Do you believe all the rumors you hear?
I heard that Yahoo will be giving $1,000 to everyone that deserves it too. Do you believe that one too?
2006-09-22 08:56:53
answer #1
answered by romantic_f_mich 2
I'll believe it when I see it. It's a hot thing, even sometimes contentious, that means 'full of conflict, fool', but it's the busiest section on here other than the 'love and relationships'. They actually have a hot commodity, even if people get their feelings hurt. They could try to find a way to make this forum concept work better for them. They haven't gotten sued yet, have they? It's totally wide open in here. They could try making sections for various belief systems, but that sounds kinda hokey to me and they would have trouble trying to enforce people 'raiding' each other's 'space'. This forum is valuable despite it's occational anger. The forum is only reflecting the current atmosphere, not causing it. Religion and politics, two things you shouldn't talk about with polite company, right? I bet the politics section has the second most complaints and whiners.
2006-09-22 15:45:08
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Yes, It would be better if Yahoo broke the religion and spirituality section up into categories. A section for Christians, Atheist, Muslims, etc..instead of having everyone in one big group. That's what i think they should do anyway. So people that want/need advice can get it without much of the interference that is occuring now.
2006-09-22 15:44:49
answer #3
answered by JohnC 5
No, there are other good categories to check out, but I think they could break it down and make it less broad so the questions/answers could be more focused.
E.G.-Since many of the users self-I.D. as Christians, that (Christianity or Bible) would make a logical category to add.
2006-09-22 15:41:37
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You mean quit yahoo answers? Or quit the religion section?
No to both---
2006-09-22 15:40:33
answer #5
answered by yeppers 5
That would be terrible!!. I do agree many people do abuse this section & it is very sad. But alot of people hate Christains & it seems like that is who they abuse the most!! we just have to pray they won't.
thanks for the info!
2006-09-23 21:27:33
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
No, I'll just follow the fundies over to the science and philosophy sections.
2006-09-22 15:40:04
answer #7
answered by lenny 7
I don't think you're the usual Jibba Jabba. No offense. You're much more enlightened.
2006-09-22 15:45:29
answer #8
answered by luvwinz 4
I won't let that stop me! But we will need to agree on a section to meet in, don't you think??
2006-09-22 15:40:04
answer #9
answered by ? 4
I wish people would open thier minds - Not all questions and answers relating to religion will be tasteful.
2006-09-22 15:40:45
answer #10
answered by Jazz 4