A saint is a holy person, one who is exceptionally patient, charitable....
I cannot answer for Do Bono and Bob Geldorf
2006-09-22 08:35:44
answer #1
answered by yeppers 5
First they have to be dead. Then they have to have two certified miracles to their credit. Then they are canonized by the Pope and then you wait a couple hundred years before they are actually ordained as a saint. And no Bono and Geldof don't qualify.
2006-09-22 08:35:50
answer #2
answered by Lynn K 5
Well, the Roman Catholic church description of a saint is simply some body that had done some miracles while they are dead and also has healed some one while they are dead. The church seriously looks into these miracles and healings and if they had done at least three of these things and then they go through the process of being a saint within the Catholic church. They have become blessed and then a second thing, then after some more consideration the person finally becomes a saint.
2006-09-22 08:46:37
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Catholics do NOT vote for saints! There is a huge investigative team called the Congregation for Causes of the Saints. Doctors, attorneys, theologians. They study all the data to determine it's validity.
Dear friend: A saint is someone who walks with God. While some Protestant denominations call all people who walk with God during their lifetime, saints - Catholics look for proof through verifiable answered prayers and miracles that this person is in the presense of God after they have left this world. Anglicans just pick people. Like Harriot Tubman and Sojourner Truth who were not Anglican.
2006-09-22 08:42:08
answer #4
answered by Max Marie, OFS 7
Act 9:13 And Ananias answered, Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how many bad things he did to Your saints in Jerusalem.
Act 9:32 And it happened, passing through all, Peter also came down to the saints dwelling in Lydda.
Saints are not people who have died and had that honor placed on them by the Catholic church, nor are they people who simply do good works. All believers in Christ who are part of the Church are considered saints.
2006-09-22 08:43:50
answer #5
answered by BrotherMichael 6
There is a story about a little boy in church with his mother. He looked up at the stained glass windows and asked who those people were. She told him they were saints. He asked what a saint was. She told him to be quiet, as the service was in progress. The little boy looked up at the stained glass windows and saw the sun shining in, casting coloured lights everywhere and then said, "I know. A saint is a person who lets the light in."
That's what makes somebody a saint.
2006-09-22 09:51:03
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Biblically, the saints are those who are born again of God. Those who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and belived God raised him from the dead. They receive the gift of holy spirit from God who is Holy Spirit. Then they are saints. They are also true Christians because the word Christian comes from Christ in. And was first used in Antich as an insult to those who were always talking about having Christ in. In other words, it was an insult against the first century saints.
2006-09-25 13:25:33
answer #7
answered by ManoGod 6
Initially, all baptized Christians were considered saints, in Greek the word was hagioi. However from the very beginning certain individuals were singled out for special acclamation because they sacrificed their lives in witness to Jesus Christ.
Martyrdom is the surest path to Sainthood with Saint Stephen as the first to sacrifice his life for Jesus. Saint Paul and Saint Peter are both considered saints not due to their positions or writings but because in the end they sacrificed their lives for Christ in witness to His truth.
Overtime people who were very influential in spreading the message of Jesus Christ became saints as well.
Remember each baptized Christian is called to sainthood in Jesus Christ.
2006-09-22 08:38:30
answer #8
answered by Lives7 6
no no matter what they do i think nowadays you would hav to be an absolute religious devote like mother theresa and be totally devoted to god, aswell as doing many 'saintly' things such as helping others on a durastic scale.
also(this isnt MY opinion exactly) some christians would be against bob geldof being a saint as he refused to be involved with relgion and his swearing constantly etc. whereas others (like me probably) would say that doesnt matter aslong as he did all the good deeds he did.
so basically you hav to be very very devoted to be a saint and its very hard to be one.
2006-09-22 08:45:04
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
A bunch of doddering old fools in the Vatican! Bob Geldof should be killed and sent to Africa to feed the starving!
2006-09-22 08:38:24
answer #10
answered by Anonymous