I have been an atheist for 30 years. I do not go out looking for debates or arguments against religious people. I dont wear a sign around my neck that says I DONT BELIEVE IN GOD! I dont make it a point to tell everyone I meet what I believe or dont believe. I really only divulge my beliefs when someone asks me what they are. (and here is where your question comes in) When I do tell religious people that I am an atheist it is like I am the lowest form of life on Earth. These people talk to me in ways that just amaze me. They tell me I am wrong, that I will go to hell for not believing. I am treated as an outcast. These are usually Christian people, who are supposed to be forgiving, and full of kindness and love for their fellow man and yet they treat me like dirt because I dont believe what they believe. I dont bad mouth their religion. I dont "blaspheme" their god. I just tell them I dont believe and I get s*** upon. So, the atheist you say "are defensive" are probably defending themselves by attacking the people who attacked them first. Try it. Tell a Christian you dont believe. See what kind of reaction you get. You will understand why atheists have to use what we can to defend our opinions
2006-09-22 09:02:56
answer #1
answered by wilchy 4
Of course you're right, Candy, but I think we all get frustrated on a site like this. It seems so blatantly obvious to me that certain things are true, yet religious people often deny them based on an ancient text that predates the knowledge we are arguing over.
In answer to your question, no, I most certainly do not hate Christians. I have many close friends who are Christian. But I think there is a point at which we begin to be frightened by those whose views differ so vastly from our own and fear that those views will be thrust upon us through legislation. I think both Christians and atheists and people such as myself who are neither have the same fears, but because atheists do not have an organization like a Church, there is less chance of indoctrination, so they (and I) are trying to get people to really think about their beliefs.
But in the real world, I suspect most of us here are tolerant and get along with others without a problem.
2006-09-22 08:58:59
answer #2
answered by ZombieTrix 2012 6
Some people. I don't get it though, because while I don't agree with the religion, I still have to admit this, some of the nicest human beings I have ever had the pleasure of meeting are Christians.
Why cant we just all get along.......because we're all human. Humans are bad, bad animals (except me, of course). We create devices to kill each other off by the millions. Bad monkeys! Bad! *whacks everyone over the head with a stick*
2006-09-22 08:43:51
answer #3
answered by Mr. Bojangles 5
There are not a lot of people who are "generally good'. Some folks don't understand the concept of spirituality. And others don't understand and that leads to fear in which case a lot of negative comments are made.
Some who claim to be Christians are not really. If they were, they would not make negative, derogatory comments about any one person, nor their beliefs.
There is only one God. He is called many names by many people. And you're right. Faith is not an argument, it is a decision to believe thou we don't see worldly evidence. Faith is not about the world. It is about you personally and your relationship with God. Do you believe? It's all about faith.
It was originally God's intention that we all get along. But Eve was greedy and shared it with Adam.
Everything changed after that. We were allowed free will to choose our path.
A real good question!
2006-09-22 08:58:15
answer #4
answered by Deborah K 2
It is possible for people of different faiths to get along and work together. It only becomes difficult when one faith claims to be the One True Faith that makes all others False and Paths to Damnation. When someone has already demonized you, it's hard to want their company or appreciate the goodness in their heart.
2006-09-22 08:41:42
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The only Christians that I think are idiots are the ones that seem to be happy that the U.S. is on the road to becoming a Christian Theocracy.
Christians who don't want the U.S. to be a theocracy, but want to weaken the separation of church and state anyway are just as idiotic, maybe more so.
By the way, I think these idiot Christians are not the majority, but unfortunately they seem to be getting a lot of attention, and our goverment is pandering to them, which is greatly magnifying their influence.
2006-09-22 08:45:52
answer #6
answered by Jim L 5
There are too many diverse viewsin religion for us to all get along. Each peson clings to their religion like a liferaft and anythink said about it just rocks the boat. There has always been hatred of all religions as many involve secrets and rituals that are either unknown or misunderstood. It is human nature to fear what one does not understand. Fear leads to hate.
2006-09-22 08:44:13
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
As a Christian I try not to be negative about non-believers - I'm not perfect. If atheists and the rest want to knock Christianity, that is their prerogative. I'm always happy to put forward my viewpoint, and if they don't like it, tough. They are free to reject it, but, believe it or not, there are some who are prepared to listen, for which I am grateful. Nobody has come back to me with a changed attitude......yet! Time will tell.
2006-09-22 08:50:01
answer #8
answered by Scabius Fretful 5
i don't think of the two atheists or Christians hate one yet another, Its stupid to hate somebody via fact of religion. i think its a greater annoyance then hate. incredibly some human beings purely can not settle for yet another viewpoint on issues.
2016-12-18 15:02:35
answer #9
answered by ? 4
I agree with you! I dont agree with linking ALL christians however as having negatives towards non believers. i dont think that all atheists are calling christians "idiots" either. I feel that the ones who do these are the ones who truly have no peace within themselves or found what it is they are truly searching for. I am christian and love them all and pray for all.
I pray we all get along.
2006-09-22 08:44:24
answer #10
answered by yeppers 5