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I have tried everything fromrewards to putting on there and wanting.
He will hold it andthen use it on himself Help!!!!

2006-09-21 16:04:52 · 20 answers · asked by dac39jjc 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

20 answers

This is a battle you can not win. One of the few areas small children have complete control over is their toilet habits. Try giving your child more choices in everything else. example- do you want to wear your blue shirt or your red shirt. Do you want cereal or waffles. And slip in do you want to use the potty or go in your diaper? Eventually your child will recognize the potty as a choice and begin to try it- You may also want to get the video "Once upon a Potty" and have him watch it several times. Eventually he will catch on- Do not under any circumstances take the advice of the person who said put him on the potty and make him sit there till he goes. He could develop a disorder called encopresis in which he will hold his bowels in until he becomes impacted. Don't turn it into a contest of wills.

2006-09-21 16:08:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Wow, some very silly answers, but honestly, I had this issue myself. I actually tried games to make it more fun. I never tried the transition of a potty chair, to the big chair, as then I just assumed I would have to hassle with that elimination. (No PUN intended).

For my son, when he went #1, I used cheerios so that he could "shoot" them. We made it a game. I knew the cereal would flush easily so no worries about the septic system. I would have him throw them in the toilet, and get very excited about the whole process. You can easily adapt this game into floating objects, but you have to wear the ole rubber gloves and wash and remove the toys from the toilet. (yes I know a tad gross, but a mother will do just about anything at this frustrating point, lol)

This one is very hard, since you're patience is only tested by his endurance to outlast you, lol. The potty phase will change, but it will take time. I just felt to discouraged as I thought there was a "set" time for when this development should naturally occurr with my child. Also your child experiences the anxiety you hold, and it will be felt by him. Perhaps not making a big deal about it, (it's not really the end of the world, but yes it's more laundry) will help.

I think you're doing great by celebrating his natural body function with rewards and encouragement. Bribery before the action has little effect. Also try breaking down the steps, like walking into the bathroom, removing clothing, etc, into small celebrations, without the actual act of "going". Your child might realize how much fun it is, and proceed to the next step. If he doesn't, wait .. but keep repeating. It's really all you can do,, lol.

I wouldn't suggest at this point to see a physician, since developmental stages on this subject vary so much. Now if the child is 6, and he's still not going in the toilet, then it might be a bladder or urinary issue.

My brother actually removed the pullups/diaper which falls under previous replies about the different sensation. Yes children do feel a different sensation, but they can grow accostumed to it as well. My nephew actually started urinating in the house in a corner of a room, so he had fears of the toilet, itself. Guess that's why I tried to remove any fear or intimidation about the pot, after all, at his 2 foot level it can be intimidating. I wish you luck and patience, hope this idea helps.

2006-09-21 16:32:49 · answer #2 · answered by Manatee 5 · 0 0

This may sound strange - but does he know how? I just potty trained my soon to be 3 year old - he's a hallowe'en baby... but anyways, it took me six months to accompish this! The last three weeks was the "eye opener" for me. My older two also boys i had potty trained with less trouble - but as infants right through to toddlers - heck to this day - they walk in on me in the washroom. But as infants and toddlers i use to keep the door open so i could keep an eye on them at ALL times (oldest was VERY jealous of the baby at the time and i couldn't trust enough to close the door behind me) So anyways, they knew what a "potty is" and what the "potty" was used for. With this disgruntled child of mine, haveing the two older siblings to watch over him while i did my think - i always closed the door. IN the last three weeks i have had my four year old nephew here and of course he would run into the washroom without closing the door and my "curious" son had to follow him every step of the way. Within a week after following his cousin EVERYWHERE he started going in and out all by himself and TA DAH three weeks later he is now officially trained. It was the fact that i had never let him see me use the potty and trying to explain it was like trying to explain a multiplication table to a 4 year old! WHen he was shown what to do, he then copied it! Now he only has bedtime accidents and slowly but surely they are becoming more and more infrequent! The other thing to consider is - is he really ready? Not all children have fully developed bladders at the age of three sometimes it takes longer... as they all grow on their own time. But if you think his bladder is ready you can try the old - This is what big boys do, big boys like "daddy" "Uncle Steve" and/or "grandpa" and you want to be a big boy too! The other trick which i used on my oldest two is - You can't go to school in diapers. Only big boys go to school they don't let babies go to school! That is if your son recognizes and is aware of school and the big yellow bus. I wish you patience and good luck! That's all you can do, is be patient. He will train once he is ready and nothing can make it happen before then!

2006-09-21 16:21:14 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Take away the diaper... The sensitation will be diffrent... Take him every 30 minutes and give him lots of liquid. If he has not gone by the second or thrid time you take him, have him sit a little longer... No drinks after 6:30 or 7, cause you want him to get used to being dry. So that being wet will feel uncomfterable. Only give him a diaper at night right before bed... Once you know how long he can wait take him around the times he has had an accident, also BE CONSISTANT. Take him right before a preferred activity. Like okay you have to to potty so we can go toe the park, the store ect... You have to take him the same amount every day... Not just when it's convientent. And if you think its to much of a hassle to clean up the mess when he has and accident in this underware, you know why he's not going...

2006-09-21 16:10:54 · answer #4 · answered by Tina 3 · 1 0

Sweetie,U may have to try something different.with my oldest I let his potty chair sit in the living room so he could go right to it with no problem and so he didn't have to leave what he was dong.Then slowly moved it further to the bathroom till he just started going to the bathroom.cause he loved the extra attention for being a big boy.My youngest now we had too let him pee on ants.Sorry i know that sounds bad but that's how we got him to go. he seen his dog pee on the tree so he wanted to then he seen the ants around the tree and he was so happy to get to do it and then we slowly showed him how fun it would be for him to pee as the water swirled down the toilet some times u have to just think out side the box and go with what works for your child all kids are not the same.Don't get stressed that is the worse thing to do and in time they will do it don't worry if they are not like someone Else's child or another sibling all are different

2006-09-21 16:17:48 · answer #5 · answered by motherof319662000 2 · 0 0

What I found worked best for me and my 3 sons was this...every time I used the restroom I took them in with me, set them on the potty chair and sat on the toilet myself for a few minutes talking to them or reading to them. Then I also put them on the potty chair with a tray (for playing, snacks, whatever) every hour to start out with, leaving them on there for maybe 10 minutes at a time. Once my sons got the urination part down pat I used hot wheels, which they loved, as an incentive to have a bowel movement on the potty chair. They got to see the car and it was explained to them they would get it once they accomplished the goal. This method worked well for me.

2006-09-21 16:17:06 · answer #6 · answered by cookiefactory4 3 · 0 0

You've gotten some really odd answers and several from people who are obviously not parents themselves. Potty training is tough and it's very emotionally linked... if you stress your child too much about it trying to scare them or punish them into using the potty they may develop a fear of the potty and make it that much harder to potty train them!

Check out these articles written by some professionals and some other parents!


2006-09-22 12:43:01 · answer #7 · answered by moonlights_rain 2 · 0 0

don't panic!
every child is different,i have three boys and i didn't potty train any of them,i put a potty there and i never made any of them sit on a potty to teach them.for boys seeing their older brothers go shows them the ropes.
mine just did and another thing,i never allowed my boys out without pullups until they were fully trained,why allow the embarrassment?
i have never seen a normal grown up not knowing what to do,they will learn,the less of a big deal you make of it the quicker they seem to learn it.

2006-09-21 16:32:07 · answer #8 · answered by poematics 1 · 1 0

i have girls but a single friend of mine had a boy she said she would put cheriosjust a few in the pot and make a game out of it sink the cereal and get a prize the more he sinks them the bigger the prize. good luck my step daughter was easy we went from dipers to pantys but my girl we went to pull ups her took longer when we put pantys on her she was potty trained in no time then

2006-09-24 16:28:00 · answer #9 · answered by mommyeagle1 2 · 0 0

my daughter is three and she just got potty trained she was very difficult . i let her go bare butt with just her night gown on and when she had to go she had no choice but to use the toilet because she did not have nothing on and now she is fully potty trained try it then i went sesame street .com and Elmo potty time she enjoy it. try it i hope it works, i know it is frustrated but have have patience......good luck

2006-09-21 16:16:06 · answer #10 · answered by VETTEY 2 · 0 0

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