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I have been an atheist for 30 years. I do not go out looking for debates or arguments against religious people. I dont wear a sign around my neck that says I DONT BELIEVE IN GOD! I dont make it a point to tell everyone I meet what I believe or dont believe. I really only divulge my beliefs when someone asks me what they are. (and here is where your question comes in) When I do tell religious people that I am an atheist it is like I am the lowest form of life on Earth. These people talk to me in ways that just amaze me. They tell me I am wrong, that I will go to hell for not believing. I am treated as an outcast. These are usually Christian people, who are supposed to be forgiving, and full of kindness and love for their fellow man and yet they treat me like dirt because I dont believe what they believe. I dont bad mouth their religion. I dont "blaspheme" their god. I just tell them I dont believe and I get s*** upon. So, the atheist you say "are defensive" are probably defending themselves by attacking the people who attacked them first. Try it. Tell a Christian you dont believe. See what kind of reaction you get. You will understand why atheists have to use what we can to defend our opinions

2006-09-22 09:07:53 · answer #1 · answered by wilchy 4 · 0 0

Don't give up trying to tell other about God and Jesus, but if they don't want to hear then just show them the way and maybe one day they will follow. Remember Jesus often hung around those that needed ministering to. Don't give up on your friends. Some times you have to minister to them in ways they don't know they're being ministered to. Have fun.

2006-09-22 15:49:02 · answer #2 · answered by stephenl1950 6 · 1 0

I think the reason people react this way is because God gave the devil the world to rule, and so, when ever you are preaching to the unbelievers the devil doesn't like that very much and puts negative thoughts into the believers and that's when they star hating you. but remember its not the person that hates you is the devil that is in that persons minds.

we need to love the sinner not the sin.

2006-09-22 15:48:53 · answer #3 · answered by g-man 3 · 0 0

Because they don't understand. The people wants to set their own by-laws and rules Claiming that what ever is done for them. that they did it themselves.

But guess what Jesus crated everyone into humans in this universe. So that alright keep on dding wht ever you're doing and be at your best. Tell them don't play hate. participate and try living your life to the fullest.

2006-09-22 15:55:15 · answer #4 · answered by Rietta 1 · 1 0

because Jesus is the Light of the world. all truth is embodied in Him. Jesus frightens most people, not because He is some kind of ghost, but because He is truth. Sin can not exist where perfect holiness is. it doesn't happen here in this world. Jesus claims to be the only way to God, and that scares a lot of people because they do not want to face the fact that they are destined for eternal separation from Jesus. there will be no atheists at the end of the world!

2006-09-22 15:42:09 · answer #5 · answered by Robert A 3 · 1 2

If you aren't shoving your beliefs down another's throat, I wish I knew! But it is widely said that the two topics no one should ever discuss within large groups are religion and politics. People get dumb on these two subjects, they can't have a civil conversation, they just HAVE to argue! And it's well beyond my realm of understanding.

2006-09-22 15:44:11 · answer #6 · answered by Daydream Believer 7 · 1 0

Because usually christians are not trying to talk about God & Jesus, they're trying to cram him down people's throats.

There is a world of difference between...

"Hey, we belive in this Jesus fellow and this God fellow and we think they're really great. If you'd like, we would love to talk about him, or invite you to our church. If not, no biggie, have a good day."


"Did you know that if you don't believe in Jesus Christ and God that you're going to hell? You're a sinner like all of us, so don't pretend you know how life started, it started just like the Bible said it did, I can't believe you're stupid enough to believe in evolution, it's only a THEORY and you're just trying to avoid being morally responsible and you KNOW in your heart that there is a god..."

2006-09-22 15:41:51 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

They hated Jesus and they will hate you - it says in the Bible.

Their master in the devil, not god. Jehovah God is the One True God and when we stand up for what is right and good, then we will be treated with evil - just how it goes. Blessings.

2006-09-22 15:47:18 · answer #8 · answered by jworks79604 5 · 1 0

Since Christianity is the largest religion in the world, I highly doubt everyone beats you down for it. You might want to find new playmates and new playgrounds. I live in a 100% Christian community and we have bible study at the local bar!

2006-09-22 15:47:38 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I think your question is confusing. Jesus is one of the God heads, Why would God's people bash his son.? If you are bashed it 's not God's people.

2006-09-22 15:42:29 · answer #10 · answered by Sugar 7 · 0 1

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