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At this rate, everyone will be fed on a nutrition-rich drip to ensure we don't sneak in a chocolate bar

2006-09-23 01:19:38 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

Death is inevitable, you just have to enjoy yourself. As long as everything is in moderation, i don't see what the big deal is

2006-09-23 01:21:19 · update #1

crisps are potato chips

2006-09-23 01:22:35 · update #2

33 answers

Well im definitely chuggin back the equivalent of, is it, 5 litres of oil a year! I have to have at least 1 packet of crisps a day & surprisingly so, will continue to do so until my arteries are so clogged up i cant move. So there!

2006-09-23 01:34:30 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hi i know but i suppose it is true as crips are fried in oil, but they have cut most of the saturated fat down in crisps now so there no as fatty anyway. People are only trying to look out for us so we increase the chances if living longer and healthier. I never used to eat any junk food like crisp or chocolate, i just didnt like it at all,but as i got older i started to snack on them and it was amazing how much weight i put on, just from eating a bag of crips. But not everyone is the same some people can eat what they want. But i dont know what the problem is, crisps have been round for years even before no one was fat, but it shouldnt be crisps people are moaning about, Its all the fast food restaurants that should be shut down, there worried how much oil over a bag of crisps a day well how much is cheese burger and fries once a week or whatever. They should stop these selling what fast food but obviously it makes to much money. Just eat as many bags of crisps you want .

2006-09-23 08:14:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you want to keep eating those crisps for a very very long time, then you should be careful in how much eat now. Not more than 3 portions a week, and you can enjoy them longer.
If you are not very careful, then you might have to give up crisp and other favorite foods in order to keep your heart pumping.

One doesnt just wake up one morning and decide not to breathe, sometimes it can be a total suffering for the individual and loved ones, so by being the best of health and preventing chronic diseases will ease up a lot.

2006-09-23 03:24:56 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The key solution is moderation. You can't eat too much of the so called 'healthy foods' and absolutely no to some tasty but not that healthy foods. Just make sure you have healthy foods more than unhealthy foods in your diet. Of course, after doing lots of exercise you can eat some fatty foods such as ice cream, chocolate to reward yourself.

2006-09-23 04:16:21 · answer #4 · answered by Sexyboy 2 · 0 0

Health Warning Smelth Smorning...Most of us do not eat in moderation, and shouldnt.

This is just to see how alerts efect sales, and stocks. Once they find a result they like that health bs will stop being published.

Nutrition Drip from the dongle of lord health, can only feed those who accept the vegetable as a food. And I dont.

2006-09-23 01:23:19 · answer #5 · answered by kool_rock_ski_stickem 4 · 0 1

There is no reason not to eat crisps, just not in the quantity that many kids eat them.

As for health warnings, shop in Tesco, they are refusing to use the new "traffic light" system of health warnings.

But beware, any health problems you may have later in life are down to yourself and not the food producers/sellers

2006-09-23 01:21:52 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

nobody said not to enjoy crisps etc rather just to enjoy them in moderation. Lets face it if you have something too often it ceases to become a pleasure and becomes a habit. Most of our habits are harmful to our health. sad but true

2006-09-23 01:23:49 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Looking at the state of state pensions, I don't understand why the government is trying to make people live longer.
And look how old people are treated in some nursing homes.
I think Robbie Williams got his lyrics back to front and "I hope I die before I'm old".

2006-09-23 01:31:59 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You can enjoy crisps, just not everyday! Besides, surely you don't to pay top prices for a product that is made poorly. The crisp companies should be named and shamed so that they can improve the products they sell!

2006-09-23 01:20:55 · answer #9 · answered by AngelWings 3 · 0 1

the media has took the role of fear-geez, idon`t believe much of nothing they say anymore-everything, causes cancer,the world is ending-pollution is killing us-if global warning does`nt-i could go on & on- i have heard this stuff for a LONG time.i`ve also read that things aren`t really all that bad- it`s all just a bunch of people,that need alot of money for research,that just goes to waste.statistics are made up to suit an indivuals oponion.honest,folks we are lied to constantly. sorry -about spelling -yes i did use spell-check-

2006-09-23 01:45:19 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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