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She does this CONSTANTLY thru the day. There are 5 of us who sit around her and it drives us all batty. It's 6 sniffs, 2 throat clearings, two grunts, mouth smack, then she says "ok" then repeat. ALL DAY. It's odd, one day I asked her if she had sinus issues, she said she never has, no allergies or anything. also, Becuase this is so distintly done in a patter, I HAS to be something ritual de lo habitual. ya know?
SOOOO, what is a NICE way for me to let her know, this is making us all insane and she needs to get a hold of her obsessive compulsive behavior...some days, we all get headaches...
She is a TRULY sweet person, that is what makes it hard. If she were a jerk, it would be easier but she is soo nice...
I SWEAR on my soul I am not making this up for a joke. It actually caused me to be almost depressed today cause I know I would have to listen to that all dang day today...HELP! PLEASE

2006-09-22 10:14:06 · 16 answers · asked by Madeleine 2 in Society & Culture Etiquette

I was thinking OCD as well.

2006-09-22 10:28:11 · update #1

I have two children - in answer to one of the comments. It's not TUNE OUTABLE! it's when she says "OK" in a full voice, that gets ya. we are all parents around her... none of us can deal

and Tourrettes is where you explode with explatives, not compulsive behavior. :)


2006-09-22 10:29:42 · update #2

OK, the latest,
I talked to my boss, and he said he cant hear her..(he is around the corner on the other side of the 75' room...I KNOW he can't. BOSS is of no help...
Can't get a radio, ironically, it disturbs sniffer...
Ok, so I may have to confront her, someone help me word this NICELY!!

2006-09-22 10:34:33 · update #3

16 answers

The answer may lie in one of your added comments- you can't get a radio because that irritates her.

The first thing to do is to record her noises with a small but sensitive tape recorder. If you can hide it in the clutter on her desk so much the better. Then get a radio and play it softly. When she objects, tell her very kindly that you are doing it simply to "tune her out" because it is driving you to distraction. And now, play back her sounds to her. I bet she does not realize how bad she sounds. If she's a nice person this just might convince her.

2006-09-22 10:39:07 · answer #1 · answered by Hermit 4 · 1 0

I believe you. I can't help you, but I believe you.

I have a similar situation. Although after 10+ years, I no longer like the guy. If I wrote down everything he did, you'd think I was just trying to one-up you. Plus I only have 10 minutes left, and that's not nearly enough time to document everything.

I hope you get some good suggestions!

2006-09-22 17:20:18 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The five of you grab her ,get her on the ground and rip her adnoids out. That should fix it.

You have spoken to her about it. She has not taken on board your concerns.

It would be like sitting in the office all day with someone farting or burping. Would you accept that?

Tell the boss, it is becoming and OH and S issue and it is effecting the moral in the office and increasing the stress levels of all concerned.

The company is responsible to their employees.

Let the boss deal with it and force her to seek medical advice for her problem as it is having an impact on the workplace.

Good Luck

2006-09-22 17:47:16 · answer #3 · answered by kanga 3 · 0 1

She may have a compulsive behavior disorder and can't help it. If that's the case, she may not be aware of the problem. You could mention it to her tactfully. Either that or echo her. She'll get the point one way or another.

2006-09-22 17:18:25 · answer #4 · answered by TJMiler 6 · 1 0

I would talk to her. Explain that you really like her but it's keeping you from your work and it's annoying. Maybe you both can come up with a way to solve this and laugh after wards. People need to be more straight forward and honest with each other it makes life better.

2006-09-22 17:30:09 · answer #5 · answered by purrfectsandcastle 3 · 1 0

She may have torrets syndrome and not realize she is doing it. If you say anything to her it could be construed as harrassment because it is a medical condition. You know how liberial people are. Have a few children, you will learn to tune out things.;) Seriously though, get a radio.

2006-09-22 17:18:50 · answer #6 · answered by naughty_mattress_monkey 4 · 0 1

Maybe you could bring a tape recorder for a meeting or something. Then make sure she hears it when you play it back. She just may hear it and realise what she is doing is horribly annoying and try to stop on her own.

2006-09-22 17:18:29 · answer #7 · answered by chris42050 4 · 1 0

She sounds like she has OCD. Instead of trying to change her (which she might not be able to do) I suggest you invest in a noise silencer. BOSE offers one for like $150 its a silent machine that blocks out nearby noise, and also muffles your voice, etc. to those nearby.

2006-09-22 17:17:40 · answer #8 · answered by legallyblond2day 5 · 1 0

It's interfering with your work.
You've got to go to a manager and explain it in terms of dollars and cents. Then perhaps they'll move her or something.

Do NOT confront her yourself. There's nothing she can do about it anyway outside of therapy and/or medication.

2006-09-22 17:23:16 · answer #9 · answered by Salami and Orange Juice 5 · 1 0

OCD. Definately. She probably keeps herself calm by doing it. You should probably talk to your manager on how to deal with it because she probably can't stop doing it. She just does it, no reason other than to concentrate or focus or keep from having an anxiety attack.

2006-09-22 17:18:15 · answer #10 · answered by jagerchick80 4 · 1 0

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