I get as irritated as anyone else about propaganda overseas - portraying us as the "great satan." My intention is not to tell you there's no evil in the world. I know there is.
Let's be fair on both ends, here. How many parinoid stories have we fallen for in our own culture? We've been through at least three big red scares, the terrorists, Y2K, inquititions and witch trials. Roswell even. There's been stories coming out of our churches for over a hundred years about "who really murdered Christ." The Jews of course.
Look at the entertainment of even little children in our culture. What's the recurring theme in cartoons over and over. Some diabolical charactor. Some dark figure. Oh, save us, Batman!!
We teach our children that those who don't pick up our box of personal opinion will be thrown in fire by God. That anyone who feels differently than we do, votes for someone we don't, or looks differant than us is bad and will be damned.
5 answers
asked by
Gene A
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