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Like a lot of girls I like to dress hot occasionaly, you know short skirts, low tops, fitting dresses with boots, that sort of thing. I don't dress like a total skank and I am well groomed.
I figure I have a duty to this sometimes while I am still young and pretty. I love male attention in the form of admiring glances, smiles and even winks and wolf whistles. What I don't like is hostile stares, having guys openly staring at me while avoiding eye contact, guys who sit in groups and leer at you, guys obviously following you for three blocks, and having 'cool dudes' trying to engage you in long winded conversations. I find that older men usually seem to know how to discreetly check you out in a non-threatening way, while young guys don't know how. Is this because they get better at it with age, or were men taught to be more civilised once?

2006-09-22 09:25:21 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Etiquette

Keyring, Golden_ad,
What are you suggesting, I should wear a Burkha?

2006-09-22 23:35:58 · update #1

20 answers

Men were taught to respect women, be more civilized, if you will.

We especially appreciate women, like you, who know your femininity is special, and while we joke about your duty to look good, it is refreshing to read your words.

The only thing you don't realize is for long in her life a woman will draw looks from appreciative men.

2006-09-22 10:57:29 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The truth here is this, There have been so many "Politically Correct" speeches and Lawsuites for Sexual Harrassment that looking at a woman for more than a couple of seconds has a certain fear of prossecution that keeps most mens eye's forced to look the other direction....for the younger guy's they have the No Fear attitude and realy do not care if they offend anyone or not. Since the older population of men are now walking with blinders on and are carefull not to "offend" anyone, the younger men have not had a "Role Model" to learn the correct way to "Admire" a pretty woman. Just my two cents worth....
Older Guy.

2006-09-22 09:42:26 · answer #2 · answered by phil_noon 3 · 2 0

I will be 60 soon. So I am an 'old man'.

But, in my mind, I am always a 15 year old youth.

I have many friends, sisters, in-laws, children, grandkids. In the observation of our lives, in the aspects of maturity, we are always playful and fun loving children.

Watching the people is something we all do, with great joy, and I have the binoculars to prove it! But, as we age, we are much more discrete.

Thank you for taking the time and effort to remain pretty, but, don't do it for us. Do it for yourself! My female friends who still take the time to make themselves pretty, are much liked, and are appreciated greatly, and some are in their mid 70's.

Same goes for the guys who stay handsome, through their own efforts. They are a pleasure to watch as they pursue their lives and activities.

Yes, the smart guy will see you, invite you for coffee or dinner.
Whether the answer is 'yes', or, 'no', we will move on quickly.

The lazy louts who probably have no 'life' can follow you and just piss you off, or cause you to fear them, though that is most probably not their intent.

Yes, the mature man knows how it is done, properly, with manners. Wait for him, and don't talk to those lazy bums on the steps, who have nothing to ever offer a young lady.

2006-09-22 10:04:35 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

'I don't dress like a total skank" - just a little skanky??? You want to strut your stuff, but only to admiring glances??? Seems like a pretty narrow line you are trying to walk. If you are going to dress that way to attract attention, you forfeit some of your rights to what kind it is. That said, if you are as cute as you say you are, young and older guys alike will notice and appreciate what they see. We'll appreciate the skanky look too, but our thoughts will be a bit more in the gutter!

2006-09-22 09:32:57 · answer #4 · answered by been there! 1 · 2 0

You sound like you dress trashy. That's the kind of men you will attract if you wear those kinds of clothes.

Any guy watching me, winking at me, whistling, etc. is met with a sharp middle finger. I think it's all creepy. I think it's best if a guy just comes up with a nonthreatening smile and tries to be my friend first. Oh, and it helps to dress more modestly as to attract a better class of guys.

2006-09-22 10:51:36 · answer #5 · answered by pegasus_1174 5 · 2 0

Sorry, but I think you have to take the good with the bad. It hasn't changed in the 20 years that I've been worth ogling.

If you're going to dress in short skirts and low tops you're bound to attract attention from all sorts.

If the negative attention bothers you, dress less provocatively.

2006-09-22 10:24:59 · answer #6 · answered by stimply 5 · 1 0

No, most likely they are nonchalant about it so you don't think they are a perv. I do the same as you, but have the same problem. Men don't understand how to compliment or be appreciative of beauty. All they know is hey, look at that piece of a.ss. Its sad, but true.

2006-09-22 09:28:13 · answer #7 · answered by jagerchick80 4 · 0 0

Sorry but if that is the way you prefer to dress and do not like people looking at you because of it that is your own doing. Two sayings to think of "Beggars cannot be choosers." "Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it"
Sorry that is how you want to be looked at. as if I want my daughter to take examples from people that dress that way. No way.

2006-09-23 07:23:24 · answer #8 · answered by tazachusetts 4 · 1 0

You go for it! Enjoy it while you've got it, and may you keep it for a good long time!

I wish I hadn't been so shy when I was young and hot. I wasted so much time with low self-esteem and all that nonsense. I could have had soooooo much fun!

So you have it for me, okay?

2006-09-22 09:33:28 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Age helps. The young ones are kind of new to the feelings and awkward.

2006-09-22 09:28:29 · answer #10 · answered by JimZ 7 · 0 0

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