consider it rude.
However, I don't think that many people who are chronically late are doing it because they feel superior. It could be lack of sleep, poor time management, or some other reason, but I don't think it's that they're trying to grab more status than they have.
2006-09-23 18:43:09
answer #5
answered by drshorty 7
Chronic lateness is rude and disrespectful, but is really an attention/control issue. It might be that they don't have a lot of control over very many things in their life,or they don't get enough attention at home, but they can decide that they will show up whenever they want to. It's very passive aggressive behavior. Sorta like people that talk really softly so that you have to ask them to repeat themselves or even lean closer to them just to hear them.
2006-09-23 08:49:05
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It's rude and disrespectful. If you're so sleep deprived, then do something about it. You're holding up people who may be relying on you... however, I doubt anyone will rely on you long if this is a chronic issue.
2006-09-23 10:39:18
answer #7
answered by cgspitfire 6
Chronic lateness is rude and disrespectful and implies that the person believes that other people's time isn't important. It also can be a subtle form of control over other people- in other words "passive aggressive behavior".
2006-09-23 10:26:04
answer #8
answered by cheyennetomahawk 5
It is rude and disrespectful. If the person is late due to sleep deprivation they should go to bed earlier.
It is a simple problem with a simple solution.
2006-09-23 08:37:20
answer #9
answered by mom 5
It is rude to those of us that have to put up with it. Sleep deprivation has nothing to do with it, I haven't had a good night of sleep on over a decade yet I never forget to set my alarm and be wherever I have to be at the right time.
Some people are just sloppy like that. Either they can't stick to predetermined times, or they refuse to put their keys wherever they know they can find them in the morning, etc. My wife is terrible about her keys, she can't teach herself to put the keys in the same spot if you put a gun to her head.
2006-09-23 08:43:24
answer #10
answered by veraperezp 4