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feeling sorry for this guadamalen lady because people thought she was Mexican. They were like oh I'm sorry anything but Mexican would've been okay, but why Mexican yuck. Then I am like I'm half mexican. (I look very white that's why they didn't know) Then they were like oh you are lucky you look white not Mexican, Be proud. I am not used to that because how I was raised I was taught Mexicans were superior. Then I move to where there are not alot of Mexicans and it's the opposite. So I'm confused who is racist Mexicans or white people?

2006-09-22 23:55:46 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

24 answers

You look like a light-skinned Latina, but you don't look caucasian or white. So those white people were downright racist & ignorant! I have heard of anything like that in my life, and I'm Mexican.

2006-09-23 02:57:20 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I believe Mexicans are wonderful people what i don't like is Mexicans coming across the border and working here illegally,That don't make me racist.Mexico have been there lots of times and have been treated the same as you here,So like you said who is the racist Mexicans or Americans??

2006-09-23 00:07:27 · answer #2 · answered by just_me_1955 5 · 3 0

My Godson is half Mexican also. I don't think it's so much prejudiced against Mexicans in general, it's the illegal alien thing that has everyone upset. If it's against the law to do something then it's against the law to do it and Mexican's coming over here illegally and working tax free is wrong. My godson even feels that way. He is a nurse like me and he feels like if you work here you should pay taxes here. I am so sorry that you are facing prejudice from your co workers, but you need to look at both sides of the coin.

2006-09-23 00:02:40 · answer #3 · answered by Only hell mama ever raised 6 · 3 1

I think it is sometimes a little of both,there is a natural instinct in humanity to stick with "ones own" that goes back millenia. We have to overcome this every day . I think alot of the worst of that is just being brought out at the moment during this whole immigrant debate. I live in S texas and I can say however that there was always a little of this,the fact is most of it was just the dumbass rednecks before but I'm seeing it more. I can be a bit hardass on the immigration end but I try to keep it from becoming racial,it's not who I really am.

2006-09-23 01:02:51 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Well let me see...you are half white, so your mother and father were telling you that Mexicans are superior whilst one of them is white? I'm sorry...I don't know you, but your parents are idiots. There is NO superior race. And if you are both white and Mexican you should take pride in both.

Proud that you look white? Maybe...it may spare you the rough times ahead for Mexicans. Problem is majority rules and "generalization" begins. Generalization is not to be confused with racism, being that generalization is founded on facts. For example: On my neighborhood block you can tell what houses the Mexicans and PR'icans live. They do not maintain their property or sweep their sidewalks, steps and porches. Their is trash all around their homes. For me, on my block, these are the facts. It is easy for me to assume that just about all Mexicans and PR'icans are this way.

As far as immigration is concerned (your question seems to have nothing to do with it.) what the American citizens want is for them to come here legally. When they do come we would like them to not take advantage of our monetary system: ex. welfare and social security. ***Also...this will surprise most people that like to "play the race card" but not all American CITIZENS are white.***

2006-09-23 02:16:40 · answer #5 · answered by ? 6 · 2 2

Why does it have to be racist? Why not...Americans hating mexicans because of the drain they have put on our society - slowly turning us into a third world? For the mexicans because some Americans have FINALLY decided to speak out against illegals. You can tell it's hard for me to think like a mexican - I work & do not draw any welfare!

2006-09-23 04:32:45 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

If you were taught that Mexicans were superior, the people who taught you that were prejudiced (not racist - Mexican isn't a race). Now, the people who think being Mexican is inherentaly inferior are prejudiced.

Judge individual people by their actions, because if you lump all whites or Mexicans on either side, you are being prejudiced yourself.

That was a weird conversation, no question.

2006-09-23 01:04:38 · answer #7 · answered by DAR 7 · 3 2

Both, actually. People in all groups are racist. Some people here still hate the Japanese(who committed ALOT of war atrocities, I am sorry to say). So people automatically hate me and my family even though we are proud to be here and have always stood up for this country. And that's not just white people who hate either. Just be polite and point out their mistake. Hold yourself as an example of your nationality and act accordingly. Hopefully, people will someday respect you for it.

2006-09-23 04:19:20 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I like mexican people, there's nothing wrong with them, but our border has many problems brought on by long-term tolerance of illegal immigration. Something like 500 people DIED just trying to get into the United States last year, probably again that many will die this year, too. Not only that, but the drug dealers and other people are simply using mexican citizens as tools.

Stopping illegal immigration is the most humane and effective way to keep good relations between our countries. It's not out of prejudice, but out of kindness and respect for both americans and mexicans that the fence should be built.

Mexico needs infrastructure. To build infrastructure, Mexico needs workers. Locate the money AND the workers where the work really needs to be done, and you have the best possible effect.

Mexico has a 1 trillion annual GDP. They're not broke. But, god only knows what's happened to that money, as well as the billions that our country drops into Mexico annually in the form of foreign aid. Even if you spent 20 million per hospital, 10 billion dollars should buy quite a few hospitals. Where did all the money go? These and other questions are more reinforcement for having the border fence in place, in order to keep things honest.
Things just can't continue as they have been. Change is good, and will benefit all concerned. I think as a parallel development, they should be looking at ways to end welfare, or at least really restrict it to people that can't do for themselves anymore.

Working and getting your hands dirty is nothing to be ashamed of, and no matter how much you earn, you should never consider yourself 'too good' to do some of your own dirty work. The worst aspect of illegal immigration is that it has created a 'dirty work' underclass. It makes people lazy, and dependent, after they fall out of practice in such skills. It would be 10 times better for the illegal aliens to return home, and work there, and also, also, another thing I think we should have is a real foreign aid program, with 3rd party oversight, meaning someone that profits in NO way from the performance, and is simply assigned to oversee.
That kind of falls into the concept of checks and balances.

There are 200 countries in the world. If all countries in the world donated 10 million dollars each, every year, towards global aid,
that would build a 2 billion dollar a year global aid fund. That fund could then be used on a rotating basis to help countries that are in need. If we're all to be 'global citizens' and all, then the call should go out to all countries, including Mexico and others, to donate to this.

What we have now is a situation based on greed. The border fence will help end easy access for the unscrupulous to the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Good fences make good neighbors. This is not 1900 anymore, there's now 6 times as many people in the world, 6.6 billion, by last estimate. This is the 21st century, with 21st century problems. Fences and walls may seem 'old school' but they still have a place in the modern world.
We can be good friends with Mexico, but only after we become good neighbors again...

2006-09-23 03:01:24 · answer #9 · answered by gokart121 6 · 3 2

Both,there are racist in both ,but there are also many great people from both that are not prejudiced at all.
All people are raised to think they are a good race thats common,its simply human nature.but that doesn't always equate to holding racist views..I have never in my lifetime sat around with any group of people and discussed race issues other than the illegal immigrant issue.And to me that is not one race based,its all illegals of all races.
People that are racist sometimes are so thru ignorance,or personal negative contact with that race.Or insecurity as a human being and the need to better their position in life by having someone that they can look down on or blame for the conditions in their own life.
Racism in any form is unacceptable.its not something that is good in any race or nationality.
And that being said,my opposition to illegals in this country is not race based.I have gone in to extended details why I feel the way I do.I live in Arizona and we are
on the front line of the illegal invasion.I have seen first hand the damage done to my city's and to my state.

No amnesty
Deportation of all illegals

2006-09-23 01:32:08 · answer #10 · answered by Yakuza 7 · 1 2

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