When my husband told me that no matter how I looked I would always be the most beautiful woman to him...and he meant it!!
2006-09-22 09:07:20
answer #1
answered by GD-Fan 6
I love being called gorgeous. I never tire of compliments on my appearance (always a little insecure that way!) The best compliment I ever got though was in university, a guy in my creative writing class said that I was "too felinely graceful to be human"! I love cats so I was very flattered. I used to be rather thin & willowy & had a few people ask if I was a ballerina.
I think if you give a genuine compliment to most women it would be well-received. Don't look for a perfect line to say or it will come across as phony. Just speak from the heart & she'll know!
2006-09-22 09:10:31
answer #2
answered by amp 6
Ok, I guess you can call this a compliment.... I was stopped at a light, on the lane furthest to the left (U.S.) waiting to make a left turn. The car in front of me was a gorgeous new Ferrari, and a girl was at the center median selling roses. The guy in the Ferrari (he was an older man) bought some flowers from her but I was on my cell so I didn't pay much attention to the transaction. Next thing I know, the girl is at my window and she's extending a bouquet at me and I said, "Oh, no thank you. I don't want to buy any" and she goes, "No, these are from the man in the car in front of you; he bought them for you"
I had never seen this man in my life and he probably had seen me when he had passed me and just thought he would let me know that I was beautiful (I'm assuming since that's the only thing he would be able to tell in our short encounter). And then he went on his merry way - no, he wasn't trying to pick up on me. I have never ever heard of anybody having this happen and yet it made me feel sooooo good and I was extremely flattered!
So guys, here's a good idea for you to try and just let a girl know you think she's beautiful!!
2006-09-22 11:01:08
answer #3
answered by CC88 2
The best compliment I've ever gotten was " You are perfect. " I know the guy didn't mean it literally, but I could tell he said it out of great admiration, so it made me feel very good about myself. He's also told me on numerous occasions that I have a great sense of humour, am an incredible friend, a caring girlfriend and a very very interesting person. Of course, I also like it when he mentions how physically attractive I am:-) (he's my best friend, by the way, so I know he's being honest)
There was also this guy who always always noticed what I was wearing and constantly complimented me on my outfits and taste in clothes. I liked that guy!
2006-09-22 11:47:00
answer #4
answered by Carmenasks 3
the greatest compliment I have ever gotten was when I was a freshmen in high school, I was accually a fat and quiet thing, and when I finally did open up and talk to someone about how I felt, I was told that "I was something unexpected". and for somone to say something like that to me, It made me feel like a person, instead of something in the background looking at everyone else live. And that has mead me the person that I am today. That someone somewhere is interested in something I have to say, and my words are valed. Everyday I am complimented by that onek,yku compliment 11 years ago.
2006-09-22 11:29:26
answer #5
answered by Adrienne H 3
I dont' know if these are the best, but they came to mind:
1) I went to a wedding with a guy I was dating and he told me, "You're not supposed to be more beautiful than the bride!" Sweet!
2)I was purchasing wine and the clerk was singing an old-school song by the O'Jays. He sang to me and said, "You're one jazzy, jazzy old babe." Mind you, I'm not old at all. He was an older man and his compliment was very sincere. No pick-up, just the compliment. Cute.
2006-09-22 09:11:49
answer #6
answered by pearl101 1
One time someone told me I was fun to travel with. I thought that was great. Just in my opinion, there's no greater compliment than to be told people like to have you around.
Everybody has something compliment-worthy about them. Study the people you're around and say things that really fit. Nothing is worse than a line or generic compliment.
2006-09-22 09:04:53
answer #7
answered by Ms. Roberts 3
Once I smiled at my friend and a guy that was sitting with us in the table drove me crazy the whole night begging me to smile for him and telling me I have the most beautiful smile. I was very flattered.
2006-09-22 09:27:26
answer #8
answered by yafit k 4
If a stranger says, "you're captivating," she could desire to take it for what it extremely is well worth, say 'thank you.' and pass on. A compliment by a appropriate stranger is won as being valid simply by fact the stranger has no emotional ties and not something to earnings or lose by complimenting her. could or no longer it extremely is totally properly to tell their husband approximately receiving a astounding 'compliment' from a random stranger? specific. If she is sensible, whilst he asks her how she felt listening to it, she would be waiting to apply that threat to respond in a fashion that retains his shallowness intact AND spotlight her mind, love and self belief. she would be waiting to enable him be attentive to that no compliment concerns better than the single that comes from his lips. If the stranger says, "you specific have some intense high quality taa taa's" that may not a compliment. A sane married woman could be extra insulted by the stranger's come on AND the defaming innuendo of her character. After telling the guy off, she could bypass abode pissed mutually as nevertheless making her husband satisfied. If the mind of the spouse is low and he or she has no clue in understanding her huband or the thank you to cling directly to him, then specific, she too could desire to communicate of it. He has a impressive to be attentive to who he married and if she would be waiting to shove his face in dirt mutually as enjoying yet another guy who have been given her techniques and heart strings shifting. If the female is in a poor marriage, whose husband would not do what's sturdy by her, who treats her like a maid/slave, who would not rejoice along with her, mutually as she chefs, cleans, seems after him, and he or she refuses to cheat on him simply by fact of her ethical character yet can nevertheless get her smile-on by truthful compliments of random strangers mutually as residing with this kind of creature, then NO. That smile is warranted and it extremely isn't any longer simply by Jesus that it may be on her face. So, for her, my opinion is, despite is going on outdoors of the abode - "Las Vegas!"
2016-10-17 11:19:46
answer #9
answered by ? 4
1. You look nice today.
2. You smell good, what perfume do you have on ?
3. Have you lost weight?
2006-09-23 09:34:18
answer #10
answered by vik 3