I am really sorry to hear that. It's a terrible way to die. Sounds to me as if his disease is very advanced.....cirrhosis of the liver.
Look here for info on cirrhosis: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cirrhosis
2006-09-22 09:22:44
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Often an Alcoholic will get Sclerosis of the Liver and this will make his skin appear yellowish. Sclerosis is a hardening of the tissue. Everthing you are saying makes me beleive this is what he has.
Check it out on the intermet.
2006-09-22 16:41:35
answer #2
answered by Plain Jane 3
obviously You care for your uncle and have fond memories. I believe that if someone was looking close to their end, I would sit down and have a pleasant talk with him. if he is aware of situation he may be happy to know that someone cares and somehow would like to help him. Alcoholism is not the underlying reason, it is depression and he found the wrong cure to self medicate with. Anyway,show that you care and go see him soon and have that talk. Miracles Do Happen,
2006-09-23 08:26:10
answer #3
answered by BONES 4
well iF uVe BEen ALcohoLic aLL thRouGh Out thEn UD exPEct tHE wORsT.. sOmetMEs PeoPLE trY tO igNOre tHEir HEaLTh By thIngkINg thEyre' sTRoNg anD nOThINg cOulD ever Put THEm Down>. WeLL tHEyRE' pRacTiCALLy wrONg..
jauNdiCE is aRe SoME cOMPLicAtIOn Of DseaSe LikE hEpAtiTis thAt iT aFFecTs thE LivEr.. wHEre tHE uSuaL S/S iS jAunDiCe... wHEre SkiN tuRns YELLOwiSh And iN thE casE oF aScItes.. iT tHE aCCumUlAtIOn Of FlUids On UR PerItoNEaL cAVItY aND iT tenDS tO sweLL wHIch IS caLLEd EdemA..
dUE tO uR uNCLEs OVer DriNKiNg aLcoHol hIS LIvEr GAVE Up, Wer It CAn NO LOnGEr StRain WaSte PRoDuCts...
dOnT WoRRy i KNOW uR UnCLEs gOnnA BE Ok If NOt nOW WeLL mAyBE In NExt LifE...
GOD hEaRS PRayErs..
dOnT GiVE Up..
2006-09-22 16:28:26
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
My father had jaundice. If your uncle does not seek medical Help, he will die. They may or may not be able to help him. My father died even with the help of doctors. But then again, my Father was sick from other illness including Jaundice. Be Brave.
2006-09-22 16:28:43
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The best thing you can do is ask his Dr. You are a family member so you have the right to ask. Jaundice is liver ailment. if no one in your family Will explain it you then yes ask his Dr.
2006-09-22 16:23:28
answer #6
answered by StarShine G 7
Severe liver failure, probably chirrosis of the liver & chances are he is going to die & it wont be too lon before that happens.
2006-09-22 16:22:46
answer #7
answered by MANDEE 3
he doesnt have jaundice. his is yellow because his liver is failing because he drinks too much. He needs help.
2006-09-26 09:06:25
answer #8
answered by jeanjean 5
he could linger or even get a little better
2006-09-22 16:20:50
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
it's sad to hear that.
2006-09-26 12:43:08
answer #10
answered by Anonymous