There is a remarkable Bible passage that helps us begin to grasp Jehovah’s adaptability. The prophet Ezekiel was given a vision of Jehovah’s heavenly organization of spirit creatures. He saw a chariot of awe-inspiring proportions, Jehovah’s own “vehicle” always under His control. Most interesting was the way that it moved. The giant wheels were four-sided and full of eyes so that they could see everywhere and could change direction instantly, without stopping or turning. And this gigantic chariot did not have to lumber along like an unwieldy, man-made vehicle. It could move at the speed of lightning, even making right-angled turns! (Ezekiel 1:1, 14-28.) Yes, Jehovah’s organization, like the almighty Sovereign in control of it, is supremely adaptable, responsive to the ever-changing situations and needs it must address. Draw Close to Jehovah. Book -
Wheels Within Wheels,
Each wheel had a wheel inside it—one of the same diameter that fitted crosswise into the base wheel. Only in this way could the wheels be said to “go on their four respective sides.” (Verse 17) Instantly, the wheels could change direction because there was a side of the wheel facing in each direction. The wheels conformed their direction of movement to that of the four cherubs. On the four wheels, the body of God’s chariot could ride by invisible support similar to a powerful craft that is held up by a cushion of air as it skims over water. The wheels are referred to by the term “wheelwork.” (Ezekiel 10:13.) This was evidently occasioned by what each wheel does. It rolls along or whirls. Designating this part of the celestial chariot in such a way calls attention to the speed with which the celestial chariot moves. Although its wheels whirled so speedily, they could always see their way because of their fullness of eyes.
In these days of sleek jetliners, world leaders may feel they enjoy the ultimate in travel efficiency. Yet, 2,600 years ago, Jehovah God revealed that he has a superlative mode of transport, the likes of which no engineer has ever seen. It is a vast, awesome chariot! Does it seem strange that the Creator of the universe rides in a chariotlike vehicle? No, for Jehovah’s celestial vehicle differs greatly from any conceived by men.
In chapter 1 of Ezekiel’s prophecy, Jehovah is pictured as riding in a colossal celestial chariot. This awe-inspiring four-wheeled vehicle is self-propelled and can do amazing things. Ezekiel saw this heavenly chariot in vision in 613 B.C.E., when he was by one of the canals of ancient Babylon. The prophet first draws our attention to those attending upon the celestial chariot of Jehovah. As we read, let us try to visualize what Ezekiel saw.
Hence, the cherubs could change course instantly and follow the face that looked in the desired direction. But what were those cherubs like for speed? Why, they could move with the speed of lightning! (Ezekiel 1:14) No man-made vehicle has ever achieved that speed.
5 Suddenly, the chariot’s wheels come into view. Verses 16 and 18 say: “Their appearance and their structure were just as when a wheel proved to be in the midst of a wheel. And as for their rims, they had such height that they caused fearfulness; and their rims were full of eyes all around the four of them.” A wheel alongside each cherub would result in four wheels in four related places. The wheels glowed like chrysolite, a transparent or translucent yellow or green stone. This adds light and beauty to this glorious vision. Since the rims of the wheels were “full of eyes all around,” they were not going blindly in just any direction. And the wheels were enormously high, thus being able to cover a great distance with just one revolution on their axis. They, like the four cherubs, could move as fast as lightning.
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2006-09-22 09:18:46
answer #1
answered by Jeremy Callahan 4
Some people think they are a description of a UFO but who has really seen a UFO let alone the thing that Ezekiel saw. Some feel it was a symbolic representation of the Holy Spirit. Some think it was a gyroscope, a vision of them before they knew what one was. And then of course, there are those who will speculate that it could have been anything or nothing. The Bible does not clearly state what it was, what its purpose was, or if it was something from the past, present or future.
In essence... it does not matter much... What matters is that you are ready to meet God... Are you?
2006-09-22 08:48:23
answer #2
answered by rejoiceinthelord 5
When God decides to make an appearance in this world, it is usually accompanied by various phenomenon, as described in Ezekiel 1:1.
In that case, it appears that the pre-incarnate Jesus commuted from heaven to earth in a "throne" that was very similar to the one mentioned and described in the Book of Exodus, when it was encountered by Moses and the tribal elders, at the top of Mt. Sinai.
Clouds, fire, rainbows, lightning, hail, trumpets, bright lights, whirlwinds, and angels are all related to these events.
You'll find around fifty other similar events described in the old and new testaments, including Pentecost.
2006-09-22 14:38:55
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
they are purely alien craft's in the event that they are unidentified--Ezekiel indentified those autos very for sure and defined them to boot as he ought to with the concepts-set of the era wherein he grow to be residing so very very some time past (did an wonderful activity of it too)---So NO those weren't alien craft's they have been saucers--study it for your self and study it with the understanding that it is being written by potential of a guy in an era that knew not something of airplanes--autos--even refrigarators--it takes on a clean view
2016-12-18 15:02:38
answer #4
answered by ? 4
There are many sources which refer to this aspect of history. The one thing you left out was the loud roar which accompanied it. There have been some relics found which rather duplicate this vehicle.
You may want to read a book by Van Danikan, who does quite an elaborate description of this vehicle. There are other sources just as convincing.
2006-09-22 08:46:37
answer #5
answered by mrcricket1932 6
Don't have a clue what the wheels are, but it does kind of sound like a helicopter all together. Try to imagine what it would be like to be a biblcal person trying to explain seeing something like a helicopter or even something more advanced.
2006-09-22 08:53:46
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Kinda freaky isn't it. It says they're attached to the angels. The description of the angels is also really strange. I makes you wonder why people envision angels as humans with wings, because that's not how they're described.
What if the "aliens" people claim to encounter are actaully angels?
2006-09-22 08:42:07
answer #7
answered by luvwinz 4
THE jester,
That is an accurate description. Unidentified. And Flying, and an object. What a great thing it must have been to see.
2006-09-22 08:51:54
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
they are a vision which we cannot comprehend -- we cannot imagine or find words to adequately explain the divine
2006-09-22 08:41:27
answer #9
answered by rosends 7
thats what they are suppose to be
2006-09-22 08:40:52
answer #10
answered by Anonymous