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I m 20 yr old dummie guy.I am having all sort of prblm in my life.There is noone who can help me.Here are the problms below.

1) Have Problem with my speech.Nobody is understaing my speech.For e.g if i need to say bridge it will sound like beach and so on.I have no money to see Speech Therapist.

2)Have problem with hearing.At times i can't understand what people are saying to me.

3)Lonely fellow.No friends that much close.

4)Have problm with my mind.My mind is like BLANK paper.Nothing comes in my mind.i forget things very fast.

5) Financailly poor.My father & mother are jobless.

6) There is no identity for me in the society.

7) I am totally frustrated with this......

2006-09-22 23:27:54 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

26 answers

I felt this way when I was 20. My family was dirt poor and I had no prospects at all. All I had was some smarts and a strong interest in electronics and mechanical things. I joined the Army, got some electronics training, earned a little bit of money, saw a little bit of the world and came out a stronger person. You might try the military and see if it helps you.

Just hang on and things will get better. Everyone goes through a rough time from 18-25 and things actually do get better. In my case, things got a LOT better.

2006-09-22 23:39:11 · answer #1 · answered by pvreditor 7 · 2 0

Ok, I'm going to be blunt here and may seem a little brutal but nobody feak out. Just listem......
First of all, you are an ***. If you can sit there and type out your list of woes, you are not suicidal. This is a cry for help. Ok, here's your help.
You have a computer and internet service so life can't be too hard with Mom and Dad. You are 20 years old!!!!!!!!!! If you live in the US, the issues of speak and hearing should have been addressed long before now. If you live someplace else in the world, there are International Aide Organizations!
The key to all of this is that you are lonely and feeling sorry for , yourself. Get a grip, Get a JOB and GET IN THE GAME called LIFE. Do you really want to make friends this way through pity?????
Your mind is NOT blank as you claimed. You have stated your case very clearly. You want someone to take care of you.
Life rewards Action. So get yourself off the computer and be a part of life.

2006-09-23 08:37:16 · answer #2 · answered by etheraiel 1 · 0 0

Hey There Dude.

No Way, Say hello to the world. So what if you say some words funny and the hearing thing, you can bridge hearing problems I know of some pretty cool deaf people. At least you have some friends and as I am typing I am saying a prayer for you. Money is a terrible thing, growing up we didn't have money either, but do you know what every cloud has a silver lining. You re definitely not a blank page, because stupid people won't be able to spell as good as you. Just say "HELLO WORLD, you are not going to get me down, I will take everything from day to day because I am a strong person". I don't know you my friend but I can understand some of the things going on in you re heart hang in there, letting go is really not worth it.

PS: You will get some real nasty people replying to you re question just ignore they re mean streaks and remember what I said HELLO WORLD

2006-09-23 14:07:55 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Floyd, some things take care of themselves and though things are sometimes seen thru dark glasses, life is a wondrous adventure. As others have pointed out, you can write and you have access to the Internet. Simon is ready and willing to communicate with you, you have friends, hang in there. There are many people who have come from much worse, and done much better. Sometimes the light is hard to see, but it is there.

2006-09-23 09:17:14 · answer #4 · answered by Thomas D 2 · 0 0

if you say goodbye to the world you won't even have chance to improve yourself.

reacting negatively to a problem does not solve a problem

suicide is a temporary solution to a permanent problem

visit http://www.dotdadn.com

your situation is faced by many people in this world .some are worse .what you guys need is a positve frame of mind .so stop thinking negative way. read positive books that will help you solve problems of daily life in an easy way.

i real have empathy for you buddy.if youi commit suicide your parents will have a miserable life.

if you want friends then send me your email address in my email address which is simon@simon.com.np with your full details like country ,age ,photo,education. i don't care what others say about you .tell me about your past and family background . i will give youi free counselling on many things since i have overcomed many problems of that nature in my personal life .

2006-09-23 06:38:56 · answer #5 · answered by simon s 2 · 3 0

Apply for some kind of public assistance. There is help for you out there, you just have to go get it. It sounds like you're considering suicide. In a way, that's good - go to your local emergency room and tell them. Go inpatient for a week or so, they'll help you. There you can tell them exactly what you want and need, and don't take no for an answer. By law, they MUST provide you with some kind of help.

Love Jack

2006-09-23 10:49:37 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well you aren't doing too bad if you have a computer and internet heh?

Weather you realize it or not these items are most likely in the order of importance for you to get fixed.

If you are a citizen of the USA you can get health care for free since you live below poverty level.

Contact social services. They can point you in the right direction.

2006-09-23 06:34:11 · answer #7 · answered by sshazzam 6 · 4 0

Suicide is a waste of your life. No one is worthless.

Did you possibly have meningitis or encephalitis? It sounds like you suffer from an organic brain disorder.

Somewhere someone needs you and wants you.

Besides you need to stick around just to piss these people off that are all too willing to cheer on your untimely death. They must be either Republican or Libertarian.

Just kick back, get on SSI and enjoy every moment you can.

2006-09-23 07:09:33 · answer #8 · answered by Lance 2 · 2 0

dear floyd,

please i hope u can feel better, pray to your father in heaven.

go and do some voluntary work for others that are worse off than you

ask every1 for a job, so u can go and see a herbalist who should be able to help you.

where do u live? visit the herbalist and see if they will help u, even if u have no money

you may only need some vitamins b & e for your speech
your ears may just need some swedish bitters
and your brain may just need the vitamin b, a nerve tonic, fish oil and brahmi

if you email me your address i'll try to send you swedish bitters next week or so

2006-09-23 06:46:35 · answer #9 · answered by cc 1 · 1 1

To a guy who is NOT dumb---
You have gone thru a lot in your life. I have the deepest empathy for your struggles. Growing up poor, having speech problems, and hearing problems must be a constant struggle with you, not to mention just trying to live a normal life in the way our country has become today.
Simon seems very sincere and I think you should take him up on his offer of friendship. Email him and get to know him.
I want to offer you my email as well. I am offering you my friendship, too. You know why? Because, sometimes, when we feel like there is nothing left here for us, we need people around us in our lives to make life better. You need encouragement, you need friends. And, most importantly, God needs you. He is waiting for you with open arms for you to run into. But, you need to go to Him. He gives us a choice, He is there for the taking.
I don't care who you are, what you struggle with, or how poor you are. You are still a human being, worthy of being treated with respect and dignity, just as well as the richest and most healthiest man on earth. You are no different than any of us. Stop beating yourself up.
There ARE people who can help you.
If you are in poor financial condition, go to your county, and ask if you can see a social worker. If they want to know why, explain your situation to them, your speech impairment and your hearing. Sometimes, they can assign you a social worker who will work with you to get proper treatment, financial means, and they will continue seeing you every month or few weeks, whatever they feel is necessary. You can get A LOT of help from the county. And don't feel bad about this. That is what they are there for. They get paid for helping us.
I don't mean to make this so long, but I am mentally ill. I have OCD, depression, anxiety and borderline personality disorder. I cannot control my emotions, I cry at the drop of a hat. I tried to kill myself, but I was not successful. I was in the mental health unit for 18 days. Not the average stay for a suicidal person. I was equipped with a county social worker who saw me every month, got me involved in support groups, and always made sure I was being treated properly by all my doctors. Plus, both my husband and I work full time jobs. We are not at poverty level, and the county still helped us. Not financially, but we were able to see a social worker for free. He really helped us.
My email is rach_cast@yahoo.com
Please take advantage and email me. Put in the subject, Yahoo answers, so I know it is okay to open it. You are not alone. I would say you are depressed. There is help out there for you. I hope you take advantage of the people who have already reached out to you.
I care about you more than you will ever begin to understand. Hang in there...
One more thing...feeling better about your life and getting help is a process. It won't happen overnite, or even in a few weeks. But if you get help from a doctor, and a psychologist, you will be able to see that your life is not as bad as you think it is. God wants you here for a reason, or He would have taken you already. Don't kill someone He loves so much---you.

2006-09-23 10:22:40 · answer #10 · answered by rach_cast 3 · 0 0

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