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6 answers

I'm an Army wife. We've been in 18 years. We love it. It's been a really good life for us. Sure, there's lots of hard times, but you always make it through. You sure can't say you ever join for the money or benefits. There's not many of those left any more. I think the only thing that ever makes us want to get out is the time apart. He's been away so much, we've lost track. In fact, he'd be in Iraq for a 4th time right now, but he came up on Drill Sergeant orders. That alone keeps him away from home alot. However, it's never driven us away. We stay strong and we're very much in love to this day. We're hoping that at 20 years he's done though. We're ready to move on. We'll find out what so called "normal" life is like. We wouldn't change a thing though....it's been our life and we've made some great friends and seen some beautiful places.

2006-09-22 14:31:39 · answer #1 · answered by HEartstrinGs 6 · 2 0

I have been in the military ( army ) almost 5 years now. I am a UH-60 Blackhawk pilot in a medevac unit. do i like my job? no, i love it. i get to fly helicopters, get paid for it, and they paid me to learn how to do it. where else, oh yeah, college loans? yeah they paid those off too. i have been deployed to iraq once, and in less than a year i will be back over there again. the thing that keeps me in is the fact that i save lives. that someone counts on me to get them to a hospital in a time of need. you get a call, a truck was blown up, and there are multiple casualties. you go get em, and their life is in your hands. if you dont get there in time they might not make it. but when you do get there and they get the proper attention that they need, its the best feeling ever. you saved their life. or gave them a fighting chance at least. does it suck to see soldiers that are hurt, injured? sure. but it just makes you want to help and get em there faster. what makes me want to get out? nothing. this is the only job that i think i could have this much pride in. if youre a pilot, ok great. a medevac pilot even, ok, but still, whatever. but a medevac pilot, in the army, you get shot at while trying to get someone to a hospital before they die in the back. yeah. i know im doin something great. and im very proud of that. ill probably be in the army til they kick me out. this is the best job in the world and i wouldnt trade it for anything. HOOAH!

2006-09-22 22:46:42 · answer #2 · answered by Brent n 1 · 0 0

I'm glad I served in the military, but I am ready to get out. I just don't fit into the culture very well. I'm very independent, but the military requires a lot of cooperation, conformity, and ceremony. I don't always fit in that well.

2006-09-22 21:17:05 · answer #3 · answered by timm1776 5 · 1 0

im pilot at the special force and i like the military and nothing will take me out .i think its the best job i can get
in high school i get marks qualifying me to go to medical school so i can be a doctor but i joined the army aviation

2006-09-23 11:01:17 · answer #4 · answered by Peiper 5 · 0 0

in the US army national guard, being put out of the military not by choice or from my actions. was in a wreck two years ago that broke my neck and killed my dad

2006-09-23 04:10:30 · answer #5 · answered by gordonfan24482003 2 · 0 0

I'D KILL MYSELF IF I WERE IN THE MILITARY, especially with Iraq and all going on.

2006-09-22 21:17:00 · answer #6 · answered by the Politics of Pikachu 7 · 0 4

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