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Can you tell me some Spanish female names?

2006-09-22 03:19:34 · 10 answers · asked by No N 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

10 answers

ABEGAIL: Spanish form of Abigail, meaning "father rejoices."
ADALINA: Variant of Italian/Spanish Adelina, meaning "noble."
ADELAIDA: Spanish form of Adelaide, meaning "noble sort."
ADELINA: Italian and Spanish pet form of Adela, meaning "noble."
ADELITA: Probably a variant of Spanish Adelina, meaning "noble." This name was used for the heroine of the Mexican folk song "La Adelita," one of the most famous corridos to come out of the Mexican Revolution. The song tells the story of a young woman in love with a sergeant. She traveled with him and his regiment. Due to this song, the term "La Adelita" came to signify a woman of strength and courage, the archetype of a woman warrior.
ADONCIA: Spanish name meaning "sweet."
ADORA: Nickname for Spanish Adoracion, meaning "adoration."
ADORACION: Spanish name meaning "adoration."
ADORIA: Variant of Spanish Adora, meaning "adoration."
ADRIANA: Italian and Spanish feminine form of Adrian, meaning "from Hadria."
AGATA: Italian and Spanish form of English Agatha, meaning "good."
AGOTA: Spanish form of Agatha, meaning "good."
AGUEDA: Spanish form of Latin Agatha, meaning "good."
AINA: Spanish (Balearic) form of Anna, meaning "favor; grace."
ALBA: Italian/Spanish name meaning "dawn."
ALDONZA: Spanish name meaning "sweet; nice."
ALEJANDRA: Spanish feminine form of Alexander, meaning "defender of mankind."
ALICIA: Spanish form of English Alice, meaning "noble sort."
ALITA: Spanish form of English Adela, meaning "noble."

ALMUDENA: Spanish name of Arabic origin, meaning "the city."

ALODIA: Variant of Spanish Elodia, meaning, "foreign riches."
ALONDRA: Nickname for Spanish Alejandra, meaning "defender of mankind."
ALTA: Spanish name meaning "high."
AMADA: Feminine form of Spanish Amado, meaning "beloved."
AMARANTA: Italian and Spanish form of English Amarantha, a flower name meaning "unfading."
AMPARO: Spanish name meaning "protection; shelter."
ANA: Spanish form of Anna, meaning "favor; grace."
ÁNGELA: Spanish feminine form of Latin Angelus, meaning "angel, messenger."
ANGÉLICA: Spanish form of Italian Angelica, meaning "angelic."
ANGELITA: Diminutive form of Spanish Ángela, meaning "little angel/messenger."
ANITA: Pet form of Spanish Ana, meaning "favor; grace."
ANTIA (Antía): Galician feminine form of Roman Antonius, possibly meaning "invaluable."
ANTONIA: Italian and Spanish feminine form of Roman Latin Antonius, possibly meaning "invaluable."
ANTONIETTA: Italian and Spanish diminutive form of Antonia, possibly meaning "invaluable."
ANUNCIACION (Anunciación): Spanish equivalent of Italian Annunziata, meaning "announces."
ARACELI: Spanish name meaning "altar of the sky."
ARACELIS: Variant of Spanish Araceli, meaning "altar of the sky."
ARACELY: Variant of Spanish Araceli, meaning "altar of the sky."
ARCELIA: Variant of Spanish Araceli, meaning "altar of the sky."
ARIADNA: Spanish form of Greek Ariadne, meaning "utterly pure."
ASCENCION (Ascención): Spanish name meaning "ascension."
ASSUMPCIO (Assumpció): Catalan form of Spanish Asunción, meaning "assumption."
ASUNCION (Asunción): Spanish name meaning "assumption," in reference to the Virgin Mary's assumption into heaven.
AZUCENA: Spanish name meaning "madonna lily."
BASILIA: Feminine form of Spanish Basilio, meaning "queen."
BEATRIZ: Spanish form of English Beatrix, meaning "voyager (through life)."
BELEN (Belén): Spanish name for Bethlehem also used as a personal name. Bethlehem means "house of bread."
BENIGNA: Feminine form of Italian/Spanish Benigno, meaning "kind."
BENITA: Feminine form of Spanish Benito, meaning "blessed."
BERENGÁRIA: Feminine form of Spanish Berengár, meaning "bear-spear."
BERNARDITA: Spanish feminine form of Bernardo, meaning "bold as a bear."
BETHANIA: Spanish form of Bethany, meaning "house of figs."
BIBIANA: Italian/Spanish form of Roman Viviana, meaning "alive."
BIENVENIDA: Spanish name derived from the word bienvenido, meaning "welcome."
BLANCA: Spanish form of English/French Blanche, meaning "white."
BONITA: English name of Spanish origin, meaning "pretty."
BRUNILDA: Italian and Spanish form of German Brunhild, meaning "armored warrior woman."
CAMILA: Spanish form of Roman Camilla, possibly meaning "attendant (for a temple)."
CANDE: Nickname for Spanish Candelaria, meaning "candle."
CANDELARIA: Spanish name derived from the word candela, meaning "candle." The Spanish had a custom of bestowing religious names on their daughters, and sometimes their sons, in honor of the Virgin Mary; for example, Nuestra Senora de los Candelaria which translates to "Our Lady of the Candles," referring to the purification of Mary during Candlemas.
CANDELAS: Pet form of Spanish Candelaria, meaning "candle."
CARIDAD: Spanish form of English Charity, meaning "dear."
CARLA: Feminine form of German Carl, Italian Carlo, and Portuguese/Spanish Carlos, all meaning "man."
CARMELA: Italian, Sicilian, and Spanish form of Carmel, meaning "vineyard."
CARMELITA: Spanish pet form of Carmel, meaning "vineyard."
CARMEN: Spanish form of Carmel, meaning "vineyard."
CARMENCITA: Pet form of Spanish Carmen, meaning "vineyard."
CAROLINA: English/Spanish feminine form of Latin Carolus, meaning "man."
CASILDA: Spanish name of uncertain origin. This name was borne by an 11th-century saint who was probably of Moorish descent.
CATALINA: Spanish form of Katherine, meaning "pure."
CATHERINA: Spanish form of Katherine, meaning "pure."
CELESTINA: Feminine form of Italian/Spanish Celestino, meaning "heavenly."
CENOBIA: Spanish form of Greek Zenobia, meaning "life of Zeus."
CHARO: Spanish pet form of Rosario, meaning "rosary."
CHELO: Pet form of Spanish Consuelo, meaning "consolation."
CHICKIE: Nickname for Spanish Chiquita, meaning "little one."
CHICKY: Variant of Spanish Chickie, meaning "little one."
CHIQUITA: Spanish name meaning "little one."
CHITA: Nickname for Spanish Conchita, meaning "conception."
CHUS: Spanish unisex pet form of Jesús and Jesusa, meaning "God is salvation."
CLARISA: Spanish form of Italian Clarissa, meaning "fame."
CONCEPCION (Concepción): Spanish name meaning "conception."
CONCHA: Pet form of Spanish Concepcion, meaning "conception."
CONCHITA: Pet form of Spanish Concha, meaning "conception."
CONSTANZA: Spanish form of Latin Constantia, meaning "steadfast."
CONSUELA: Variant of Spanish Consuelo, meaning "consolation."
CONSUELO: Spanish name meaning "consolation."
CORAZON (Corazón): From the Spanish name of a dormant volcano in Ecuador, meaning "heart."
CRESCENCIA: Spanish feminine form of Latin Crescentius, meaning "to spring up, grow, thrive."
CRISTINA: Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Christina, meaning "follower of Christ."
CRUZ: Spanish name meaning "cross."
CRUZITA: Pet form of Spanish Cruz, meaning "cross."
CUSTODIA: Feminine form of Spanish Custodio, meaning "guardian, keeper."
DÉBORA: Portuguese/Spanish form of Deborah, meaning "bee."
DEIFILIA: Spanish name meaning "daughter of God."
DELFINA: Italian/Spanish form of English/French Delphine, meaning "woman from Delphi."
DOLORES: "Sorrows." Spanish name derived from a title of the Virgin Mary, Maria de los Dolores "Mary of Sorrows."
DOMINGA: Feminine form of Spanish Domingo, meaning "belongs to the lord."
DOMITILA: Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Domitilla, meaning "little tame one."
DONCIA: Nickname for Spanish Adoncia, meaning "sweet."
DOROTEA: Italian and Spanish form of Latin Dorothea, meaning "gift of God."
DRINA: Nickname for Italian/Spanish Adriana, meaning "from Hadria."
DULCE: Spanish name meaning "candy" and "sweet."
EDELMIRA: Spanish feminine form of German Adelmar, meaning "noble and famous."
ELENA: Italian and Spanish form of Helen, meaning "torch" or "moon" or more likely "to elope."
ELICIA: Variant of Spanish Alicia, meaning "noble sort."
ELISA: Continental nickname for Elisabeth, meaning "God is my oath."
ELODIA: "Foreign wealth." Spanish name of Visigothic origin, composed of the elements ali "foreign; the other" and od "fortune, prosperity; wealth."
ELOISA: Italian and Spanish form of French Éloise, meaning "hale-wide; very healthy and sound."
ELVIRA: Spanish name of Visigothic origin. The etymology is uncertain but it is probably a form of Aliwera, meaning "foreign true."
EMELINA: Spanish feminine form of Emilio, meaning "rival."
EMIGDIA: Feminine form of Spanish Emigdio, meaning "half-god, demigod."
EMILIANA: Feminine form of Italian/Spanish Emiliano, meaning "rival."
EMPERATRIZ: Spanish name meaning "empress."
EMYGDIA: Feminine form of Spanish Emygdio, meaning "half-god, demigod."
ENCARNA: Nickname for Spanish Encarnación, meaning "incarnation."
ENCARNACION (Encarnación): Spanish name meaning "incarnation."
ENCARNITA: Pet form of Spanish Encarnación, meaning "incarnation."
ENRIQUETA: Feminine form of Catalan Enric and Spanish Enrique, meaning "home-ruler."
ERCILIA: Spanish form of Roman Hersilia, meaning "delicate, tender."
ERNESTA: Feminine form of English Ernest and Italian/Spanish Ernesto, meaning "battle to the death."
ESMERALDA: Female Spanish name, meaning "emerald." Victor Hugo gave his gypsy heroine this name in his novel, The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
ESMERELDA: Variant of Esmeralda, meaning "emerald."
ESPERANZA: Spanish form of Latin Sperantia, meaning "hope."
ESTEFANIA (Estefanía): Feminine form of Spanish Estéban, meaning "crown."
ESTELA: Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Estella, meaning "star."
ESTRELLA: Spanish form of English Stella, meaning "star."
EUFEMIA: Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Euphemia, meaning "well-spoken."
EULALIA: "Well-spoken." English, Italian and Spanish name composed of the Greek elements eu "good" and laleo "to talk" or lalein "speech."
EVITA: Spanish pet form of Latin Eva, meaning "alive, living."
FELICIDAD: Spanish form of Roman Felicitas, meaning "fortune; good luck."
FELIPA: Feminine form of Spanish Felipe, meaning "lover of horses."
FERNANDA: Feminine form of Spanish Fernando, meaning "journey-prepared."
FIDELIA: Feminine form of Spanish Fidel, meaning "faithful."
FILOMENA: Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Philomena, meaning "love-strong."
FORTUNATA: Feminine form of It./Port./Span. Fortunato, meaning "fortunate."
FRANCISCA: Feminine form of Portuguese/Spanish Francisco, meaning "free."
GENOVEVA: Spanish form of Genevieve, possibly meaning "white race."
GERTRUDIS: Spanish form of German Gertrude, meaning "spear strength."
GRACIA: Spanish form of English Grace, meaning "pleasing, agreeable."
GRACIANA: Feminine form of Spanish Graciano, meaning "pleasing, agreeable."
GRACIELA: Pet form of Spanish Gracia, meaning "pleasing, agreeable."
HERMINIA: Feminine form of Spanish Herminio, meaning "army man."
IBBIE: Pet form of Spanish Isabel, meaning "God is my oath."
IDOYA: Spanish name derived from the place name Idoia, itself a Basque name meaning "pond."
IMACULADA: Portuguese form of Spanish Inmaculada, meaning "immaculate."
IMELDA: "Whole battle." Italian and Spanish name of Germanic origin, composed of the elements irmen/ermen "entire, whole" and hild "battle."
IMMACOLATA: Italian form of Spanish Inmaculada, meaning "immaculate."
IÑES: Spanish form of English Agnes, meaning "chaste; holy."
INÉZ: Spanish form of English Agnes, meaning "chaste; holy."

2006-09-22 03:48:01 · answer #1 · answered by sugarlove8284 1 · 0 0

Adriana, Alegria, Alita, Amora, Arcelia, Belita, Bonita, Carmelita, Catalina, Consuela, Dulce, Elena, Elisa, Esralita, Evita, Floramaria, Friera, Gabriella, Isabel, Isleta, Juliana, La Cienega, Lareina, Liani, Lola, Magdalena, Mariana, Maribel, Mercedes, Moya, Novia, Raina, Raquel, Rosalia, Salma, Sierra, Soledad, Xalvadora, Xiomara

2006-09-22 03:21:47 · answer #2 · answered by BeeFree 5 · 0 0

Abril which in English is April and it symbolizes spring.
Tierra which means earth and land
Jade is also a common spanish female name

2006-09-22 03:24:11 · answer #3 · answered by radleyfain 2 · 0 0


2006-09-22 03:29:46 · answer #4 · answered by paula_steward 2 · 0 0

I knew a woman named Cambria in center college. She grew to become into great candy yet young ones would constantly tease her. i grew to become into consistently sticking up for her. She grew to become into on no account made exciting of for her call from what i'd desire to remember... in particular teased for what she wore. i'd desire to think of of names a good purchase worse then Cambria, i think of that is decent. purely no longer something i'd heavily evaluate naming my babies.

2016-10-01 06:04:24 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Maria, Colibi (means hummingbird, and put an accent on the last i), Pilar, Rosa, Ines (accent on the e)

2006-09-22 03:22:58 · answer #6 · answered by Mujer Bonita 6 · 0 0

Go here and you can find some Spanish girl names and there meanings.....


2006-09-22 03:37:04 · answer #7 · answered by nia93me 2 · 0 0

My daughter's name is Adrianna and people always say how beautiful her name is :)

2006-09-22 03:56:09 · answer #8 · answered by IslandAngel64 3 · 0 0

ESPERANZA- i just think this name is Beautiful!

2006-09-22 07:04:54 · answer #9 · answered by tygger in pa 3 · 0 0


2006-09-22 03:27:58 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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