Get a credit card, even if it only has a few hundred limit. Use it and pay it, use it and pay it, use it and pay it. Pretty soon, you'll have a credit score. (Just remember to PAY IT. You'll have a credit record even if you don't, but you might not like score.)
2006-09-22 14:09:45
answer #1
answered by lucyanddesi 5
seen some good answers here,::make a habit of small loans for something needed around the house. These small loans show your responsible. Banks are very good to deal with, credit unions and a credit card wouldn't hurt, but they can ruin ya. helpful things like the longer ya live at one address the better, telephone, remember when everyone didn't have one, and the natural one, pay all your bills, no champagne diet on a beer budget. 4 months ago I sent the wife to borrow money for a debt consolidation, came out with a signature loan for a thousand bucks, and i haven't a clue what my score is, spend wisely
2006-09-22 14:33:44
answer #2
answered by plowboy 2
Hi there,
I built up my credit rating by getting a secured credit card. This is a card that you put a deposit on. Your credit will either equal the deposit or be half of the deposit. My deposit was $500 and so was my limit. I put one of my monthly bills, a low one, on the card. I paid off my card every month in full. I eventually built my credit score back up. This took me a few years to do, 6 to be exact.
A lot of banks won't advertise the fact they issue secured cards, you have to ask.
Good luck and stick to it, it all takes time.
2006-09-22 17:22:42
answer #3
answered by Linda 4
Credit building is like a construction job -
You have to first lay solid foundations - than build up from there.
You can`t install windows before you have the walls !
Start to build your credit from the ground up .
Than expand on it.
There are no short cuts or angles to play .
It will take time - but at the end - you will have something to live with !
Quotable :
" What is cheap is no good - and what's good ain't cheap !
( Chinese proverb )
2006-09-22 14:23:19
answer #4
answered by Dolev 2
1. get a job with a steady income, and stay in the same job
2. stay in the same home address
3. pay all your bills (rent, utilities, etc.) on time
4. open a savings account
5. just wait a while.
What makes you think that going into major debt would raise your credit score?
2006-09-22 14:07:57
answer #5
answered by Jim 5
no score at all huh sound like a way for them to get you a loan...start with a gas card or a low limit card and use it for gas and groceries. if you pay you balance off every month its just like using cash because you avoid finance fees. big ticket items like cars and houses require payment history. they want to see that you can manage your debt and not let it control you.
2006-09-22 14:08:55
answer #6
answered by chef_q_c 2
get some secured credit cards with low limits and don't charge much on them. If you're scared you will, cut them up.
2006-09-23 07:45:02
answer #7
answered by fromthecrescentcity 1
good grief Make all pymts early or on time Dont be late and charge something purposely and make all pymts on time to establish good credit Even double the pymts
2006-09-22 14:14:42
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
pay your current bills on time
2006-09-22 14:09:54
answer #9
answered by Cheryl J 3
capitol one has a starter program - try that
2006-09-22 14:08:48
answer #10
answered by gabby 5