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shortly after purchasing disability ins. i was diagnosed with testicular and lymphatic cancer that was very aggressive. while in chemotherapy I contacted the insurance co. to claim. I was totally involved in staying alive long enough to beat this cancer and was obviously seriously unable to keep track of finances and such. My wife did not realize this was one of the few things we had any coverage for and therefor did not deal with it. It has been almost two years and i just recently realized we had not recieved any benifits from this insurance during my year long fight with cancer. what can i do to get them to pay? The insurance was purchased with the mortgage and I thought that even though the claim is made that the insurance is a seperate issue the mortgage company is the legal servicer of all matters on the mortgage, such as ins. taxes if there is an escrow acct. etc.?

2006-09-22 12:33:19 · 3 answers · asked by avatar2068 3 in Business & Finance Insurance

3 answers

Don't listen to floozy, and don't get a lawyer. Contact the people below and talk to them. They are public adjusters who deal with loss and insurance claims all the time. They are excellent and formidable. Most insurance companies quake in their boots when they start getting calls from Dick (Charles R. Tutwiler and Associates).


Dick Tutwiler has been and probably will be again the President of NAPIA and FAPIA, has testified as an expert witness, is a former insurance man himself and really knows what he's talking about. I have seen him win 23 times more money for his clients than the original offer from the insurance company. Dick also gave me some invaluable advice after I was rear-ended and it put $1605 in my pocket instead of someone else's!

Prayers and blessings for your quick recovery of cancer. Please do call Tutwiler and Associates and see what they say.

2006-09-23 02:33:10 · answer #1 · answered by Rebecca 7 · 0 0

"shortly after purchasing disability ins. i was diagnosed with testicular and lymphatic cancer that was very aggressive"
Over here, you mentioned that you purchased disability insurance but you contracted cancer. Disability insurance(loss of both limbs) kicks in when you are disabled. Critical illness insurance is the one that should pay you when you are sick. Unless your sickness led to disability you will not be able to claim. Check your insurance policy document carefully first to be sure if you are able to claim. Obtain help from an Advisor if you don't understand the terms.

A mortgage insurance with disability will pay off your home immediately once diagnosed and the policy will lapse.

For all issues, please check with a Financial Advisor or your servicing agent first.

2006-09-22 22:18:08 · answer #2 · answered by floozy_niki 6 · 0 0

Get a lawyer.

2006-09-22 15:18:08 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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